Assassins Creed / Castle Crashers / Dark Souls 14/8/2018

in #gaming6 years ago

In today's gaming update post we have some of my personal gaming activities and sometimes other Industry updates.

In last nights gaming session 14/8/2018 we played some assassins creed and at the moment I am in Damascus, the middle district, and boy there sure seems to be alot of guards around this place! It feels more like it should be the rich district to be honest, anyway all eagle tower spots have been completed, all civilians rescued two letters of information have been collected one informer mission completed and one guy forced to share hes knowledge.
Everything as been completed in preparation for the assassination of our next main target.



Altair: "Men must be free to do what they believe. It is not our right to punish one for thinking what they do, no matter how much we disagree!"

Game: Assassins Creed / Image:

So the mission is to eliminate the target in Damascus, a man called Jubair al Hakim.
From the information the scholar had been very busy lately, sending his men out into the city preaching about "the light and the flame"

Basically Jubair had been gathering documents and books from the people of the city and then burning them, calling the writings "dangerous".

The target had scheduled a meeting with his men at the Madrasah Al-Kallasah, myself arriving at the meeting location..... I found it to be bolted-up tightly, hmm guess they dont want any assassins getting in.

So to get to him I decided to find another way in, so I tried by getting into the building from the top as the place was like a fortress and there was not much of a roof just mostly walls.

Once in I watched from above the scholars and somewhere among then Jubair as they threw more and more books into the fire.

Finally Jubair spoke out and said that the books were a weapon used to trap people, but one scholar disagreed, saying that the writings were gifts of knowledge.

Jubair picked up a book and moved toward the fire only for the scholar to block his way.
Jubair claimed that the man in his way believed in the books more than he did in himself, and suddenly pushed the man into the flames....the man was burned alive.

With that suddenly the meeting ended and the scholars were splitting up, this was to gather even more written texts and of course preach across the district.

This made putting a end and finding Jubair difficult as they all wore the same red and gold robes the only difference was Jubair carried a little bag which was different from the others.

So I swiftly moved through the area outside and found one scholar, it was risky but no guards were in sight the kill would be easy!

I rush towards him for the kill but somehow he was ready for me and the blow failed, this caused him to get the attention of many guards I had no choice but to fight them.
Killing some of the guards in the confusion I managed to somehow kill the scholar... but this was not Jubair!!

I had to hurry! The news of the scholar's death would get to Jubair quickly and that there is a assassin on the loose.

Trying quickly to move on to the next sighting... but moving quickly yet calmly down this ally I found who I believed to be Jubair.
He was in a burned down roofless house proclaiming his ideals to the people in the street but the entrance to the house was well guarded.

Looking around and passing those listening to Jubair I climbed around the building's corner, but noticed the roof's were also guarded by archers, this is a sure sign it had to be Jabair!

Going further down the streets to get behind the view of the archers I eliminates those who watched over Jubair.
Next I watched and waited for Jabair to finish hes speech and to continue burning more books.

I dropped silently into the area, sneaked up behind the target, and put an end to his book burning beliefs.

Jubair claimed that the written word had led both Saladin and King Richard into their bloody war.
Books, he said, had caused many more deaths than one man ever could.


How awesome is this? Its what your dark souls characters would look like if they were playable in a version of the Castle Crashers game.


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author portfolioU4ZCp8uHZ93yF22p2ypNuVM78E04052018.jpg

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Very kool , looks like fun

Yea the first game is just as great and its even more fun when you write it into a story on how your mission went, thanks for the supprt here @jkenny

i thought this was assassin's creed
a different version maybe?

The story I done is of my experience from the very first assassins creed game and from the image you shared @roundbeargames I am thinking its assassins creed 3? The games are also based in different eras.

good story friend is a fun game

Yeah it was alot of fun turning it into story thank you @glorimarbolivar

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