in #gaming6 years ago

Good day steemians, welcome to my blog. Today we're going to do a game review on March of empires. In my last post was were I shared a game review on Contract killer. You can still check it out here
So today we will be doing a game review on March of empires


March of empires is an action game but mostly a designed based strategy game which is also known to be a war of lords game and does ultimately every of the positive things seen on an action strategy game with what it's been described to be as well. The March of Empires game actually is just a highly addicting strategy game that equally gives it's players the real big opportunity to run their very own kingdom and also wage wars against there opponent who as well are trying to destroy them, so you'd get to destroy them fast before anything happens.

The game also has a variety of different features that sets it apart from the traditional strategy games and due to its uniqueness, I'll definitely recommend giving it a Highly simple basic shot because literally it’ll also give you a brief refreshing experience to the combat things on the components. As the game is the case with pretty much every other strategy game, the March of Empires definitely have a pretty steep learning curve so it can be slightly overwhelming for it's new players and this is especially true for the players who haven’t had or heard of any prior experience with this basic kind of strategy games. So I'd say Thankfully, to ease the learning curve for the newcomers, the game comes with a really informative and in-depth tutorial sequence that takes place in a step by step manner.

But Alongside teaching you the basics of the game, the simple tutorial given on the modes of the game will equally also give you a fair bit of experience and even a bit of currency that you can use to kick-start your kingdom before and after fighting, so it's generally a good thing to see about the game and every other positiveness of it too. The game is probably one of the Best and most complicated strategic game that is been loved by the empires building and realm conquering games currently. The MoE aspect too is basically just much more than to call an RTS, cause it is typically also about a matter of trust and the skills, which is just the main thing about the game.

There again, it also will take place in the realms or one huge continent consisting of different places with its own unique features. You may equally stand to belong to the tropical side, the desert area and even the cold harsh wintery lands. But Certainly most parts of the continents undergo weather changes or seasonal changes prompting different perks or change in abilities, and functions normally from the perspectives of the way the game was designed to be overall.


The game does More a lot of other fantastic things as it basically also features a highly magnified graphics together with it's components and the controls too but for the fact that it's been stated to be an action strategy game, yes I'd equally say there's more about it and it's quite normal for the game to carry many more of this features and that's it adding up to the feel of the game as well.

For the few time I've played the game now, actually there's More to talk about concerning the good aspect of it but here's just what I think is the positive side of the game, it has a Solid strategy game and the gameplay will certainly appeal to it's players who like combing over statistics than combat battling. The bad is just the Little to offer player who are looking for actual gameplay. But aside this things stated here it's an a good to play game.

The March of Empires game was released on the 13 August 2015 and looking at this date, it typically just showing that the game was released quite a long time now as probably it was released like 3 years ago but ever since then, they've actually been doing quite good both on the visibility aspect of it and the positive reviews and every nice good comments made by the users all were absolutely encouraging to see cause literally lots of people really liked the game so much so that equally makes no much difference on it though. And There again, Talking about the visibility of the game, right now the Game has a maximum total of 5 million downloads on play store and still counting as well cause actually it's a game that is been liked by all for the fantastic way it plays and all other things about it both the positive reviews and comments made by the users who've actually played the game. So it's really a great game and another fun thing that me really liked the game is because there wasn't much of any negative reviews about it or Rather I'll say there wasn't at all. So in the generally aspect of it, it's all an excellent game with one of the best graphical designs on it as well.

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The March of Empires game was developed and created by Gameloft popular developers which as well are the good developers of other fantastic strategy action games like the world at arms, the zombie anarchy survival game, the siegefall, the boom beach, the gods of Rome and the last but not the least which is the dungeon hunter 4 so basically there games are all good as they played quite different in a fantastic way from other games and they also mainly deal more on developing fantastic action games of different components, so there's actually a bit difference there cause all has it's way of describing it.

There again, After the release of the game were some few features and factors that got added up to it which added up in making the game to become a more fantastic one like it is now. So here are the newly things and features that just got fixed and added up to the game; they've fixed few of the minor bugs on the game and as at now it really functions well, they've done More of other customization so it's all fantastic Now, they've fixed the little issues that happens most times when you want to go into another level, You can now buy items from other players without having to visit their city. You can Put those Bottle Caps to use, Collect caps and buy cool stuff at the Deco Shop as well. And lastly you can now use your Mayoristic superpowers to rename your city For just a few small amount of fees. So There as everything got fixed and new features added to the game I'm quite sure it really made a lot difference on it as now the game functions well in an appropriate way it should though even without this few features the game is still a standard action game that plays quite normal in a very fantastic action way.



Speaking about the gameplay, March of Empires actually does plays really quite normal as it's expected to play. There you'd get to do a lot of other various of many activities on the gameplay probably on each level you come across and by so doing this you'll equally also get to earn your self some more good amount of coins which can be used to purchase an item on the store and in general do other things required to do as well as taking out the bad aspect of the game and turning the good things into a more higher expected ones needed on while doing the fightings with your enemies in full.

In terms of the swording aspect, the game is really loaded with a variety of features to keep it's players entertained and Even whenever they open the game. You’ll be given some tons upon tons of weapons of tools through which you’ll be able to build up your kingdom and how you build it actually is completely up to you though You can either go for a kingdom that has strong economy but that’ll leave you open to attack or you can go for strong higher defenses and battling but it'll also leave you economically and unstably. There again, You’ll also need to find a good balance as well, so that your kingdom can prosper and advance properly which also will vary into other levels as you'd come against each stages.

You can also research various technologies that will equally help you out in a variety of different ways to succeed on each levels played. While building an empire is really fun, The game’s big highlight is definitely on its combats. And You’ll also be able to construct massive armies and, once your forces are ready for battle, you’ll be able to sign in a formation to them and then also send them into the battle gaming type. Setting up formations of forces while playing the game is actually a delightful experience and there’s a lot of strategic depth to it so you’ll be kept busy for some few hours upon hours trying to come up with the perfect formation for your forces. But in the total sense of it, you'd see that the gameplay is just a fun fantastic one, so it's all a good to play game definitely.

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The graphical aspect of the March of empires game is kind of good but typically it's just to say that it has a good and bad graphics cause most parts of it weren't good and normal of the way it's expected to be, there are dark designated side, like really dark and as you get into there or a hole, you won't really recognise any more of other aspect on the game as it's quite different from the way it plays and how it's expected to play as well. It has great and higher factors as well as the positive side of the game and it's quite solid as how effective it seems to be too. The main good about the graphics is, first off, The smooth creature designs. The creatures move fluidly and look good. Also, The character models are absolutely good and the textures aren't too blurry. The blood seen on the game is very realistic, too, as it splatters and stays there for the rest of the game. The few bad about the game is just that there are quite a few graphical glitches and some clipping problems. but overall it's mostly a good looking game with a good graphics as well.

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The sound aspect of March of empires game actually is just a nice one as it really does sounds a lot good to hear of which also added to the feel of the game. There's nothing really much to talk about the sound aspect of the game as it's basically just an awesome one that played really nice in a pleasant and enjoyable manner following it with it's high effects it has and it also features many other greater content on the game but that's the description though. The sound aspect actually is really just an excellent one, it has a pleasant effects and they're all great and sound so realistic. the voice heard of the dieing and parts of the creatures are brilliantly designed. Also, The soundtrack really isn't all there but typically adds to the feel of the game. The voice acting is also moderate at it's best but usually can be forced and stiffed most times. So in overall, it's all a good game with a nice strategic type of sound aspect.


• Craft hundreds of unique, gorgeous buildings in your city and expand it from a tiny peaceful town to a big bustling metropolis.

• Unlocking each allows you to develop your city in different directions and expand your collection with specialised buildings such as Sustainability, Commerce, Education and the Entertainment. Choose which one suits your strategy best type of game.

• Build a water tower. Check Build a fire station. Check! But who's going to drive the fire truck Assigning Bizzies to jobs will help you optimise your city, but you can go even further! Send them on missions and they won't come home empty handed, or do favours for them so they invite their friends to fill your city.

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• Developer.......Gameloft

• Version..........3.0.1a

• Offered by.......Gameloft

• Released Dates.......13 August 2015

• Platform.......iOS Android

• Category.... Action strategy

• Content rating.....7+

• Language...... English and others

• Genre......Swording

Available on play store!


• Gameplay........8/10

• Graphics.......9/10

• Sound.......8/10

• Controls.......7/10

• Scare factors.....4/10

• Storyline...... 9/10

• Overall rating....... 8/10



In overall, the march of empires game is just an awesome game that basically does more of fantastic things on it and it also features a lot More of other things as well which is everything about the game is just absolutely nice. without a doubt, the march of empires game is just one of the most feature-filled and immersive strategy games that you can play on a mobile device. So in general if you're a lover of action strategy game I'll gladly recommend this game for you as it does plays really well in every aspect you'd like it to be, and that's just all about the game so go get it now. Thanks!!

Thanks for reading!!

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Goodluck to you as you gambol this game.

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