Board Gaming - 7 Wonders

in #gaming6 years ago

7 Wonders

I've continually been told that this is a really good game, and everyone loves it. I've continued to try and like it over the years since it was released in 2010. I should like it, it's a card drafting game that has many paths to victory, and is simple. I've played it at least 15 times, possibly more, so I obviously don't hate it, but I just can't get to feeling anything better than meh about it and I can't work out why.

It plays up to 6 players, which is how we played it this time, and everyone has their own city that they are playing as, each with their own starting resource and wonders to build that give certain rewards. The game is split up into 3 ages, which play out pretty quickly with each player starting with a deck of 7 cards, selecting one to keep and passing them on (Left in age 1 and 3, right in age 2). When everyone has selected a card, you pay it's cost and add it to you area in front of you. In age 1 quite a few cards are free (resource generation mostly), and very few cost more than 1 resource/coin. As you go through the ages they start to cost more.

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I didn't take photos early in the game, so this is actually my collection at the end of the game.
I have 19 cards thanks to the second wonder getting me an extra one but normally it's just 18 cards

Your cities wonders also have costs, usually 2 of a resource, 3 of a resource and 4 of a resource for first, second and third wonder respectively. Sometimes 2 of the wonders use the same resource, but often it's 3 different resources, but whichever this is, it gives a starting guide on what resources are important for you.

Asides from the wonders, there is also science to build, or point cards, and military. Each of these generate points, and can be quite worthwhile if invested in. Military is only concerned with your neighbours, and increases in value over the game, though losses are always just -1 point, wins are 1, 3 or 5 depending on the age. Science is very valuable, with each of the three types being worth the square of the number of them you have (so if you have 3 cogs, they're worth 9 points), but for each set (1 of each) you also get 7 additional points, meaning it stacks up nicely. But don't forget the point cards either. There is over 40 points worth of them in the game, and our game saw one player get 30 of them!

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We really could have done with a slightly larger table, but we managed.

As it turned out, in our game with 2 new players, 1 played it once a long time ago, and 3 regular players, the winning strategy was 'a bit of everything'. Even with the massive point focused player, and my science haul, our lack of points elsewhere because of the focus let us down. It was a close game though, with only 1 player outside of a 10 point spread (winner on 53), and one of the most enjoyable experiences with the game that I've had.

I do recommend that people try it, as so many others love the game that it must be worthwhile playing, but for me it will constantly sit in the middle where I'll play it, but only if nothing better is on offer.

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This is some really great gaming content here , I’m definitely upvoting you , I hope to see more from you soon and hey as a fellow gamer amongst the steemit community if you would check out my blog and read some of my content , drop an upvote or two and even a follow :)

Thanks. I'll check you're coverage out.

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