Thrive or Die Dev. Blog #1 - An initial brainstorm

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

As some of you know, I plan to create a new online game with a STEEM-based rewards system. Read more about that HERE. As I intend to keep everyone as updated as possible, I wanted to share the mess of brain vomit I spewed upon this piece of paper today... and discuss all the little interesting chunks.

What is a hardcore survival RPG?

You will begin the game with nothing but the clothes on your back, in a randomly generated open world. You will be expected to fight off hunger, thirst, the environment, monsters, and maybe even other players, while trying to build a life for yourself in a world seemingly set upon your destruction.

Everything you can do will have an experience level attached to it. The more you do something, the better you get at it. Almost every item in the world, including the coins used for money, will be crafted by players who have found the necessary materials, this means you will have to either interact and barter with other players, or spend much more time finding materials and building crafting levels alone. The crafting system will be more in depth than I think some are ready for, but it will greatly add to the experience. Ever wondered how leather is made in the real world? You're going to find out...

If you die, you're dead. Your corpse will fall to the ground, and will be lootable by other players. There WILL be ways to avoid this fate, but they will be very few and far between.

Medieval Fantasy, FTW!

After a few days, the @steempoll I submitted has gotten 16 votes. 15 of those were for a medieval fantasy theme over a post-apocalyptic one. I wanted to give the community a voice, though I have to say I'm excited to see we're on the same wavelength :D I have been creating medieval fantasy stories since I was a small child, and will be able to provide a richer experience with this theme.

Elves, wizards, and dragons, oh my!

There will be plenty of magic, plenty of monsters. There will be swords and axes instead of guns and power tools. Knights, Clerics, Rogues, and Sorcerers. Think Dungeons & Dragons, or Lord of the Rings.

Will I really be able to earn STEEM by playing?

Absolutely. I'm not entirely sure how I'll integrate a rewards system into the language I'll be programming in, but come hell or high water, I will figure out a way.

If there are any steemians out there who have experience with programming in C++ or have dealt with .json files, any advice on how I could connect the blockchain to my game would be welcomed with open arms.

The future SteemGigs

I plan to have the Steemit community very involved in the development of this game. I will be posting steemgigs for various things like original music, art, quest writers, item ideas, and way more. I also plan to create a second Steemit account, so this one doesn't get cluttered with all the updates and dev blogs.

That's all I've got for now... In the next dev blog entry, I'll give everyone a little behind the scenes look at how I work.

Until next time, please upvote, resteem, and follow to support this project!

Follow me @thatsweeneyguy


If there was possible with something like Arcanum, diablo or something with unique random rare items. Hope to something that is not just browserbased like Valerian universe.... I know @stonedfood do pixel art, for games, and there are many other talented artist that would provide artwork.

I would also be active in helping in any way possible. awesome initiative

This will definitely be a stand-alone game. It COULD be embedded if I wanted to, but I feel it would be better if it weren't.

Just about everything in the game will be randomly generated, so the loot could end up resembling the Diablo franchise.

Check out the other 3 dev blogs, and you'll see some of what I have planned. I'll be writing another of those in the next couple days, and will be doing the first "let's play" soon, to show everyone how it's coming along!

@thatsweeneyguy, let me know. I have been in the game industry most of my life and used to own a game store. Also have some ideas. As well as knowing a few developers. Not sure we are ready. But we are getting closer. Would love to see and help this game vision come to life!

That's awesome! I will be creating a ton of steemgigs and contests for people to get involved in the development.

I'm kind of an amateur programmer, as I'm self-taught, but the years I've been learning have been good to me.

This is definitely one of my life's big dreams.

very nice. Looking forward to a beta test! As always I'll do my thing and look for bugs as I did with your beyond games. Resteemed and upvoted :D

This would be really cool! I do not know C++ but I've done quite a bit of coding in other languages. Love the idea of SteemGigs. Resteemed, upvoted and followed!

Thanks, man! I've wanted to start work on a game that will incentivize players for a while, and this whole Steemit thing has got me fired up about the future!

Good luck man. Hoping to see more soon :)

Thanks, man!

And a randowhale vote? You're too awesome!

No problem! I'm pumped to see what you might bring in the future.

I'm pumped myself!

It's been a while since I've had the motivation to work on a new game.

Not to mention it's going to be medieval themed, which I appreciate even more :)

sounds very good, i would like to play your game

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