Ragtag Garden - New Arrivals

in #gardening6 years ago

The radishes have really taken off and now fill up the whole bin.

They're so tall that the lid is no longer an option. That's okay, though, as they've gotten big enough to not need the protection.

The plum tomatoes have finally made an appearance. All three seeds have sprouted and look strong. I was concerned about the viability since these were saved seeds from last year's plant. Having never saved seeds before, I wasn't sure how they would do. I'm going to chalk up this attempt as a win!

Still no sign of sprouts from the Moscow dark tomatoes. I'm not sure they're going to do anything at this point, but I'll keep checking anyway.

I also planted seeds for the Straight Eight Cucumbers and Jumbo Melons on the 5th. As I mentioned in my previous post, the conditions were favorable for a good outcome. I've not tried these two in containers before, so we'll see how that goes.

It looks like this year is shaping up to be an exercise in experiments


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden

The expansion of these two projects has now become The Ragtag Saga:

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

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Awesome Aunt-deb! Straight eight cuc's are these more for pickling or slicing and eating raw?! just curious cuz i feel like mine never turn out right!

According to the package, they're meant to be a slicing variety. I'm eating a lot of salads these days due to health issues, so they'll come in very handy!

Your cucumbers and melons should do well in the buckets as long as you keep up with the watering for them. I found that out the hard way last year with cucumbers in a bucket. I got a bit lazy and the cucumber plants suffered for it.
The radishes are looking really good!

Thanks for the advice. I'll make sure to keep track of the watering!

I got a couple myself at this point I don’t think anything going grow out of the starting trays. I hope the weather has been holding up nicely for you. We been getting so much rain I had to rethink the planters I had something in as they were having water issues. Those radishes you got growing seem to love the clement!

I’ve been having some success on my end this growing season. Was shocked the other day to find a jalapeno already growing on one the plant. I just got keep an eye out for whatever was eating the leaves up. I think I got it handle but you never know.

This year's weather has been squirrelly-er than usual. So glad you've got some things that are managing to grow despite the set backs. Congrats on the jalapeno!

My garden is am over the place this year. Your radishes are looking great :)

Heading over to check out the progress on your side of the Pond...

The radishes are looking good. Much better than mine. We had 2 and a half weeks of rain and some kind of bug ate mine to pieces. Taking one of your tips I just ordered diatomaceous earth. I look forward to seeing how all your experiments turn out.

Thanks and I hope the DE does the trick for fending off the bugs. Hopefully the rain will hold off going forward and give you a decent shot at harvesting some.

I love garden experiments! Have you tried radish pods yet?

That's a new one on me... what's a radish 'pod'?

Most people never see them because they pick their radishes when they are small and tender. If you just let them go, they make flowers and then seed pods which are similar (sort of) to snap peas with a radish flavor. I prefer them to the root actually. They are usually a bit more mild and are good raw or lightly cooked if they are picked when young. As they get more mature they tend to get woody.

I discovered radish pods by accident and then looked them up online after and they are a thing. There are varieties of radishes grown just for their longer pods. (Rat tail radish look it up 😀).

I'm not really sure why radish pods are not more popular seeing how tasty and abundant they are.

Pods I grew a couple years ago

How neat! I might have to a let a few mine go and see what they do. Thanks for the great explanation and picture!

Good looking radishes @aunt-deb. You were smart to use the DE. to keep critters away. How is your health progressing? Miss your infectious gardening posts. ❤️🐓🐓

Thanks! I hope to be picking the first radishes in the next few days. There will be pics...

I'm also pleased to report that my health is getting back to normal... so much so, that it's work (back to full time now), plus rehab appointments that are keeping me from gardening (and posting) as much as I'd like. I should be done with rehab by month's end. Yay!

Hope your recovery is going smoothly, too!

So good to read that you are feeling so much better. We will be glad to have you back with more postings. Took the bandage off today, and everything appears well. Still wiped out from it day surgery. Probably, will be back to myself by tomorrow. ❤️🐓🐓

Wow...here she goes....with the garden...u r so strong...been a few hours since I saw ur response on my garden and u were still on my mind...WOW...keep it up. U r a fighter and I love it. Many thoughts towards you from my way...and those positive wave travel. Love U aunt deb

btw why radishes?

It’s all looking great! I think tomatoes need tons of warmth to sprout and avoid wet feet on them or they won’t do well.
I wish I could get cucumbers to grow for me!
Hugs Ian sunshine your way!

Thanks! I think you're right on the tomatoes. Still no signs that Moscow variety will grow. I'm hopeful the cukes and melons will sprout soon. Fingers crossed...

Crossing my fingers too! Happyvweekend friend!

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