in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Good day steemians, welcome to my blog. Today we're going to do a game review on Eternity warriors 4. In my last post was were I shared a game review on Mission impossible rogue nation. You can still check it out here
So today we will be doing a game review on Eternity warriors 4


Eternity warriors 4 game is an action game and also an RPG game whereby you'd get to Join the battle against the demon army in the sequel to top against the enemy in this RPG mobile gaming. The game is really a fantastic game designed in a very Cool and action way within the way it's components also looks like and for the few times I've played the game now, I equally can tell you there's actually more to talk about it and also the parts of it that looked so surprising, whereby you'd get to see a game that does a lot of magical things on it set in the positive side as well as the features of the game which added up to the gameplay aspect and made it quite terrific with the supernatural Powers of the game characters as they don't only fight with weapons but also with the built-in powers all over them, so there to talk about that part, nothing much to talk about there for it's quite an action game and needs more of features like that, so yes it's all a good one added to the game.

Actually speaking, when it comes to hack and slash action rpg titles game that is quite similar to the Diablo series on PC’s, few have been around longer than games like the Dungeon Hunter and Eternity Warriors franchises. And yes it's equally Not too long ago Glu launched their latest title in the series with Eternity Warriors 4, and from the looks of things as I've seen the game to be, it kind of appeared to build on the successes of the previous three games while managing to bring new and fresh gameplay.

Also Having said that, it doesn’t break away too much from the formula it uses to work out, that most people who have played the other games know and love, so if you enjoy action/dungeon crawler games then Eternity Warriors 4 game actually might be worth your time to check out too cause while playing the game, you'd also find out there's More things to talk about mainly from the perspectives of watching how the game plays and functions. It's typically also a game that allows for free download and play but also contains some costly item packs that will require players to use real money to buy as well. So I'd just say If you do not care about this feature, ill equally say you should please disable the iAP package in the general settings. And infact, Eternity Warriors 4 is a game that is easy to play and the nice graphics to help players watch the game, even children or girlfriends can play it very well. Eternity Warriors 4 is based on the story of the longstanding conflict between the good and the evil, so it's all good within the way it is in general.

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In the eternity warriors game, there you can choose from a variety of role-playing characters, and each with different strengths and weaknesses, though it's kind of depending on your ability and how you can ultimately play them as well. The game literally also provides an easy to use side on the screen controls so you can get started on it right away. The PVP and the loot systems also works really surprisingly well overall, without a lot of connectivity issues. So Here’s equally where Eternity Warriors 4 game fails to shine. The storyline and the combat system isn’t very deep and won’t get you hooked right away. Also, since it’s a freemium type to play game, you can easily download the game and get started for free but the IAPs are just like a must and they’re actually quite expensive too, but has other simple way of it as well.

The eternity warriors 4 game was released on the September 23 2015 and looking at this date it typically shows that the game was released quite a long time now as probably it was released like 3 years ago but actually to say, ever since the game was released they've been doing quite good since then both on the visibility aspect of it and the positive reviews and every nice good comments made by the users all were absolutely encouraging to see cause literally lots of people really liked the game so much so that equally makes no much difference on it. So There again, Talking about the visibility of the game, right now the Game has a minimum total of 1 million downloads on play store and still counting as well cause literally it's a game that is been liked by all for the fantastic way it plays and all other things about it both the positive reviews and comments made by the users who've actually played the game. So it's really a great game and another fun thing why i liked on the game is because there wasn't much of any negative reviews about it or Rather I'll say there wasn't at all. So in the generally aspect of it, it's all an excellent game with one of the best graphical designs on it as well.

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The eternity warriors 4 game was created and developed by glu which as well are the popular game developers of other fantastic action games like the contract killer 2 game, the ckz origins, rival fire, Racing Rivals, the dear Hunter 2018 and the last but not the least which is the big time gangster, so definitely there games are all good as they played quite different in a fantastic way from other games and basically they deal more on developing action fighting games so there's actually a bit difference there cause all has it's way of describing it.

After the release of the game were some few features and factors that got added up to it which added up in making the game to become a more fantastic one like it is now. So here are the newly things and features that just got fixed and added up to the game; The Spring Festival World Boss The Monkey King himself is coming to the Udar to challenge its greatest warriors, so the newly things it's just the Jump in to the fray to earn special rewards. There again another newly things are Gift Bag Events During the Spring Festival players and can also completely guild quests to earn special gift bags. The New Gear and All new weapons and armor will be available during the holiday by making offerings to the God of War. There again is the Spring Festival Guild Bosses added to Summon and battle with the new Silvers or Gold Lion boss for a chance to earn win and earn special prizes. So that's actually all about them. So There as everything got fixed and new features added to the game I'm quite sure it really made a lot difference on the game as now the game functions well in an appropriate way it should though even without this few features the game is still a standard action game that plays very well in a fantastic way too.

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Speaking about the gameplay, the gameplay aspect of eternity warriors 4 is actually a fantastic one as it does plays in a cool and awesome way that sounds so much interesting and every other good things about it as well, following the modes of the game which literally also changed the game entirely and the gameplay looking so good cause it played quite different from other games.

There again on the game, You'd also experience the Eternity Warriors 4 with the magical world of the game in between the 3 class too classic characters: the warriors, assassins and wizards, but mostly can usually easily see the sisters having more choices. It is at times better to have two classes created as female. Just like the few of other RPGs games I've played, their chating game as well characters in the game have characteristics and ways to beat many of other gamers and competitors, so throughout the game, the big main purpose of the game is to blow, to level up the character and equally also to help you find items to upgrade the skill.

So it's typically just to say that this time consuming pluck is not small and Really isn't what this kind of thing, nor coming here to say those few negative words of yours. So the items in the shop is very expensive and as well could be very high false positive. You can also hang the car with complete auto or at least using an autotarget which can only help you for two times in this difficult blow up type of journey game. but there again, there's actually more to talk about concerning the game as the description of the game wasn't really what it should be but that's just it , so I'm typically just trying to say that the game modes and gameplay looked more like an action and roleplaying game, but overall it's all a good game and anyhow it was described to be, so that's just it with the good gameplay aspect as well.

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Speaking about the graphics, the graphical aspect of eternity warriors 4 game is really a nice one as it really look good. When looking at the graphics you'll equally find out it's just an exotic one cause it's all fantastic within the way it us and to the best part of it all is simply on how it added up to the feel of the game making everything to look quite difference, and yes that's not like a turn up cause if it actually was then a lot of magical activities would have been up on the game and might be used by everyone including the game characters, so that's actually what I'm trying to say though. The main good about the game is, first off, The smooth creature designs and how the creatures move fluidly and look good. Also, The character models as well are good and the textures aren't too blurry. The blood is very realistic,too, which is simply splattering and staying there for the rest of the game. The few bad is there are just quite a few graphical glitches and some clipping problems. but it's mostly a good looking game. So the graphics is much better as it's been designed to be overall.

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Speaking about the sound, the sound aspect of eternity warriors 4 game actually is kind of a mixed bag of good and bad but mostly it's all a good game with a good sound, it played really well like an action game which also added up in making the game and it's gameplay aspect look more like what it was designed to do, the characters are really fantastic as they do many of unimaginable things when fighting on the game and there again, also adding other components and features together with the systematic way various features were designed to be on the game. The sound effects also are kind of great though. and sounded so much realistic. the noise of the dieing and group of enemies are brilliantly designed. The soundtrack really isn't all there but typically adds to the feel of the game in general. So the voice acting is quite moderate at best but can be forced and stiff most times. So overall it's really a cool and fantastic game with the best sound aspect as well.


• tons of epic loot

• every changing events

• guilds

• PvP battles

• 4 heroes to choose

• high end immersive tablet gameplay

• Track and syndicate across the globe

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• Developer.........Glu

• Version............1.3.0

• Offered by.......Glu

• Released Dates......September 23 2015

• Platform.......iOS Android

• Category.... Action game

• Content rating.......12+

• Language...... English and others

• Genre......Shooting

Available on play store!


• Gameplay........8/10

• Graphics.......8/10

• Sound.......7/10

• Controls.......9/10

• Scare factors.....6/10

• Storyline...... 8/10

• Overall rating....... 8/10



In overall, the eternity warriors 4 is typically a game developed to fight in an action way combines with the magical and supernatural Powers of the characters as they all can do lots of amazing things with their powers. The highlight of the game mainly is from the community features and there again,
With the dungeon system and boss skin. Actually I've pointed out some details about the game above, so definitely if you love action games, beautiful images, and all that maybe like this Eternity Warriors 4. I'll recommend the game for you, so Download it and enjoy now. Thanks!!

Thanks for reading!!!

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IMG-20170927-WA0031.jpg Thanks to @jodipamungkas for the awesome badge.


Thanks to @chimzycash for this lovely badge




Resteem and



Goodluck to you as you gambol this game.

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