Board Gaming - Ankh-Morpork

in #gaming7 years ago


Set in the Discworld universe created by Terry Pratchett, this game sees the players take on roles of various faction leaders trying to take control of the city. Each player has their own victory condition (some are the same) that you are trying to achieve before any of the other players, or the deck runs out.

Ankh-Morpork - Board.jpg
Still with a little setup to do, with everyone starting with a counter in each of 3 regions, but this is the city map

Each of the 100+ cards are unique, though some are very similar to others, and contain various characters from throughout the novels. Not having read them, I'm not sure how well themed the actions of the cards match up with the character on them, but the game did win awards for theme, and friends that love the books say they're pretty accurate.

How the game works is that on your turn you will play one of the 5 cards from your hand, and you may do any of the actions that it gives you access to via the symbols on the top of the card, but they have to be done in order left to right (so you can't do the rightmost one first and then go back and do the one on the left). Depending on your goal, as to what actions are really useful to you, but placing more of your tokens is always useful, as is building a building, as it gives you access to special powers that can generally be used once a turn.

Ankh-Morpork - Later in the game.jpg
Much later in the game with players battling for control of different areas

Trouble is created, influence tokens placed, moved, and assassinated, control of regions is gained and lost, buildings constructed and sometimes destroyed by the random not good events that if their symbol appears on your card they have to be done.

It's quite a random game, with a good level of comedy in it, but if you're into Discworld, I'd certainly suggest you check it out.

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A Footer - Ratticus Upgoats Transparent Background.png


This looks like a really cool game. Pity I don't know enough smart people to play anything more complicated than Yahtzee :-P
Meanwhile my Settlers of Catan just sits there gathering dust ;-)

Head out to a public gaming event and meet some people? I know of a few in Sydney, and I'm sure there's some either advertised in your local games shop or on meetup in the area local to you. If you don't have gaming friends, and they aren't able to be converted into gaming friends, it's good to make new friends that are already gaming people!

I love board games. This looks great

I don't know that I will do the game, but I LOVE Discworld!! I wish they would make an HBO series out of it...

When it comes to making TV Series of books, getting them made is way more difficult than just finding someone to buy the rights. there's been 3 or 4 attempts over the years by various places to come to an agreement on making something from Magician (Raymond E Feist) and the saga that follows. It's way more difficult than we thing, and in some way it's amazing what does actually get made. Would certainly be great to have a Discworld series too

I've been watching the Shannara Chronicles, and feel like it's just a matter of time before Pratchett is exploited... Hopefully for good...

It very much depends on what else was in his will regarding post death rights and his estate etc. I know there was a thing about the destruction of unfinished manuscripts, that I believe Neil Gaiman had a hand in executing

Wait, is that good or bad?

The Martian Chronic...jpg

That depends on how you feel about other authors interpreting a deceased authors notes. Terry Pratchett obviously felt pretty strongly that no other author would be able to do justice to his notes, and he didn't want another author profiting from publishing something 'from the notes of Terry Pratchett' or similar.

Hm wonder if @gorc will be interested in this, he's gotten into Discworld lately XD

[mentally setting aside some steem budget for board games down the track, hopefully lros is sorted now!]


Quite possibly. It can be a bit difficult to get hold of though, as I believe it's currently out of print. Not sure how regularly it appears in people's game cull sales either. Best to check out online forums such as boardgamegeek for people trying to sell their copy

Ahh well then I'll just see if one turns up at some stage, otherwise will continue not really stressing about it XD


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