Gaming Posts of the Week - Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Batman!

in #gaming6 years ago

Hello, Steemian, how was your weekend? What we've been playing this weekend? I have finished a great story from a game with a genre that I didn't really into recently. And now as usual, when you reached the end of a great story, I feel empty. Craving for more/the same amazing experience. I also started playing Darwin Project, a new battle royale game with smaller opponents and strong survival aspect. It was fun until the game crashed on me twice. I hope fixes and improvements won't be long.

Anyway, here's my pick of this week's best gaming posts of this week. Check it out.

What are my Favourite Games ?

by @steeminator3000

What's your favourite games? I've been wanting to write a post about my favourite games but I don't think I've played and discovered enough to make a list of "My Favourite". Well, sure, I have some, but not enough for a whole list. Anyway, this is the list of the author's favourite games, some of them are the author's first in the genre. Check it out.

Steemit Gaming Contest: The Unreal Tournament Revelation
by @modernzorker

This is an entry for a contest about writing a post about your funny or unforgettable memory from playing a game (It's already over by the way). You know how annoying it is when your head got a kiss from a sniper in online competitive games. But surely you also know how good it is to be the one who keep sniping the enemies heads from a perfect spot that it make your enemies super salty. That's what's this post about, with a real punch  at the end of it.

Backlog Review | Batman: The Video Game
by @pixelbites

Brace yourself for some trip down memory lane. Or if you haven't played the old pixelated version of Batman, you better prepare your NES because this nicely written review of Batman: The Video Game might make you interested in playing it. In time where many games are all photo-realistic and micro-Ka Ching, it may be good for you to get into the Batmobile and enjoy this old gem.

A Very British Fallout

by @grimjim

How many Fallout games are there? Including the spinoffs nobody liked. None of them are set in the British Isles, right? Imagine if a post-apocalyptic game, in this case Fallout specifically, was set in the British Isles. How possibly great would that be? A British Fallout? This post has covered up everything... EVERYTHING to make you want a Fallout game set in the Great Britain. 

I hope you liked the posts as much as I do. If you do, be sure to leave your upvotes to these fellow Steemians. Thank you for your time to read my posts, and I'll be back with my gaming related posts later. I need to find a game with space-time storyline. Do let me know on the comment section if you know one, will you? Oh and, Steem on!

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Previous Posts:
The Blackout Club - Upcoming Horror Game From BioShock and Dishonored Veterans
Quick Review: Tesla vs Lovecraft - Clash Between Science and Fiction
How I Explained Skyrim to Someone New to RPG

Images credits: Ghost Story, and the mentioned authors.

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