Retro Reviews - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

in #review7 years ago


Today I'm going to be reviewing my favorite game of all time. I've spent more time playing World of Warcraft than any game. I started playing WoW in the fifth grade and played it up until I was a sophomore in high school. I eventually had to quit playing when the real world kicked in. It was easy as a teenager to get lost for hours in Azeroth, now I have to go to work & be an adult lol.


Wrath of the Lich King was the second expansion pack released for World of Warcraft. Wotlk became the fastest selling video game ever, selling nearly three million copies in twenty four hours. This expansion added new classes, maps, dungeons, raids, daily quests & higher graphic options.


Northrend was born! There was something very special about Northrend. This would be the first time in the history of WoW that you would be able to control your own flying mount. Something that users had been begging for years. With the ability to fly came an immense graphics update because you could reach so many new places. Before flying mounts people spent hours exploiting the map trying to get to places never seen before, and yes you could do it. There were ways of getting under cities & dungeons. Flying mounts eliminated the need to exploit.


The Death Knight was born. Starting with a full suit of armor and at level 55 these Death Knights were very popular. This was the first time that World of Warcraft ever dropped a new class. The previous expansion: The Burning Crusade had added new races but did not release a new class. Death Knights were a great damaging/tanking class that relied heavily on self heals. Their famous death grip instantly became popular with people pairing the skill with the phrase, "Get over here!" made famous by scorpion.

With Wrath of the Lich King the level cap would be raised from level 70 to level 80. This ten level gap would become the next month of my life at the time. Hitting level 80 was awesome for me because it was the first time I hit level cap in World of Warcraft. I was so young when I started playing that I never devoted time to one character. I would just make tons and tons of low level characters.


After eighteen months of patches they finally released the Lich King fight. The fight that we had all been waiting for. This boss fight was extremely difficult and only manageable by extremely qualified players. At the time I was in a very good group and we defeated the Lich King. The boss fight was loaded with all sorts of obstacles that took about twenty five attempts before we could figure it out.

I would rate the Wotlk expansion five stars. I think all of the proceeding expansions slowly got worse & worse.


This was definitely my favorite WoW expansion! I did some serious raiding before WotLK, but during this expansion, I moved to horde and joined an awesome guild. We had so much fun trying to beat Ulduar hardmode. And oh my gosh, how happy I was to get my proto drake!

Good times :D

:o What realm? I raided during that time for a while as well.

I was on Eonar (EU), how about you?

Ah alright, I was on Twisting Nether rocking the only dps warrior in the guild. :D

Haha awesome :D

I always played shadow priest. Ever since I saw that shadowy blob murder an entire cave when I had just started out on my little warrior... I just had to become that blob!

hahaha, I hated the shadow priests because I was paladin heal, the only way to kill me was with fear and draining my mana. good memories.

That or mind controlling you and jumping you off the boats and zeppelins before the nurf to it. So many corpses laying at the bottom of the lava pool by the entrance to Molten Core and Blackwing layer can be attributed to those priests!

very true, there was one thing I hated with all my soul that they did was that the priest controlled you and threw you down some cliff and did not let you or cure and do nothing, it was despairing. Haha

Haha oh my gosh, I forgot about mind control! :D

Damn shadow priests and warlocks were the bane of my existence as a prot war!

Bloodscalp (US) here!

Hmm, everything was the bane of my existence! I suck at PvP...

I to am a junkie of this game. I failed finance class in college twice playing this game so much lol.

damn, you could have used that knowledge in the auction house :P

Death Knights ruined the game.

-said every Warrior ever in that exp.

My prot war did pretty good against them... my shield slam hit for a ton and survivability was pretty high. But man deathgrip sucked!

Hehe, i vaguely remember prot warriors coming to life in that expansion for PvP. I was usually Arms and Fury for raids and coming from TBC we had a much harder time. :D

i played mace spec rogue up until they changed the spec from chance to stun to some bullshit. if you were lucky you could keep a enemy stunned the entire fight

Got out of pvp eventually and played dr00d tank in heroic ICC

Druid tanks always so OP! My prot war was always so jealous that my buddy who ran druid could be bear form fighting guys almost get killed change to travel form run away and then change to druid form heal up.. and then bam right back in the fight with full health against a rooted enemy with half health lol... so unfair.

oh man i remember the mace stun rogues.. doooche bags :)

Haha, mace spec warrior in TBC was insane. :D

I loved playing my frost dual wield dk in wotlk. Tanking was a blast for the short time that frost tanking was relevant. It didn't compare to the fun I had on my boomkin. Starfire crits in bgs for 150% of peoples health lol.

Ya I ran prot from vanilla till I quit after Warlords of Draenor. Like most our class had ups and downs for sure in PvP I loved how rogues would get thrashed when they came at me, only the sneaky ones ho would crippling poison me and bleed me while run away to bandage would ever get me and that was rare. The rest got rocked by revenge and shield slam. As the game went on we got enough ways to get out of snares so it got better.

I played Wow from Vanilla until Warlords of Draenor. Wow is like crack cocaine for gamers. It might not be good for you but man is it fun! Wrath of the Lich King was my absolute favorite expansion. Northrend was beautiful. Arthas was the coolest bad guy the series has had. They introduced group finding tools to make it easier to get into dungeon runs. 20 man raids. Just awesome.

wrath was fucking amazing. I remember the day I hit level 80 on my rogue. This was like maybe the second patch of WOTLK. I went into naxx 10 man (the first raid I ever did) I was wearing like all level 76ish greens doing 700 dps.. I didn't know a rotation at all and was just spamming sinister strike and eviscerate. Once I got my hands on a few purples I fell in love with raiding from there. I was in 10th grade at the time and needless to say my grades fell apart lol.

Ya I was in university at the time... there were semesters I dont really recall.

Wao, thank you very much for bringing back great memories of my time when I played that version.

The journey through Northrend is one of continuous wonder, where every zone has something new to show and exploration of every detail is something that you feel compelled to partake in.

I remember with nostalgia the release of this part of World of Warcraft and of course I was delighted then. And I remember this cool screensaver in the game. By the way, if you have problems leveling up your character in the World of Warcraft, you can visit the game boosting service website and buy yourself any level or, for example, gold for the game. It is very comfortable. I buy gold there all the time.

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