Ground Work: Call of Duty Strike Team Walkthrough Part 09

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Everything seem to be going as planned - as far as Onslaught is concerned. We're already this close to our goal and the obstacles around may just drive it further. We're putting all in the game and hope we best our enemies.

SITREP: Intelligence indicates enemy forces have secured the main route and reinforced the road with anti-armor counter measures. Expect heavy resistance.


Talk about increasing our game, we've managed to save enough to get some care packages that will improve our armory. It's high time we ditched the conventional Vector KIO (It undeniably served us well) and the average sniper rifle. The sniper rifle proved very useful during our last escapade and I wouldn't wanna drop it now, the least we could do is upgrade. The guns, from the look of the stats, have better counterparts and we'll only unlock the ones needed. Welcome the latest addition to the family; The light machine gun in place of Vector KIO - QBBLSW and the Sniper rifle, XPR-50.

We've only just begun and two soldiers are already dead. What remains of Dubious' disposed squad advances into the street, oblivious of the lurking snipers who didn't miss a shot of the two fired. They are instantly felled and it immediately halts our movement. Apparently, the street is sniper-ridden and our objective is to get past a road block located right in the middle of the street. We were informed of heavy resistance, this is insane to say the least. The snipers are just the tip of the iceberg, they complement ground hostiles lying in wait behind cover. We need to re-strategize.


Even as we hid behind the cover that offered us protection from the aggrieved snipers, an hostile still came at us. I was in drone mode, scanning the environment so I couldn't make an instant kill. Expectedly, their autonomous fire was only able to scare him away, it didn't bring him down and he was able to deplete Marshall's health. Thinking deeper, we equally have a sniper who is even better equipped. I had bought some grenades, upgraded armor and acquired some squad perks that will at least soften the battlefield. Reed is our man, our sniper and he takes it upon himself to neutralize the threats. He fires from a small opening in the cover which interestingly stems the tide.

The last sniper is located in a tight angle that requires Reed to get out of his shell. He is able to take him out with a third shot but not before attracting unwanted attention, a shield-wielding enemy. They are the ones I hate the most because they can't just be directly killed. He starts intermittent shooting behind his cover and they ultimately give him temporary exposure. Marshall throws a grenade which disorients him before he is riddled with bullets from the QBBLSW. The gun is quite okay but I don't like the design. Not that it matters, getting the job done does.


Unfortunately, the street is too heavily guarded and a quick alternative is needed. There's a break in the wall and I just need to use it to flank the barricade. Reed calls Marshall who was hitherto busy chasing shadows, shooting a plethora of enemies who are afar off. Marshall assists Reed in climbing the Wall and he gets to business. Reed is the best person for this because his Sniper Rifle can take on enemies from afar without even attracting undue attention. Snipers are very bad with autonomous shooting as they can take 5 shots, all without hitting the target. Leaving him down there would have been a disaster. Now that we are faced with equal tasks, we just need to get this done.

The buildings are dilapidated and they have apparent bullet holes in them. The evening is colourful with patches of red which is caused by the sun. Reed needs to climb high up the stairs before getting a shot at any of the enemy and by so doing, he risks exposing himself. It's not like there's any option to choose from other than to face the danger squarely. I can hear Marshall's inspiring shots from the ground and the responding fire from a mini machine gun. For the record, ever since the death of Dubois' soldiers, he has been cowering behind covers. I just hope he will accept reality and help Marshall in his rage.


Oh look! A sneak peek. Reed can't stare for long as it appears the operator of the machine gun immediately diverts attention to him on sight. Reeds take him out but he is immediately replaced by an another hostile. Life is easier than this Bruh!. Reed climbs further to the top of the building where he encounters some "wildlings". They panic-shoot at him and he responds with his fire. His sniper rifle is really helpful, the importance of the one-shot kill cannot be overstressed.

We've got some cannisters down here. Reed has just taken out most of the hostiles and the area appear to be silent for the moment. Ostensibly, Marshall had not been following suit, he is still far behind They (+Dubois) are still far behind. The cannisters make up the barricade which needs to be blown up for advancement. A quick shot from the sniper-rifle will send the area Kaboom!!! but there's also a mini-gun, right beside me. Which would it be? A shot from the rifle will clear the area and probably kickstart another wave of hostiles which can only be thoroughly dealt with via the mini-gun. The 5 seconds switch - from rifle to mini-gun - may be much of a luxury to afford so it's better to just get on the mini-gun and blow up the barricade with it. The deadly weapon is obviously here for a reason.


The barricade is down, I'm to cover Dubois as he defuses a mine which had been set up by hostiles. Oh, this may well be a tricky test. It would have been better if I'm the one that needs protection. It's really a ground work as it is titled. The enemies come in troop out in droves but the mini-gun was able to take them out, albeit after receiving some critical shots. The enemies were partly focused on me and partly focused on Dubois. Marshall has not been helpful as I had called him to help but he instead, has been frolicking all around.

I eventually am able to get him to his senses and he is now right beside Reed. Thanks to the drone view, they are able to maneuver their way around some obstacles that had blocked their path at the top of the building. They get to a vantage point where Reed is to take out a Knucklehead Sniper. The sniper is only fairly exposed which makes the situation more dangerous, the thing is, zooming a target with the sniper rifle equals instability. Critical missed shots become costly and they lead to the death of Marshall. Thankfully, the injection comes in handy and he is immediately revived. Reed changes position a little and eventually kills the sniper. What's left of the ground hostiles are neutralized by Reed and Marshall.

No Image!

I couldn't afford a shot

The enemies are better organized this time around and they appear to be distributed. While a faction are tasked with facing Reed, the other take on Dubois. And not helping matters is the latter who is taking longer than usual in defusing the mine. Marshall has appeared to be invisible as his shots count to nothing. Reed can only take on as many as he can, Dubois' health is depleting too fast. The problem with this is, the sniper rifle finds it hard to take out moving targets and the hostiles are always on the move. The constant reloads delay time and soon enough, Dubois is Killed

Mission is failed and is to be restarted. For the first time in all my Walkthroughs, I've never seen this and it kind off demoralizes me. We'll plan better and hopefully play better in our next game. The only consolatory strand on joy that can be clung unto is the fact that we are now in level 19 and we can actually get a better assault rifle. I'll have to restart the mission in a moment. This game doesn't have checkpoints to start from in case of events like this and it is a great challenge. Sept 08, 11:43 pm


Sept 09, 12:15pm

We've made a change, a substitution. We've got a better assault rifle and we're right back to where we lost the battle to the hostiles. I'll actually switch between Marshall and Reed as we play on. We've just defused the first mine and while we need to clear the path (Hostiles) for the second mine, we strategize. There's a last sniper that needs to be killed before the second challenge commences and he is afar off, so we're able to outline our plan.

Sniper Vs Assault

Which is it? Should I place both soldiers with Dubois or position one atop and one with Dubois while we switch between the soldiers. If I go with the former, both soldiers will receive damage but they will be quite formidable. With the latter, they might actually be scattered and sniper shots will waste if left independent. It was even the latter that made the mission fail so I'll just place them both with Dubois.

The sniper is killed after Onslaught had been positioned (Reed came down from the building) and the mission commences. Reed is the one that starts with the shots as he commands his sniper rifle. Moving targets are a big challenge and they give him a hard time. He is almost killed and just as he wonders what is happening, he spots Marshall hiding behind cover, not even attempting to help him.

The soldiers are immediately switched and Marshall starts to fire from his new rifle which shoots ferociously. The hostiles are no where near Dubois as the duo of Marshall and Reed have formed some sort of human shield and before they even attempt to get past us, they are gunned down. What a plan! What a moment!

In no time, Dubois is done and he moves to the RV point. The hostiles have not yet stopped advancing and they are obviously frustrated. They didn't even get the chance to fire at Dubois talk less of pulling the trigger. No sooner had Dubois got to the rendezvous point than we clear up the residual filths. They both then move to the RV point and the mission is completed. It was quite a challenging episode and I must say;

Pièce De Résistance

DISCLAIMER: All Images used in this Walkthrough are Screenshots taken from the game Call of Duty Strike Team by me, Toon gotten from Bitmoji


Link to Previous Episodes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
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