Call of Duty: WWII Playthrough [Part 2]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Mission 2 – Operation Cobra

This video was recorded and edited directly on my Playstation 4 with SHAREfactory™. If you’d like to see other games I’ve recently played or rated please visit Rebel Gaming Canada’s BIG GAMES LIST.

No Rest for the Wicked

After securing the beachheads on D-Day the progress inland has been slow. It’s been several weeks since the offensive began and you’re stuck outside of Marignay France. It’s crucial for the allies to capture this town in order to push on towards Paris. The problem is, German armor is all over and the embedded anti-air guns have been wreaking havoc on our air support. Without that air support there’s no way for our tanks to make it to Paris. The good news is Zussman is doing ok and has rejoined your squad after being stabbed in the belly during the attack on Omaha Beach. The bad news is he’s not fully recovered yet and Sergeant Pierson knows it. You guys are already on his bad side so don’t expect this to improve things.

Today is the day everyone has been waiting for. Operation Cobra, the largest aerial bombing campaign in history is set to begin. The plan is to punch a hole through the German defenses and flatten any resistance. Your squad hitches a ride with the armored convoy as it starts rolling out. On the way to Marignay one of the soldiers from the Armored Division tells you why Sergeant Pierson is always riding his men so hard. It has to do with the Battle of Kasserine Pass. Apparently he screwed up and got a lot of his men killed that day after refusing to follow orders. It was your Lieutenant, Lt. Daniels who disciplined and demoted him. Guess Pierson has something to prove now.

Death from Above

Along the way the German Luftwaffe spots the convoy and starts bombing runs. Allied planes can’t move to intercept as the anti-air cannons are still in position and will shred them if they even attempt to get near. You and your squad hurry off the road towards a small farm as the convoy is disabled. The farm is heavily defended but you’re able to break through. You climb to the second floor of the barn after the remaining Germans fall back. From the window you spot enemy soldiers attempting to mount a counter offensive among the haystacks but it is a fruitless effort and they quickly fall back yet again.

Chasing them through the field you come to another clearing where you spot one of the flak cannons. Your squad quickly clears the area and you jump up to man the anti-air gun. The German bombers are decimating the armored convoy and without air support they are all but finished. The Luftwaffe is taken completely by surprise as you start shooting their bombers out of the sky. With the German bombers out of the way Allied tanks begin to move up and push the German line back. But the tanks aren’t out of the shit just yet. Heavy Artillery is still raining down on your position. You and your men need to keep pressing in order to take out the artillery and open the German Defensive line wide open.

The Job is Never Done

You follow behind the tanks as far as they can go before they’re hemmed in by the artillery. It’s up to you now. You climb into a barn and pick up a nearby sniper rifle. Scanning the artillery batteries you notice fuel supplies and ammo crates. A couple of well-aimed shots should do the trick. With the artillery crews reeling from the explosions you move into secure the site and the tanks move in to support. Regrouping with Pierson he tells you Charlie Company is in trouble down the road and it’s your job to dig them out of trouble.

You take two jeeps and speed to Marignay where Charlie Company is being pinned down. There are a lot of German’s in between you and there but there’s no time to deal with them. You just hope the rest of the troops will take care of them as they advance. When you reach Marignay, Charlie Company is pinned down outside of a heavily manned German outpost. You man the mounted machine gun as Zussman circles the building. You drive the Germans out into the street and finish them off as they flee. With the area secure for now Pierson tells everyone to set up a perimeter and dig in for the night. Considering half of the German army is just beyond the next few buildings no one expects to sleep well.

Continue to part 3 of our Call of Duty: WWII Playthrough? Find it HERE!

Missed part 1? Find it HERE!

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Call of duty is an awesome game. You did justice to it @johnquake

Ya I really liked this one, I haven't had time to play any multiplayer yet so many games in the last little while but as far as single player goes I haven't enjoyed a call of duty this much since Modern Warfare. I'm more of a Battlefield fan but this COD was great.

@johnquake you can say that again but i love soccer alot lol

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