
Very nice post @bubke, i might look different to cockroaches now.

I am not disgusted by them. Only bugs I don't like are the ones like ticks, fleas, mites and stuff that might try and live off of my body!

Even then I don't ever try and eradicate them, just protect my self and home from their infestations.

Thanks for sticking up for the cockroaches, live and let live I say. Humans have a major superiority complex and whether they realize it or not it is killing them.

Humans desperately need to re connect with life and nature. Harmony is the key.


Wish everybody on this planet had your insights @quinneaker. Happy you're spreading them through Steemit. Much love.

Thanks you and I hope to inspire at least a few to a world of more harmony.
I appreciate you contributing to a similar goal.


Nice post @bubke . I've got nothing against any creatures and wouldn’t kill anything just for being ugly - especially if it's basically harmless. Cockroaches are actually quite amazing and beautiful if you look at them a certain way, though I still don't really like to handle them. I think the reason people have a reaction of disgust (which is not the same as fear, which is what people feel when they see a spider or snake, for example) is that cockroaches live in dirty places - drains, bins etc.. It's one thing having them in your compost pile, another having them running all over your kitchen. Same as worms. Good to have loads of worms in your compost, bad to have one in the apple you're eating - but half a worm in your apple is even worse!

Disgust is indeed a much better word than fear, great contribution!

Ha, finding half a worm in your apple, that's where you start to understand the word disgust i guess :-)

Just looove your post!

I'm sitting in my bed now and I'm looking on the floor at my trap for cockroaches. I stay in a rented apartment and I can't deal with all these problems. But it's something different that I want to tell you here...

Yes, I have a few cockroaches and e live in peace :)))

The trap is for catching them, but not o kill them, it s a plastic cup from icecream! I have skills to catch them with a paper towel and than put the cup over it and get him out safe :))

Now please don't imagine I have a colony of living bugs here, but they have to live somewhere...


I'm not brave but I surely respect life in all it's ways...

Keep up the good work!


Interesting way of catching them We first put the plastic cup and then slide a paper underneath it. If i understand it well, you do it opposite so you have to get the roach on the paper first?
Thanks for your nice comment and for being nice to everyone on this planet :-) Much love.

no! I put first the paper towel on it, to stop him from running away, then the plastic cup above, to be sure he's not running away (with the paper towel I just slow him down a little bit because they are fast), and then I carrefully lift the cup and take him with the towel, avoiding touching him. Then release it outside, I live at the ground floor.

Be love!

Keep up the good work!


aww you are so sweet. :) Do no harm. I didn't know all of those fun facts about Cockroaches. Thanks for that.

@bubke you are such a wonderful man. You are right, most people hate the cockroach, I guess because the are everywhere. In Hawaii we call them the B-52 bombers because they are so huge and they fly at you. But now, every time I look at a cockroach, I will think of you!

You do bring up very valid points of what they do. It is good to know. How big are your cockroaches? Ours are about 1 3/4" to 2 inches". They are huge and can fly all around. Sometimes they hit you in the face or arm and are very hard and prickly. In Hawaii, we grow them big and huge.

Hope you are doing well. I actually learned sometime from your post. Take care Bubke! :D

@cabbagepatch, you make me always so happy with your positive comments :-)

Every time I look at a cockroach, i will think of you!

Oh no, that's not the idea, I better write about Jim Morisson next time :-)

You gave me the biggest laugh and I am still laughing. You are too funny and hilarious!!! Now for sure when I see a cockroach I will say, "Oh, that reminds me of Bubke!!!" This must be a sign that I should never forget you because Hawaii has tons of cockroaches all over. I am happy because you make me happy and smile. I am still laughing! :D

Such a refreshing take, @bubke. They watch the dawn, you know. If they can. The head to an east-facing window and stare at the sky......I guess that's what they're doing anyway....seen it in the UK and here.

I just scream like there is no tomorrow when I see them. Don't get me started on the flying ones. Those are my nemesis.

Sometimes we have a cockroach in the house. It's inevitable when you live in the tropics. I simply pick them up with my hands and put them outside. In the beginning that was a bit creepy but they don't bite. They are actually closely related to the praying mantis and nobody seems to fear those.
Thank you for creating more awareness for this harmless critter.

That's part of the beautiful tropical life i guess. We got 3 times a snake in our house, that requires a bit more planning, especially if you don't have a clue how to get them out in a safe way, I am absolutely not the hero that gets them nicely around a stick and carry them out. One time, I just made smoke and more smoke and that helped. Another time, we lost track of it and we had to go to sleep a few nights knowing that the snake was in the house, that was really scary and it is these kind of experiences that make me realise the cockroach is absolutely nothing to be scary about :-)

That point about generationally healing those fears is very valid! Thanks for sharing.

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