Calamondin, The Most Expensive Citrus Plant In The World

in #gardening7 years ago


Okay, I admit already, that title above is click bait he he .. however, when I first saw the tag price on this one, I swallowed and my jaw dropped. Thirty euro for an adult of this probably 5 to 6 years old with fruits and still flowering.

My husband and I loved the way it looked and the fact that this one has so many fruits on it. In fact, it has the most fruits, not to mention that it looks very very healthy and has the most buds, too.


That title is half true for me because I normally just grow any fruiting plant from seeds or cuttings but in order to do that I need to have access to its seed. This one's not from here so I got no access to its seed but we have a lot of it where I came from.

In my grandfather's house, this just grow anywhere people threw its seed and it's very much like an independent woman who doesn't need much saving or caring from a guy. It is neither high maintenance. It also just fruit all year through as if a Pinoy who unlike the Dutch doesn't really observe schedules and appointment. It just seem to flower whenever it wants to or when its ready but hey am not a Calamondin farmer yeah?

I was pretty chatty when I saw this and stories and beautifully pastel colored childhood memories flashed back when I saw this that I didn't have second thoughts putting it in my cart. I remember that we had several of the around that when my aunt and grandma needs a few to juice or use for cooking, they just go to the yard and look for the one that has fruits on it. They seem to have talked to each other and made an agreement that one blooms this month and the others during the other months.


I remember catching a cold and my grandma would automatically pluck the ones that are almost yellow because I could not stand the sourness of the green ones back when I was still a child and she would slit a bit of the top open and let them roast on charcoal (back then we cook on wood and had no stove) and squeeze them while their hot ( yes, that's how much love I got from my grandparents specially when I was sick that I would redo every part of my childhood with them if I could) and let me drink the juice - sugarless and pure right after a meal. See, I was brought up with what people call homeophatic meds now. Plain and pure from nature.

I told my husband this won't need much attention so he teases me these days when I talk to it encouraging it to let its buds bloom because their tips are already browning. Perhaps am coming short giving it water but I bought it a water regulator and in a day, I found out how thirsty it actually is.


Truth is, I don't have to let it stay inside and just put it in the greenhouse outside but the damn yellow green aphids are all up and I remember they gnaw my oranges and mandarins' baby sprouts so am not risking getting this eaten by them tiny beasties.

Some of the buds are slowly opening and I could also just pollinate it the way I did it to my passion plant. It's too early and still cold for the bees even though it's officially spring today. The buds smell so good they remind me of the perfume "Angel", I used to wear when I was a high school student. I can't help but stick my nose in them every minute I get the chance to. I can't wait till they all burst and the whole house smells like them! ^___ ^ !!!


Here's why I thought of it as the most expensive citrus plant in the world. I grew up with it being free and in the Philippines, they're available all year through, fresh from the market. They sell it for 10 peso ($1 =50 or 45 Philippine peso) and that's a full small pitcher of beer. Yes, that cheap and here .. 30 euro. I almost exclaimed "what is this made of gold? " Come to think of it a kilo of a mandarin or an orange doesn't even get priced more than 3 euro, at least not here, even the organic ones!

Anyhow, don't get me wrong, I ain't complaining. It already is an adult, saved me the years of watering and citrus fertilizers huh? I just wonder how they've managed to make them to flower. Was it induced? How? I'd love to know!

I found two healthy seeds in one of the fruits I've already juiced a few days ago and yes, I've already let them do their thing in the soil. The rest of the fruits? I juiced them most and some I used to make a sauce for "Torta Aubergine" which I think I've been eating for days already cause I really missed that. I also used them in cooking chicken adobo instead of the usual vinegar because the sourness of Calamondin is such a perfect match to soy sauce!


Now, am just waiting for a chance to find time to get fresh baby squid in the local market and cook adobo out of it. I haven't eaten that for almost 8 years, the last time my father and I spoke on the phone I wanted to tell him I miss his squid adobo damn.. he does makes a great one using Calamondin on it.

Oh well, I won't have to anymore, I could just also make my own now since I have the plant already. I will just have to make sure it grows healthy and make it flower.


Are you from Italy? That's where I've seen this plant grow, flower and fruit last time we visited that beautiful country. You from the South? Any idea how I can make sure to make this flower year after year? Do share and I've got something in store for you. Thanks much ^__ ^ !

This content's 100% mine. I took that pic above with my smartphone and D Eye.

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Thank you for posting about this interesting fruit...Calamondin.

Lovely beautiful photographs mon drawer.

I was glad to read you had already found two seeds as that is how you roll....from seeds. ^__^

Perfume...'Angel'....I shall be on the look out for it.

All the best mon ami.


thanks mon ami

yes, am also very happy finding those seeds, hopefully they'd grow like the kumquats did

they're only selling that perfume in the Phils but D&G has it just ask for the citrus one ;)
I think its called bamboo but am not sure I used the last drop a long time ago :D

Hi dear! I congratulate you on replenishing your garden! I'm sure that this kid will not give you much trouble. In any case, I would transplant it into a large container, since the development of the roots depends on flowering and fruiting! Do not forget to fertilize it once a week, but not the soil, but the leaves. !Keep it away from direct sunlight! To make it bloom and bear fruit, you must create natural climatic conditions for it - a moderate temperature regime in winter (about 12 °) 😍😘😗😙😚🤗

Hi there! I've been waiting for you ... specially because of the avocado post I made a few days before this I think you're the only one who could figure out what's going on with that avocado plant

Where have you been? I miss hearing from you!

Thanks for the tip, I read it offline and wrote your tips on a post it. What should I fertilize its leaves with? Yes, I've moved it to a shady but still bright place in my living room and temperature noted!


This kind of fruit is new to me. First I thought that it was an orange, a very small one. Then when I saw it cut open I thought manderin...

But #til it is a calamondin. :-)

yes haha
my picture makes it look huge huh
they're selling it here
I'll send you in the chat
good for juicing better than lemon
very high Vit C but not as corrosive to the teeth compared to the lemon juice

edit : i'll twit you haha

They did look huge at first sight. :-)

So they are a bit on the sour side of the scale.

Will watch my PM box.

As a Florida boy I can tell you to propagate your plant by taking cuttings. Seeds are not very reliable if you want fruit. Forget the bees for pollination; use a very soft paint brush. My ex used to do this stuff with the citrus in our backyard; I'm sure there's details online. Good luck!

so you're actually Am?
I thought you're German hahaha

I got no problem about pollinating and no need for paintbrush I just use cotton buds - softer and yes, I know how to do it :D.

No, I'm German alright, but I used to live there almost 20 years. So, you don't really read my posts, huh?

busted :D
am scanning sometimes plus even if I do read all of what you put out and watch your video
I can't remember
did you notice the number of voters in my posts increased as the price goes down?
plus am curating at the same time
too much
it feels like work sometimes but it's alright :D

did you notice the number of voters in my posts increased as the price goes down?

No, didn't pay it no mind. But it's gotten quieter on the posting in my feed.

I didnt at first either till I realized I can no longer post daily even if I want to
but then I saw the number of votes compared to last week's
im grateful however its hard to post daily

so I guess that's your advantage you can at least post daily
I will have to only be able to post whenever my VI is at least up 70+ %
am drained to 39 the last time I was here which was 2 days ago

I guess that's your advantage you can at least post daily

No, unfortunately I can't. More like every 3 days or so. My VP needs to be over 80 to be worth anything. It's challenging. But I'm not complaining. It's fun and going up all the time.

i can't either
I wonder how the others do it

Excellent indoor gardening. I appreciate. I love gardening like you. I have a a garden on roof. I know. If the plant grow well and gives flower or fruits or vegetable then it is very pleasure for us. Thanks for sharing your photography and sweet fruits story.


A very good set of pictures.

Wow, very good macrophotography. I also have some collections of macrophotography insects. @englishtchrivy

I do not know by what name it is sold here in India.

I loved the stories you shared with us and that is one expensive fruit, but now you will have your own that will keep on giving and giving.

I also love planting fruit trees and I can't wait to go back to my house in El Salvador where I have the mango, coconut, banana, plantain, orange and avocado trees. Hopefully soon.

thank you

I hope you get there safe and sound when you do :)

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