Zombie Adventure - Game 38 - Day 29 (May 29, 2019)

in #gaming5 years ago

A small team of adventurers head out to find the forgotten village of Goldcrest. Unfortunately, the road to the village has been blocked by several land-slides and nobody has cleared the road so our brave adventurers had to leave their vehicles behind and continue the journey on foot. They encountered many zombies along the way and managed to leave the zombies behind by scaling a nearly shear rock wall. Unfortunately, they lost most of their weapons while climbing but they did get away from the zombies and have entered Goldcrest. While searching the local newspaper building, they found a post-it note indicating that the mayor and the clergy were having a big argument.

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Investigate the village to see if you can find any gold and look for clues about why there are so many zombies along the old road. Follow the clues to the next stage (new game board).
Inside one of the rooms of the newspaper office is a post-it note that reads: Mayor seen arguing with the Clergy.

Additional twist: Before each player takes their daily turn, roll a D20 to see if you get any bonus. Please note that the bonus must be used during the CURRENT TURN. If you do not specify to which action you wish to apply the bonus, it will be applied to your first action where applicable.

Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory and health here:

ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).

The Rules of this game can be found here:



Everyone who plays gets daily up-votes on their comments. (Delegating SP will increase the vote value! This is way superior to SBI, so a good investment for ROI).
Winners can also 3D-print their own "survival" token using this link.
Winners may claim their buttons by copying and pasting the following code and proudly display them on their pages:


Zombie Turn after the players made their moves:

All zombies pre-existing on the board move.

Zombies spawn at spawn sites:

Zone 1 rolls a 1 - nothing
Zone 2 rolls a 6 - hulk
Zone 3 rolls a 5 - runner


You may wish to use the template below (copy, paste, edit).
### Player ()
Bonus roll @rolld20
Action 1:
Action 2:


Simplified Delegations to @happyme

Get votes roughly 10 times the value of your delegation. (I can vote twice if you exceed my VP.)
50 SP | 100 SP | 150 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP

Re-claim your delegation from @happyme
Remove delegation

For more options, read the comments section for a script you can use.

Don't forget, you can promote your own posts on the #happystream !



Player 3 (2nd)

Bonus roll @rolld20
Action 1: Shoot at the hulk to the south with my rifle! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

The hulk has been injured.

Player 5 (1st)

Bonus roll @rolld20
Action 1:using the CZ 550 (Zombilator), elephant gun, take aim at the hulk to the west and hope for the best. @rollthedice

The hulk to the east was a beast, but you killed it at least!
(I had to rhyme like your west and best, since you got east and west mixed up and used the wrong direction.)

Ah well, what can I say. at least the beast from the east will no longer, on people, feast.

That is a perfect response!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Action 2: move east, I am going to check out the last room. I will likely die, but such is life.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

### Player (1)
Bonus roll @rolld20
Action 1: move east
Action 2: shoot hulk with xbow

Posted using Partiko Android

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

Is Partico copying over the code? You may want to copy and paste in plain text so that the dice-bots work.
@rollthedice for your attack.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

3 is a failed attack. And P5 had killed it already anyway.

Oof. Yeah. Well at least it's dead.

Player 10

Bonus roll @rolld20
Action 1: Move East
Action 2: Wait here to shoot hulk to the south.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 17.

player 9

  • move north
    *read note


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 12.


I told Father Jones not to allow it, but he didn't listen. We tried to isolate them with teleport technology but we failed. God help us now!

A politician, a priest, and a zombie walk into a bar......... you would think one of them would have seen it ;)

LOL... took me a few seconds, but I got it!


Testing image link.

This post has been upvoted by @opgaming. We like what you're posting, and we want to reward our members who produce quality content. Keep up the good work!If this sounds like the sort of group you want to be a part of, click the image below! We're too OP to be put down!


Man, I just don't see this on a regular basis. I'm sorry I haven't been playing!

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Player 1 has been abandoned and I have been making its moves, so if you want to take over P1, you are encouraged to do so.

Am I both players 1 and 4 then? The spreadsheet says I'm player 4

Posted using Partiko Android

ah... P4 was not used yet, so may as well just take P1.
I didn't realize you had already signed up but were not playing.
Sorry for not checking first.

No, it's ok. I just don't see your posts every time because my feed runs deep, and I don't see all the things.

I haven't even looked at my feed for weeks. I just automatically go to those blogs I need to see regularly. Would it help to tag you?

It would!

OK, I'll try and remember to tag you each time I update the board.

@happyme, can i shoot the hulk from my current position, through the doorway? I'm worried I might hit the others in the square to the east.

You can shoot past others without a problem. However, P5 already killed the hulk.

### Player (4)
Bonus roll @rolld20
Action 1: move west
Action 2: move west

Posted using Partiko Android

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