Close Encounter

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


She hit the brakes with a blood stroke. Her whole body pressed against her steering wheel despite the seat belt that gave way, but pushed her back into the chair in a jerk.
"Unlucky tuttebel," she threw out.
To herself, because the road ahead was empty, dark and wet with drizzling rain on this eve.
She was shivering in her car and looked blankly blank, not even knowing what to do.

Why was she stopped? And why suddenly so abruptly?
For a moment she no longer knew it, but gradually as her trembling hands held the wheel a little bit loose, she began to realize what had actually happened.
She drove on this road for years to her house, this quiet road, which was only busy on vacation time in the country. And some traffic from the farmers who sometimes took this road with their full tractors.

For the rest this road belonged to her. She lived at the end of that road near that white house, with that big long driveway and on both sides a lawn with all kinds of nice garden trinkets that she showed up everywhere in the country.

So now suddenly she stood still in the middle of her road. And it was quiet outside, you only heard the rustling of the trees along the road and the gentle rain that tapped on the roof of her car.
The wipers were not on, the radio was off. Only that threatening silence. What significance did this have again. Impatiently she tried to start, but the engine gave no signal. The wipers also refused service and the radio refused to pass on information, which did not even pass a light signal. It seemed to be a nightmare.

"What is happening?" She muttered to herself.
"What is this nonsense, why did I suddenly slow down?"
All questions she asked herself out loud and did not expect an answer anywhere.She
looked out and saw it quickly getting dark, vaguely looking into the distance she knew her house was there but she was standing here with a dead car and in the middle of the road and nobody to see or hear, it was ghostly.
Suddenly she realized why she kicked the brakes. She had seen someone in front of her car and felt a blow to the bumper. That's why she kicked the brakes. A figure, a yes... a what?
Confused and anxious she looked around, but did not see a figure.
"I'm not getting crazy," she murmured again.
She did not dare to step out to look, afraid of what she might find.

Meanwhile she kept on trying to start the car, it did not work, as if there was no more content in the car, except she. Fearfully, she quickly pushed down the door button on the passenger side. Scared she looked around. But also realized that this was also a dangerous situation, in the middle of a B-road with no lights on.
She searched her cell phone in her bag, of course her battery was almost empty. Yet she tried to call. No signal. No answer. No indication of any tone.
"Well, dear, does not the mobile do it anyway?"
"It seems like somewhere a flying saucer has taken all my power!"
And as she said this she suddenly had to laugh uncontrollably about her own words. She did not see or hear that a dark figure was dragged along her car, towards the trees along the pasture.

Suddenly she discovered the shadow on the way to the trees, towards the pasture. Without thinking, she continued to look at what might be a human being, but looked like a very thin person who did not look like a human or animal at all. She was shocked. Her laughter was silenced. And she kept looking at that "thing" that dragged herself to the pasture.

Get out, no, she did not dare. As if struck by lightning they kept looking at how that being was suddenly lifted up and, as it were, beamed upwards.
She suddenly sobbed "Tjeezzzuuusssss".
"I am here to watch Startrek, what is this!"
She looked up and saw an illuminated disk, a dish full of colored lights. The bright light that suddenly glared down blinded her and she quickly dived down with her head, rubbing her tears of fear from her eyes.

Suddenly it was quiet. Carefully she came back upstairs with her head and looked around, everything was quiet and everything was dark now. The rain still made the same sounds on its car roof and the windshield wipers started the battle with the rain on their own accord.
She was suddenly shocked by the radio that reported that all files were solved. Almost automatically she started the car and with a hand movement she got the car working.
Her lights went on, but without looking into her mirror, she drove off the road, giving more gas, more and more, until she was at the maximum.
A few miles beyond that strange place, she did not dare to look in her rear-view mirror.

Nothing, nothing at all. A dark road, with a white stripe in the middle. She looked at the car clock, more than an hour had passed. But could not that be? She was gone in time. Ah, let it be, if she had to tell someone, who would believe her? Nobody, who still believes in aliens?

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!

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What a interesting write up

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