7 Reasons to Go Back to Skyrim

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Despite its several flaws, like... the combat, Skyrim was a game that we spent countless hours in because the fun it delivers was enough to justify the down sides of the game, in my opinion. For me, one of the best part of Skyrim is its environment. It's beautiful. I always enjoyed walking under Skyrim's night sky painted with aurora. But after spending hundreds of hours into it until we eventually tired of the game and done with it, it's not a good enough reason to go for another playthrough from the beginning, isn't it?

A huge variety of mods is obviously one reason to play Skyrim again, to make it fun again. But often times you spent half the time only to install the mods. So this post might help you decide which mods to install quickly to play again. But, not all of the methods listed here require mods, mind you. 

7. Expand Skyrim With Unofficial 'DLC'

Let's start with the most obvious one. By unofficial 'DLC' I mean mod, huge DLC-sized mod. If you're done with Skyrim, explored every corner of Skyrim, looted every barrels, took every salt piles and potions that you'll never use throughout the region fully with the three DLCs too--Dragonborn, Hearthfire, and Dawnguard--mods like Enderal: The Shards of Order, Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, Falskaar, The Forgotten City, and some other similar mods to these will add more hours to your gameplay with new areas to explore, new quests, new fully voiced NPCs, and new storylines, lores, etc. That's why they are more like DLCs rather than mods. Some of these mods even won a number of awards, you know. 

6. Choose Different Factions

This is probably the second obvious reason for another run of Skyrim... or any games in general. But sometimes we don't completely do/make different decisions. Mostly because of the rewards, like if you don't side with certain group you won't get that wicked weapon that's been your favourite since your previous 23 playthroughs. Okay, that's too much, but you get my point. So maybe you'd want to try to side with the opposite factions than before and live with the consequences in exchange for... a deeper quest/storyline of the new faction you joined perhaps?

Among other factions, the Imperial and the Stormcloaks are the largest factions exist in Skyrim. And I know one great mod to make it way more exciting, whether or not you are willing to side with one of them. Warzones: Civil Unrest, a mod that spawn patrols and a (customizable) huge amount of Imperial and Stormcloaks battling each other in several spots throughout Skyrim. A "war" is not a war without an epic clash of armies, yes? But this mod is only to make it more tense, you can still do this method without mod, of course.

5. Roleplay, Without Mod

Hey, it's a role-playing game. You could say doing that siding with different factions is one way to RP. And it's a pretty good one. But you know, there's deeper and better ways to RP. Aside of start over as a different race, play with different class, build, and playstyle, making different or even the opposite decisions than before is also a good way to roleplay. Stealing in Skyrim is never that much of a risky thing to do, especially if you know the bucket trick, and it's something that probably we all did eventhough we play as a hero/good guy. 

So you might want to try to openly commit crimes against Skyrim and her people. Put a bounty on your head and be the notorious villain of certain holds or all the holds of Skyrim. That way wherever you are there will be more exciting threat than those pesky wolves and skeleton, which are the hold guards and the Jarls' bounty collectors. But that's if you played as a good guy before, and it's only one example of RP-ing, among other ways that you have in mind. If you were already a big villain of Skyrim, then try the opposite. 

4. Roleplay, With Mod

There are ten playable races in total each with their own special abilities, and there is nothing that prevents you from playing as any class with any builds. Freedom... You can play as a tanky mage if you want, or a stealthy tank, but if those choices still not enough for your roleplay, this is where you be thankful for mods. 

There is a mod called Alternate Start that let you play as someone who are not about to be executed because you were "caught in the middle of Imperial ambush". Start the game as a travelling merchant, or a victim of a vampire attack that back from your grave as a vampire, and more. The background stories as to who you are and why you are spawned in the specified places is already written, but it seems only a tiny bit to avoid making everything too determined for the player. Only short and simple reasons so that everything make sense.

3. Build Your City

This one is obviously require a mod, because purchasing houses from the Jarls' stewards is as far as you can go to owning a property. But what if you want something more, something bigger than a single house, an entire town with you as the landlord? Yeah, why work for those Jarls when you can be a Jarl yourself? Or maybe be their rival. This might be good to be combined with playing as a villain. 

Blackthorn - A Buildable Town in The Rift (SE) and Build Your Own City - Becoming a Lord - ALPHA are the mods for this. I don't know about the first one as I haven't played with it, but the latter gives you an interesting small quest before you start the construction. Blackthorn is made for Skyrim: Special Edition, but I'm not sure if the second one does as well, though. In my last playthrough I played with this mod and another mod that let you make your own guild, combined with fully voiced new followers mod. It was amazing... and tiring. 

2. Play Co-op Multiplayer

Probably the best thing on this list. But this one is also require a mod because the mod itself is the multiplayer feature. Elder Scrolls Online does not feels like online Skyrim. So what's an online Elder Scrolls game that feels like Skyrim? Well, none other than Skyrim online itself, with the help of Skyrim Together mod. The mod is still in development. Good news is it seems it runs quite well, as you can see on the video above. It is almost ready for the Alpha release.

However, the aim of Skyrim Together is online co-op multiplayer, not to create MMO. But it's still huge because every server support up to 64 players. I'm pretty sure you have some questions, such as how the quests will be handled, the follower, the items, mods, etc. But for that, I suggest you go to its official pages because if I explain everything here, this post would be about Skyrim Together alone. Modders are going places.

1. Write a Fiction About Your Character

This one work best for Steemit user or blogger only. Now that we have a platform to write and share about everything we like, it would be nice to have more interesting fiction to read, including fictions based on games, don't you think? While you do your RP, maybe you could write down your adventure on Steemit. I know a Steemit user that make this sort of read-- @tropicalwolf79 --and his fiction is brilliant! 

Note that I'm not encouraging you to clone/copy other people's work, I simply mentioned the author because perhaps you'll get inspired by the great work. By writing your story, not only you'll have fun roleplaying but also improving your writing skill. Because surely writing an article and a fiction/narrative story is different, isn't it? 

A little additions after all the main points I already explained are... firstly, for its remastered version. As far as I know The Elder Scrols V: Skyrim - Special Edition only adds graphical improvements and iclude all the add-ons and DLCs. That could be a reason to play it again too, but we could explore deeper reasons than what is displayed on store. And for me these are more like features to support the 6 reasons mentioned. 

Thank you for your time to read my post!

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Images sources: Cover, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7


Great article! Lately I've been putting off Skyrim and wrapping up some other games before jumping in. I've seen some other gamers like @playfulfoodie play Skyrim as well and I think I've made up my mind to get back into it..

For me, one of the best part of Skyrim is its environment. It's beautiful. I always enjoyed walking under Skyrim's night sky painted with aurora.

Totally agree. One of the selling points for the game when I speak to someone about the game is how I get lost in the environment and dungeons for hours rather than fast traveling all over the place. I appreciate how immersive the game can be and mods sure help, whether its quick graphical enhancements, weather mods, etc.

But after spending hundreds of hours into it until we eventually tired of the game and done with it, it's not a good enough reason to go for another playthrough from the beginning, isn't it?

Skyrim is one of the games that I could make a new character over and over again. (given enough time between playthroughs) I played the hell out of it on the Xbox 360 and some the PC when it came out. I enjoyed most of what the game had to offer and collected most of the achievements, years later the remastered edition came out for the Xbox One. I didn't care about achievements and went mod heavy and lost myself in the game a while back.

This time around I might do a playthrough of the game for achievements on one save and mess around with maybe writing a fiction on my character on another? Great read again!

Back in the day, I thought Skyrim's graphic was as far as realistic visual in video game can go. But as we see more and more games with photo-realistic graphics being released, I realized that Skyrim's graphic is not-that-HD. But that doesn't mean it lost its place as one of the games that have the most stunning environment. It still is, until now, in my opinion.

Also, I'd love to read your fiction based on Skyrim, or other games. If you will write it sometimes, that is. And thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed reading this.

8 - never should have left haha. Solid write up and great points!

And also 9. Become a modder, haha. Wait, that's actually a good idea..

10 - You might be on to something here haha. Thanks for the read! Catch you around :)

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