Week Twenty one Colonye post: the undead enchantress has been found.

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

To the how to jone comment below or go on Discord )

Darkland is sitting at 7,456 SP steem power. all players get two post a day up voted from 20% and up. determent of how much delegation you have. and your comments, if u are not doing a quest or few comments. a will visit and up vote random comments true the week. the more you delegation u more a do so. you can make gold in game to get bigger up votes and steembasicincome shares. long term players are getting and steembasicincome shares regardless.


all photos from pixabay

you need to expect miss spelling in the post. I am a dyslexic and en English is not my main language. so its a work in progress can we say.

The trading outpost.

we have fund here!!. the cave where gunner use to live the outpost fund a cave going down. the outpost has send a small force there to secure the exit so no enemy's can escape. and set up a fire place to keep warm. but we dont have the man power to enter the cave. we need help. we have secure a shipment of silver. and a small chest of gold

the outpost is out of food

blacksmith: to put a gem in to a weapon or armor make a ring.amulet it cost 5 silver.

  • buying wood,stone, 1-1 ratio
  • we are buying +3 weapons for 4 wood or stone
  • we are buying +4 weapons for 6 wood or stone
  • we are buying +5 weapons for 8 wood or stone
  • we are buying hide armor/wood shield for 4 wood or stone



by scouting and region you get one week bonus from it. and unlocking it so it can be capture.
anybody can attack the regions NB :read the rules on occupation before attacking a region.

more info in the darkland wiki under part three:Regions

9 of 15 Regions Discovered

  1. Crimson forest (medium) weekly bonus : 4 food and 2 hide +5% up vote owner: @methus,
  2. Shattan lumberyard (medium) bonus +6 wood +5% up vote Owner: @Blockurator
  3. Seven Sister (medium) bonus +6 stone +5% up vote Owner: @cyber.explorer
  4. Orange hills (medium) bonus +6 wheat +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  5. Black harbor (hard) bonus: special trade agreements +5% up vote Owner: @ecoinstant
  6. Green wally (hard) bonus +8 wheat access the Brewery +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  7. Shrubs (medium) bonus: Tomas or Gertrud, jone your colony +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  8. Lake Sherwood (hard) bonus: Occupied Regions tax 20% or min one. the tax is not affecting the owner +5 up vote Owner: The snake clan
  9. The iron company (medium) bonus: +4 iron can get a gem +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  10. Seven silver (hard) bonus: +7 silver can get a gem +5% up vote Owner: The snake clan
  11. Red clover forest (medium) +4 herbs or two different herbs +5 % up vote Owner: The snake clan

updated quest rules

Overview over all colones.

is a rare Resources. it can be obtained in a few quests or in the gold mine. The outpost will never buy or sell gold.
gold is expensive to mine. The mine uses 5 wood and 5 food each worker. Ale or other bonuses will not increase the Amount of gold. One miner produce 1 gold. your colony can max have 10 gold.
Gold can be used to Buy out of game benefits.

  • 1 Gold can get you and 90% up vote (on a comment or a post)
  • 5 Gold one steembasicincome share.

(Adjustment can happen)


is standing in Shattan lumberyard finely the day is here its hes. he spliting all the loot to the fellow clonists ho helped him. taking his new bow on the back.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP (three workers)
Silver workers: (five) next one 30 silver
Wood 7 (+7 worker)(+10 trade)(+6 quest)(-30 construction)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 17 (-10 trade) (-20 construction)
Food/wheat 19 (+6 worker)(+5 quest)(-6 six workers)(-4 two silver workers)
Silver 23 (+10 workers)
gem 5 (+2 stone Quarry)
health potion 1 (-1 used)
iron 4
Cinnamon rolls 1
Ale 1 (+1 quest)

Colony conditions:(wounded status gone)
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)(Shattan lumberyard +6 wood)
+1 Stone -1 wood ( -2 food (unnatural cold)
+1 stone gunnars pickaxe

(+4 iron axe)(+5 iron long sword 3 dam/gem)(+3 cross bow "4 dam")(+5 bow 3 dam)(+3 stone club) (+4 armor iron Shield) (3x +2 hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+1 hide helmet)(+1 to hit amulet)


  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker -2 food)
  • Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • ballistic (strong range defense)(if you are attack it need a worker or you on it.)
  • Wood wall
  • herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +1 potion a turn) eating 2 food)
    see colony file on more info.

Colony Phase:
you can move u eight around if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 2 farmer; 0 Stone Quarry ; 1 Builder; 0 Scientist; 2 Silver miner,0 herb Forager,0 alchemist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumberyard,herb cabin,Research bench two, Gold mine

research (need a Scientist)
cabin, Barracks,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall,wizard tower

alchemist (need a Scientist)
using astride book discoverer herbs 0 of 5.

Scout and region (easy)
Enter the spider cave (medium)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@cyber.explorer "fyres forest"

is trying to get blaze of the table at Shattan lumberyard he cant belive what he did to day. it was a good call to put and gem on his new hammer. back at his colony his hunters starting to come back the are its still hard to find animals but the Cinnamon rolls rely make them better hunters. so the had a good week. the Scientist fund out how to make a silver mine. and the colony is not in food problems anymore.

"a have adjusted the price on iron armor. (more iron less hide.)"

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 160SP (five workers)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 32 (+5 quest)(-4 fire)
Stone 39 (+7 Region)(+8 trade)
Food 21 (+24 workers)(+4 trade)(+5 quest)(-12 eleven workers/dog)
Silver 0 ( -12 trade)
hide 15 (+8 hunters)
ale 3 (+1 quest)
gem 0
iron 11
health potion 2
Cinnamon rolls 0 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)(+7 stone Seven Sister region , stone (gunnars pickaxe)
+2 wood -2 stone ) ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+5 iron sword gem 3 dam)(+5 iron sword)(+5 iron war hammer gem 6 dam two hands)(+1 hide boots)(+2 iron horn helmet)(+3 stone club)(+4 iron helmet)(+4 studded chest)(+2 studded leggings)(2x +2 studded boots)(+4 iron shield)(+2 wood shield)
( +1 hide leggings)(special item wolf pelt +1 hit)(+1 amulet)

Armorer/Blacksmith (need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make hide and studded hide etc armor. inproving armor and weapons one turn per part armor/wepon. per worker. cost etc in the file.


  • Hunter cabin (+3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
  • Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
  • Stone wall
  • Armorer (need a worker) 2 food
  • iron mine +3 iron (need a worker) 2 food
  • Blacksmith (need a worker) 2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move your nine if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 8 hunter; 0 Miner; 0 Builder; 1 Scientist;0 Armorer ,0 iron minder, 0 Blacksmith

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench two,
herb cabin, Brewery , iron gate,Gold mine and silver mine,

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine, Barracks, wizard tower,moat

Blacksmith/armorer research (need a Scientist)
master long sword, battelax warhammer iron, Scimitar,hunter bow, cross bow master,heavy spear
inproved wepons warhammer battel ax. Scimitar, hunter bow, wizard staff. master long sword,heavy spear
Ranger armor (low armor but high hit chance), improved hide studded armor, and ballista
wizard armor **improved armor ** iron, shields, large and tower

Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@creativetruth "Silvery Marsh"

is standing over a familiar face in Shattan lumberyard NOT to day. Blockurator hand him a big ham, big jake is start stacking up the wood for the journey home. and some weapons and a par of studded hide boots. back at his colony the herb cabin is up. his workers had a good week whit shom help from the Cinnamon roll. the Scientist know how to make the master bow.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 12 (+8 worker)(+5 quest)(-30 construction)(-4 fire)
Stone 46 (+9 worker(-20 construction)
Food/wheat 24 (+17 worker)(+5 quest)(-8 eight workers)
Silver 20
ale 3 (+1 quest)
gem 9
health potion 0
iron 3
Cinnamon rolls 0 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 stone (gunnars pick axe) -1 stone +1 all (Cabin)( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 "Fang")(+4 bow)(+6 hunter bow 3 dam)(+3 stone club)(+5 long sword)(+3 stone club)(+2 studded boots)(+2 wood shield)(+2 armor horn helmet)(3x +1 armor hide leggings)(2x +1 hide boots)(2x +2 hide chest)(dark staff)(book)(+1 to hit amulet)

Blacksmith(need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make wood,stone weapons and simple upgrading but you need to research to unlock more advance weapons and improvements. one weapon per worker. see colony file on cost etc.


  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
  • lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
  • Cabin (+1 all production)
  • Silver mine +5 (need a worker) -2 food
  • Blacksmith (need a worker) -2 food
  • herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +1 potion a turn) eating 2 food)
    see colony file on more info.

Colony Phase:
you can move your eight if u want
here are your workers from last week.
1 Lumberjack; 3 farmer; 1 Miner; 1 Builder; 1 Scientist;0 Silver miner,0 herb Forager,0 alchemist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,wizard tower,Gold mine

Blacksmith, iron mine, herb cabin Cottage,stone wall.

research (need a Scientist)
Brewery, Barracks, armorer.

Blacksmith research(need a Scientist)
master long sword, battleaxe war hammer iron, Scimitar,cross bow master, hunter bow master, heavy spear

improved weapons war hammer battle ax. Scimitar, hunter bow,hunter bow master, wizard staff. master long sword,heavy spear

alchemist (need a Scientist)
using astride book discoverer herbs 0 of 5.

Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@Ecoinstant "Sustainable Acres"

is sending a few weapons to the black harbor. get a shipment of food back.
one of his worker start bulding the Research bench two but he notest he is missing most of the Resources, so he joining the lumberjack instead. the three temp workers are grabbing and lumber ax each and allows running out in the forest. a few days a go in there father told them the going on a holiday.. but it quick was clear to them its was a lie. but now after a few days the start enjoying the life. and the ale is flowing its a nice chance of pace.
(a put the builder to be a lumberjack on the trade misunderstanding)

Black harbor

  • buying +3,+4 weapons 8 wood, stone or food (last week)
  • buying hide armor 8 wood, stone or food (last week)
  • buying +3 +4 gem weapons 12 wood, stone or food (last week)
  • buying 1 wood for 2 stone (two weeks)

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 320SP (six workers) (three temp workers)
Silver workers: (five) next one 50 silver
Wood 51 (+54 workers)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 9
Food/wheat 117 (+24 workers)(+28 trade)(-14 fourteen workers)
Silver 15
gem 6
health potion 6
iron 4
hide 2
ale 8 (-1 used)
Cinnamon rolls 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (+1 specialty farming)( Region Black harbor Special trade agreements)
-1 stone and wood +1 stone (gunnars pick axe) Cottage +1 production ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+5 bow 3 dam)(+5 long sword)(+2 hide chest)(+4 studded chest)(+3 iron helmet (wolf scull)(+5 iron spear 2 dam)(+4 iron shield)(+1 hit gem necklace)(+1 hide helmet)(+5 wizard staff 2 dam )(x2 +1 hide boots)(+1 hide leggings)(+1 ring)


  • Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
  • Farm +5 (wheat/food) (need a worker)
  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 (-2 food) (need a worker)
  • Stone wall
  • Cottage +1 production
  • wizard tower
  • Barracks (hire a Soldier whit a base stat of 5 eating 2 food)
  • Brewery (one worker can make 2 ale a turn using 4 wheat.) eating 2
  • Herb cabin (+3 herbs herb Forager)(Alchemist +1 potion a turn) eating 2 food)
    see colony file on more info.

wizard tower
see colony file on more info.
(Dark heal) touch D20 dong -2 dam to enemys healing and frendly +2 a turn
(Roots) range D20 (no damage) (hold enemy in place one turn) then roll dice D6 to get free 1-3)
(Berserk) Touch D20 (make the subject attack the closes enemy one turn)
(Nettles wall) Range D20 (and wall of nettels are spawning over 3 squares line. 100% cower.
it can go true it but taking 2 damage per squares. last 2 turns.
(Dark missile) range attack d20 dealing 3 damage

Colony Phase:
u can move your eleven workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
9 Lumberjack; 4 farmer; 0 Stone Miner; 0 Builder; 1 Scientist, 0 Silver miner,0 wizard,0 brewer,
0 alchemist, 0 herb Forager, 0 Soldier

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Research bench two,Blacksmith
,iron mine,iron gate,ballista,Barracks,Gold mine

research (need a Scientist)
armorer,batteling ram, Trebuchet,guard tower and moat

Rage (increase hit chance and damage to a friendly but lower its defense)

using astride book discoverer herbs 0 of 5.

Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is finding him self in a situation where he is two to one, his experiment is kick inn and he do a retread. but in the end he got his revenge soon after. the lumberyard is liberated he take his loot whit him home. some weapons and armor. his builder has got the barracks up. his stone minder found one more gem.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 10SP (One worker)
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 30 (+5 quest)(+16 trade)(-25 construction)(-4 fireplace)
Stone 29 (+29 workers)(-16 trade)(-50 construction)
Food 25 (+4 region)(+5 quest)(-5 five workers)
Silver 90
hide 16 (+2 region)
Ale 3 (+1 quest)
gem 6 (+1 stone miner)
health potion 1
iron 4
Cinnamon rolls 1
herbs 4

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)(Region Crimson forest +4 food +2 hide)
+2 stone (+1 stone gunnars pick axe) ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+3 bow)(+4 bow)(2x +5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 spike wood club)(3x +3 stone club)(x2 +3 stone ax)(+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam(+4 stone spear)(+5 dark staff 2 melee damage)(+4 armor iron Shield)(2x +2 wood shield)(2x+2 studded boots)(+2 studded leggings)(+1 ring)
(+2 hide chest)(+3 hide chest/gem)(+1 hide helmet)(3x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(bear skull)

wizard tower
see colony file on more info
(Dark heal) touch D20 dong -2 dam to enemy healing and friendly +2 a turn
(Dark missile) range attack D20 dealing 3 damage

hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)
Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker) -2 food
Stone wall
wizard tower (can hire a wizard) -2 food
Barracks (hire a Soldier whit a base stat of 5 eating 2 food)

Colony Phase:
u can move your five workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 0 hunter; 4 Miner; 1 Builder;0 Scientist, 0 silver miner,0 wizard,0 Soldier

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,Blacksmith,Gold mine ,herb cabin, and Armorer,

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine, ,iron gate,ballista, batteling ram, Trebuchet,guard tower and moat

Roots (hold enemy), nettles wall (make a wall can be used ass cower dealing damage when waking true it.) Rage (increase hit chance and damage to a friendly but lower its defense) berserk (make the subject attack the closes friendly or enemy one turn)

Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


the stone quarry is going will one of the workers find a gem. Paradigm42 is going to Scout and region
she is in a forest its Red clover all around her. she is on topp of a small hill down below its a path. voice are coming she duck down. and group of snake clan warriors are coming two in the front in the middle two civilians then two more snake clan warriors. she get the feeling there where prisoners. but a cant do anything alone. on the way back she find some herbs.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (four) next one 25 silver
Wood 52 (-4 fireplace)
Stone 49 (+28 workers)
Food 17 (-4 four worker)
Silver 9
hide 20
ale 1
health potion 1
iron 9
gem 5 (+1 Stone Quarry)
Cinnamon rolls 2 (+2 to hit +2 production one week)
herbs 4 (+4 quest)

'Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
Resources: +1 stone +1 stone gunnars pickaxe -2 wood ( -2 food (unnatural cold)

(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(2x +3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spiked club)(+4 iron battle ax gem 5 dam)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 armor studded hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+2 hit bear cape "special item")


  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Hunter cabin +3 +1 hide (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • Silver mine +5 (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move you four workers move if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack;0 hunter; 4 stone miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist,0 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,armorer, Wood wall, Research bench two,Gold mine and Cabin

research (need a Scientist)
iron mine, Blacksmith, Barracks, wizard tower, stone wall,Brewery,herb cabin

Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is standing next to the fire. the pile of fire wood is getting smaller. he knelling down to put on more wood on the fire place, the a sharp pain from his back. he scrams we are under attack..he jumps up behind him one of his worker is standing in his hand is a wood club....AM HUNGRY... swings one more time...




is building the Cabin, the stone wall is going up. the colony feel much safe now. the Stone Quarry workers where doing a good job. its still very cold but news from the outposts of the whereabouts of the enchantress is here.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 42 (-60 construction)(-4 fire)
Stone 13 (+14 worker)(-100 construction)
Food 9 (+6 worker)(-6 six worker)
Silver 23
hide 19 (+3 worker)
gem 2
Cinnamon rolls 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting) (+1 all production Cabin)
+1 stone +1 hunter +1 stone gunnars pick axe) (- 2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor:(+5 long sword 3 dam gem)(+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+5 bow 3 dam)(+3 stone hammer)(+4 iron spear)(+4 studded chest plate)(2x +1 armor hide helmet)(4x +2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)(2x +1 hide boots)(+1 hit gem Ring)(+1 hit gem amulet)


  • Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)
  • Hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Cabin (+1 all production)
  • Stone wall

Colony Phase:
u can move you six workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 3 hunter; 2 Miner; 1 Builder;0 Scientist,

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard, Wood wall,herb cabin, Research bench two,stone wall,Blacksmith, cabin, Gold mine

research (need a Scientist)
silver mine,iron mine,wizard tower
and armorer,Brewery, and Barracks,

Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)



the battle is over everybody is looking for food stever82 ses the chef ten spike club on the ground. he take it. its a Brut of a weapon but also well balanced. he pick up a pair of studded boots and some food wood and one ale. he heading home. his fisherman is doing good even of this cold.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP three workers
Silver workers (Two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 31 (+9 worker)(+5 quest)(-4 fire)
Stone 15 (+5 trade)
Food 45 (+21 worker)(+5 quest)(-5 five worker)
Silver 11 (-5 amulet)
iron 5
ale 3 (+1 quest)
Health Potion 1
hide 2
Cinnamon rolls 1 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty fish)
+2 wood -2 stone +1 stone gunnars pick axe)(-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+5 iron axe)(+5 iron spike club 4 dam)(+5 bow 3 dam)(2x +3 stone club)(+4 bow)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+4 armor large wood shield)(+2 armor hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)
(+1 hide boots)(+2 studded hide boots)(+2 boar fangs amulett)


  • Fireplace
  • Bed
  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Fishing Cabin +7 food (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you five worker if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;3 fisherman;0 Miner;0 Builder;;1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info cost etc
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,, Stone Quarry,Blacksmith, Wood wall, silver mine , Research bench two,cabin,Brewery, Gold mine

research (need a Scientist)
,iron mine, and armorer,wizard tower
,herb cabin,stone wall and Barracks.

Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)

@enjar "Blackfoot Mountain"

was staying at home. he enjoy a week a of working in the forest. the silver mine was buld the colonye has been growing to a small village.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four)
Silver workers (Two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 7 (+5 enjar) (+14 trade)(-30 construction)(-4 fire place)
Stone 0 (-14 trade)(-5 construction)
wheat/food 16 (-1 one worker)(-8 iron four miner)
Silver 5
gem 6 (+1 iron miner)
health potion 3
iron 16 (+12 workers)
ale 1
hide 3
Cinnamon rolls 1

Colony conditions: (+1 specialty farming)
Current Modifiers: +1 stone -1 wood +1 stone gunnars pick axe (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+4 iron spear gem 4 dam)(+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 armor iron Shield)(+4 large wood shield)(+1 hide boots)(+2 studded boots)(+2 hide chest plate)(+2 hide leggings gem)(+2 armor hide helmet gem)(+1 amulet)(+1 Ring)

Armorer (need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make hide and studded hide armor. one turn per part armor. per worker.
cost etc in the file.


  • Research bench 10 wood
  • Farm +5 (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • Armorer (need a worker) -2 food
  • iron mine +3 iron (need a worker) -2 food
  • Silver mine +5 (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move your six if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;0 farmer;0 quarry Miner;1 Builder;1 Scientist, 0 armorer, 4 iron Miner, 0 silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard,cabin, Wood wall, Research bench two, Blacksmith,Gold mine

research (need a Scientist)
, and ,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall,wizard tower
and Barracks,
iron armor,ranger armor,wizard armor, improved armor, studded, iron, shields, large and tower

Scout and region (easy)
find the location on the map (medium)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


after successfully hunting down the moose. get all the meat home and the antlers. one new worker has been joining the colony. he is going out to try and find shome more food. but the cold has been driving most of the animals a way. his quarry is doing well.
the (moose scull/ antlers) is and necessary ingredient wizard and ranger armor.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP three Worker
Silver workers(One) (next one 10 silver)
Wood 22 (+10 trade)(-4 fire)
Stone 30 (+14 worker)(-10 trade)
Food 23 (+1 worker)(+10 quest)(-4 four worker)
Silver 18
health potion 1
ale 0
gem 0 (-1 bear amulet)
Cinnamon rolls 0
hide 2 (+1 worker)(+1 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 stone -1 wood (specialty hunting) +1 stone gunnars pick (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor:(+3 war hammer 5 dam (two hands)( +5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 bow gem 3 dam)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)(+1 ring)(+2 bear amulet)(moose scull/ antlers)


  • bed
  • Fireplace
  • Research bench (need a worker)
  • Stone Quarry +5 (need a worker)
  • hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your three worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

0 Lumberjack;1 hunter;2 Miner;0 Builder;1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

hunter cabin,lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Research bench two,Gold mine, silver mine

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,,iron mine, Blacksmith and armorer,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall, Barracks and wizard tower

Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


is going out to find shome food but the cold make it almost inposibol she find a few frosen berrys.
her lumberjack had a good week. even whit the new pick axe her stone workers sems to be finding less stone then expedited they are reporting back its not a lot of it here. but one of them fund a gem this is a very valuable Resources it can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor and make rings and amulets to make you better in combat. but you need a blacksmith to do it. normally it cost 5 silver but fore your first one its free. a recommend getting a ring or and amulet +1 to hit.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20 SP Two workers
** Silver workers** (Two) (next one 15 silver)
Wood 18 (+10 worker)(-4 fire place)
Stone 9 (+7 workers
Food 4 (+1 worker)(-4 four worker)
Silver 0
Cinnamon rolls 1 (+2 to hit +2 production one week)
**gem ** 1 (+1 stone minder)

Colony conditions:(+2 specialty farming)(-1 food)(-2 stone) +1 stone gunnars pick
Current Modifiers: (-2 food (unnatural cold)

weapons/items/armor: (+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 armor large wood shield)(+1 armor hide boots)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hide chest plate)(+1 hide leggings)


  • Bed
  • Fireplace

Colony Phase:
u can move your two worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

2 Lumberjack;0 Forager;2 Miner;0 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench 10 wood
Farm +5 wheat 20 wood 5 stone


Scout and region (easy)
find out ho is following her (medium)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


his Forager did not found any food. his lumber jack had a ok week but the fire need a lot of wood whit this cold. ligayagardener went to the snake clan regions to see. he is passing the seven sister stone mine. but he is continue down a small wally its a small settlement there. in the hillside is a mine.
its a big sign. the silver company. he is crossing a small river and man is sitting and trying to fish. you tack to the man. this is Seven silver. it used to be a nice place to live but the snake clan came and now we are more less slaves for them. the man is pointing to a big building in them middle of the small settlement there there building. but maby you an get shombody to help us? the man digs Depp he give you five silver it more where it come form.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20 SP two workers
Silver workers (One) (next one 10 silver)
Wood 2 (+4 worker)( -4 fireplace)
Stone 2
Food 6 (0 worker)(-3 three worker)
Silver 5 (+7 quest)
Cinnamon rolls 0
iron 4
gem 1

Colony conditions:(+1 specialty hunting) +1 stone -1 wood -1 food
Current Modifiers:(-2 food (unnatural cold)
+1 stone gunnars pick

weapons/items/armor: (+3 stone spear 2 dam)(+1 armor hide boots)


  • Bed
  • Fireplace

Colony Phase:
u can move your three worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;2 Forager;0 Miner;0 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench 10 wood
hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +3 food 1 hide per worker


Scout and region (easy)
looting ronaldoavelino camp (medium)
undead enchantress (hard)
Region Occupy see the Region text (under the outpost)


Sorry to be posting so late again..
I will have one worker build an armorer for -40 stone and -20 wood.
My other 3 workers will continue to mine stone in the quarry using the Gunner pickax for +1.

I will join the hard quest to defeat the undead sorceress. I will wear my +2 hit bear cape, +1 hide armor helmet, +2 hide chest armor, +2 studded leggings, +1 hide boots. I will arm myself with my +4 iron battle ax with gem for 5 damage.
I will eat a cinnamon bun and bring my health potion.

(I should have only lost 4 food this week, not 6.)

better late then newer...aa yes the "ekstra workers left my bad..fixed"

fyre's forest
Armorer and Blacksmith

If you have and can supply the raw resources (hides, iron, etc) in advance, I can make your armor piece or weapon for a small fee (3 food or 6 silver or 1 gem each item).

Or, if you do not have enough resources available on hand, your item cost total will be just in food or silver, I will take hides or iron as payment too (fee depending on the item type, and my resources used, additional time may be needed*)

I can also improve armor and weapons with gems!

Contact me for price quotes today.

*Availability could take 1 to 3 weeks depending on the complexity of the item.

Do you know which colonies have access to hides? I can only mine iron and silver. Eventually I would like to have a set of the best hide armor and the best iron/silver armor. I'm probably more interested if you research iron armor first.

not sure about anyone else... I have access to hides after building a Hunters' Cabin.
I can make iron armor now.

I'll have to check out your colony page for details, and I'll let you know this week if there is something I can afford, so you can save a worker to build it.

Yes, just let me know so I can allocate a worker.
I can provide hides if you need, 1 silver for each hide used. Same for iron, 1 silver each needed.
on top of the base resources, the additional creation coast (currently) is either 3 food, or 6 silver, or 1 gem, per item.

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Do I have any hides?

Posted using Partiko Android

@ligayagardener not yet. but by build the hunter cabin you can get it.

I will be looking for some iron armor soon. Any plans to research those in the next little while?

I already have, what do you need?

Oh! Super! It doesn't show on the spreadsheet, but mine has not been updated either.

I would like an iron chest plate if I can afford it, otherwise maybe iron boots, leggings or helmet. I have 19 hides, 2 gems, 23 silver, and 13 stone. Unfortunately no iron YET, but I hope to get that iron company one day and be able to supply iron for all of us.

you are in luck! I can do an iron chest +8 piece (ready next week) for 30 silver, or 30 hide, or some combination of each. I will supply the iron.

Oh wonderful! I'll provide as many hide as I can (not sure how many I will get now that I have the cottage) and make up the remainder in silver. Or... I guess you need payment now, so 19 hides and 11 silver for an iron chest piece next week. THANK-YOU!!!

that's great! edit your post to show the trade and the piece will be done next week.

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Boots, helmet and leggings as I can afford them.

Those would be about 20 silver (or hide) each, and depending on my supply of iron for the time to craft them.

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Paige and Rastael heading to help defeat the Undead Enchantress. Full colony post to come.

Paige (Barracks, + ale)
+5 bow, 3 dam
+5 long sword
Studded Chest (+4)
Wolf Helmet (+3)
hide leggings, boots (+2)

Rastael (Wizard + ale)
Wizard Staff
Hide Chest
Helmet, boots, leggings.

Hello @ecoinstant, I have a trade offer for the Black harbor.

• (+1 hide boots)
• (+5 iron sword)
• (+3 stone club)
• (+2 wood shield)

What would you give me for them?

Thanks for the reminder! I have no special deal listed for +5, so I can get only the 8 wood from the outpost. I can get you 24 wood or food for the rest.

For the best deal, I could give you 57 stone for all :)

I will take the 24 food. I have hungry miners to feed.

Ok! Black Harbor approved! Dont forget that does not include the +5 weapon.

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Yes! This is the last week that trade is available, thank you for reaching out. This trade is offered at no commission! (as is from @darklands)

Sorry I have been busy but I will get you information soon about Black Harbor trades, commissions and your shares in the company for helping liberate the harbor!

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5 workers will mine stone (modifier for drinking ale - see below)

I will do the undead enchantress quest, taking with me (+5 dark staff 2 melee damage)(+4 armor iron Shield)(+2 studded boots)(+2 studded leggings)(+3 hide chest/gem)(+1 hide helmet) and a health potion. I will also eat a cinnamon roll and drink an ale.

sadly you can not do both cinnamon roll and drink an ale but a Add the roll inn sins its better on the workers.

I just realized I keep forgetting to bring my ring and amulet on quests. Gah!



Drink 1 Ale.


  1. Scientist: Research -> Improved Wizard's Staff
  2. Farmer
  3. Farmer
  4. Forager: Herbs
  5. Forager: Herbs
  6. Miner: Silver
  7. Miner: Iron
  8. Lumberjack


undead enchantress (hard)

Equip @creativetruth: +5 long sword, +2 wood shield, +2 horn helmet, +2 studded boots, +2 hide chest, +1 hide leggings, +1 amulet, (+1 bonus from ale)

Equip Big Jake: +6 hunters bow 3 dam, +4 "Fang", +2 hide chest, +1 hide leggings, +1 hide boots, (+1 bonus from ale)


I'm playing it cautiously this week.

Thanking the man, I promise to help when I can soon. I as him if he can teach me to fish. That might get more food than foraging at the moment. The cold and the lack of food is worrying. Myself, I will forage, hopefully get a deer or similar.
One worker will mine for stone, the other two will cut wood as we are using a lot of it and with the cold, we should build a hut soon.

10/4 hope the food problems can be dealt whit soon.

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