Board Gaming - Century: Spice Road

in #gaming6 years ago

Century: Spice Road

In this first of the Century line of games, you play the role of a spice trader, collecting the spices that you need to fulfil a current demand (victory point cards).

On your turn you can do one of 4 things:

  • play a card from your hand - this allows you to either collect specific spices, or trade some for different ones.
  • make a trade route - collect a card from the market place and add it to your hand
  • fulfil a demand - the object of the game, spending the correct amount of spices to pick up a victory point card
  • rest - pick up your spent cards to refill your hand.

As opposed to a lot of deck builders, your hand is your entire unused deck and new cards go directly into your hand for use in future turns. The only way to get back cards you've used is to take a turn doing nothing and just picking up the spent cards. It's an interesting design, and the decision of when to rest can be quite important. It's also important to remember what you have and having the ability to create the spices that you need, and converting them into the other ones that you can't produce.

2018-03-01 19.14.08.jpg
Seems I only took a photo at the end showing my collected trades and the central market

One of the limitations that you have is that your caravan can only hold 10 spices at a time, so you need to focus on one or two of the demand cards, and make sure you can see if anyone else is looking at the same demands as you. With the demands wanting a combination of 4 to 6 spices, and varying in points from about 6 and 20 points it becomes a decision of going for the quick and easy demands and trying to rush the end game (which starts when someone gets their 5th fulfilled demand), or should you play a longer game and focus on the bigger demands and you might only get 3 before the game ends.

In our game, we had one player with an interesting heavy production of the cheapest (yellow) spice, and converting them into other things. He always had a pretty full caravan and a fairly mobile trade ability to change which demand they were after. I had a hole in my chain which made it difficult for me to obtain red spices, which I realised too late to do anything about. I still did ok, but it did restrict which demands I could fill. The winner of our game (also the only one that had played it before) had quite an efficient engine for getting spices and trading them to what they needed, fulfilling a demand and working on the next one.

It was quite a fun game, which doesn't take too long to learn, or too long to play, and would be a good option if you enjoyed Splendor and are looking for something more. If you like deck builders, it's an interesting take on them that reminds me a bit of Concordia and TransAtlantic's hand use, but with more deck building than either of them.

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A Footer - Ratticus Upgoats Transparent Background.png
Upgoats made by the talented @ryivhnn


Love these posts about gaming!

Thanks 🙃

Glad you like them. I enjoy writing about them. Not as much as I enjoy playing the games, but it's hard to beat the actual gaming process

The spices in their little bowls are so cute!


And I understand that those bowls come with the game, rather than being a players solution to the pile of cubes problems. Always interesting to see what little extras some games come with

Oh nice touch, sometimes those little "gimmicks" can really make a game XD


yup. It's amazing how much the company providing appropriate sized zip lock bags to pack the components into can influence my opinion of the company. Many of the major companies do this now because they recognise the players want them

Interesting...a card game about spice trading. That was an unexpected discovery from your post, ratticus! I can imagine our kids trying to stack the spice cubes already and getting woefully distracted! :)

I'm quite a regular meeple stacker, but I didn't actually get distracted by the cubes (at least I don't remember...), but it is my normal behaviour to stack components

I do not know how the card game progresses, but it looks fun.

It certainly is fun. It's hard to describe the cards more than I have though. There are gather, trade and upgrade cards, though only a couple of the last type. worth a play if you get a chance

Never heard of this game but it sounds interesting. Do you actually own all of these board games or did you go out and buy these especially for this series?? Either way, nice work, good to be introduced to new games....I only play Catan

If you only play Catan, at least you've started on the path already! There are so many more games out there to enjoy.

I own very few games. Mostly these are played at the gaming meetup that I go to weekly, but some of them come from visiting other friends that have collections. I used to have a larger collection myself, but finances and moving interstate saw that I sold off most of them to others.

Oh wow cool. What game would you recommend given that I like to play Catan? Is there something similar?

I think that really depends on the parts of Catan you like.

I'd start off with Stone Age (dice rolling for resources, but not as much 'luck' as calculated risk) or Kingsburg (dice rolling for determining what you can do on your turn. Lords of Vegas gets some love too, but I've not played it so can't recommend yet (i do want to play it though...)

There is also the useful suggestion of looking at other 'gateway' games that help introduce different mechanics. Ticket to Ride and 7 Wonders are good suggestions that are kind of related to Catan.

Side Note: I'm not much of a fan of Catan, possibly having played too much of it and been on the losing side of the random machine (or the winning side...) that too often for my liking produces a lopsided game with either a player running away with the game and the second half+ of the time is just finishing the game, or where 1 player has no chance from very early on and has a miserable time.

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