The moment that defined my WoW life

in #gaming7 years ago

The tale of what shaped the rest of my days in World of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft

It was a sunny day, up there in the Redridge Mountains. Come to think of it, it always seemed to be sunny up there, inbetween the sandy peaks.

My little warrior princess was send on an errand to venture deep into a cavern. For what, I am not even sure anymore. It could be that she was send there to defeat a couple of troublesome creatures. It could also be that she was send there to escort out a helpless soul in need.

Whatever the reason was, troublesome creatures could be found there either way! Armed with her sword and shield, clothed in some ugly, dented armor, she braved her own fears and started her battle.

Even before entering the cavern, she had already defeated plenty of enemies. Oh yes, they were crawling all over the place! She continued on and ventured closer and closer to the cavern's opening... Almost there now...

That's when it happened...

From inside the cavern, my little warrior princess could hear the dying sounds of her enemies. But how could this be? She wasn't even close yet!

A couple of seconds later, she found the cause. A big, shadowy blob came running (or was it floating?) out of the cavern, leaving death and carnage in its tow. A quick peak inside the cavern showed none were left alive to tell this tale.

None, but our warrior princess.

Looking behind her, she saw the shadow getting smaller and smaller, until it turned a corner. Then, she was alone. No more enemies were there to attack her. All that was left, was silence. Silence, and awe.

Awe for the ease with which this shadowy blob had dealt with all of its enemies. Awe at how gracefully it had moved. And yes, even awe, at how badass it had looked!

Our warrior princess quickly ran into the cavern to finish her own quest. While walking back to Lakeshire, she knew one thing for certain: This was a day she would always remember.

World of Warcraft

After that experience, my friends, I figured out it was a shadow priest our warrior princess had seen. My warrior princess never did make it out of Redridge Mountains by my hand. I moved onto my new priest, and never looked back!

This is the story of how I decided to play a shadow priest in the MMO game World of Warcraft. It happened while I was playing on my brother's account. Both characters were eventually abandoned by me, because I got my own account. Both characters, however, have later been put to good use by my brother! I've played shadow priest almost my entire WoW career. Even through Legion, I played my shadow priest, though I switched to my mage for a main.

Thanks to @acidyo for sparking this idea through a little conversation about WoW on @whaletrump's WotLK expansion review post. Best WoW expansion ever, by the way!

Sorry for not using images of Redridge and my shadow priest. I never played WoW on this particular pc and all of my screenshots are still in my home, 1 hour away from the cabin we live in now. So I used the only WoW screenshots of my own making that I had left online.

I hope you liked this little tale!

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The first question to generate conversation about WoW.
Alliance or Horde ??

Haha, well horde ofcourse! Though I did start out as alliance and played it all throughout The Burning Crusade... Had some fun guilds too!

nooooooooo, a pity, but none of us are perfect, For The Alliance!
I all my life I have been of the alliance I started in Wow in version 2.4.3 although I remember, I was very encouraged to write of my beginnings in Wow when I was a little warrior gnome named paku hahahahahha an epic story the truth.

Haha, sounds great! WoW does bring back nice memories :D

tbh i played WoW until like level 42 and than stopped playing i just wasnt into the story i guess? i really got into final fantasy 14 online tbh. but still great content and i really enjoyed and i know WoW isnt going anywhere their still going to be coming out with expansion

Thanks for your comment @yusoez! Hmm I have to admit I never really got into the whole Final Fantasy thing. I'm not sure I ever even played it properly... It always looks amazing though!

Hehe, what a nice story. I always admired shadow priests and the amount of diverse spells they had, shields, heals, silence and that insane amount of burst damage they could muster.

I enjoyed playing it in arenas for quite some time and it definitely looked great on my Zul'Gurub Tiger being in shadow form. ;)

I should really post more often about WoW and my journey in there, it was quite long after all. :D

Nice post!

Thank you very much! I loved the shields and all the DoTs we could throw on everything single enemy out there. Used to have this addon that helped me keep up all of my DoTs by showing the timers on every one of them.

The thing that stuck with me aswell was Dispersion and having to soak up the damage of Algalon in Ulduar, while everyone else would port to another dimension to escape all of that damage.

I never did play arenas very much. Tried it a couple of times, but I am just terrible at PvP! I did some battlegrounds from time to time, but they always got annoying after a while. I'd simply lose all of them, or people would be rude.

The shadow form is awesome on mounts, I completely agree!

In the Legion expansion (or right before it), they made some changes to shadow priests that completely ruined the gameplay for me. Insanity I think it was, so we couldn't be in shadowform at all time anymore. We also lost shields... It's why I switched to mage. Though I did play the priest a bit aswell.

It was quite fun to write this, I can definitely recommend it ;-)

I was a level 69 draeni pally, i stopped playing when you could Start out as a lvl 55 dreadknight... All that time i spent grinding for nothing...

Aww what a shame! I think there was this restriction on it though that you could only make a death knight if you had a certain level character on that server.

I tried playing a death knight. It was fun from time to time, but still, rather play ranged instead of melee :-)

I used to love it! Nothing could touch my pally... He was invunerable for some 15 seconds, and I had some monstrous enchantments! :D
I could take on the lvl 70's (was lvl cap) at level 59! Quite handy in the raids and counter raids.

Unfortunatley I can't remember my login and pass :/ It has been some 3-4 years since I last played, maybe more!

Oh no! Maybe you could try to restore your password some day :-)

That would be nice... But then I'd have to start paying the monthly fee again 😆

That's a good point ;-)
I bought some tokens with gold, so I could get gametime with those.

Nice Story.

I had to leave this game, but it still haunts me like a drug addiction. I fell off around level 80.

Just to time consuming for my part. I have a horder gene and that doesn't go well with big games with lots of achievements.

I know how you feel! I eventually had to leave the game aswell, because the serious raiding just took way too much of my time. I returned years later to play more casual. It's fun aswell. I chased achievements around for a bit and tried to gather as many pets and mounts as I could :-)

I started WoW back in 2005 for the first time with Vanilla WoW. It was my first foray into a serious MMO back then...

... and I sucked lol. There was less guidance. I remember screwing up all my talents with my Night Elf Warrior.

His name was CaptainCool lol.

Nice on @playfulfoodie!

Haha, my first was a human warrior, which taught me the ropes, so once I started my night elf priest, things went pretty smoothly :D

Awesome name ;-)

when LFG for a dungeon was a pain?

Hah, yeaaaah before the LFG tool :D

Upvoted and also resteemed :]

Thank you very much :-)

Nice thanks for sharing !

Thanks for liking it!

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