It's a Wonderful Game (Short movie about gaming)

in #gaming7 years ago

What would happen to the world if SuperMario Bros. was never made? This is one of the most fun videos I watched on youtube.

I already posted about it before, but since no one read it I re-wrote it here with my recent post quality.

Salam (Peace)

Super Mario Bros. was innovative at its time, it had a perfect game design in the small memory of its system. and it was very important to the Gamindustry as its financial success, saved the console gaming and made it maistream.

The people at LoadingReadyRun made a funny but accurate movie about a world without that game... The video is more than decade old but it's still great to watch!!

Steve, a man who got frustrated at Super Mario Bros. of NES and wished that game have never existed!! He got his wish but...

  • "....In fact they just bought Canada and called it windows vista"
  • "what?"
  • "Marketing"

The Story and Title are both Based on Actual Film

It's a Wonderful life was a film about a man who wished wished he never existed. A fairy gave him that wish and showed him "How everything became worse without him born". That his existence saved the town. You can compare that with the video above.

I'm pretty sure that the Black/white presentation is because it's based on that film. And it also added more impact to this video... It added "bleakness" to the story, especially the sad parts, But didn't affect the funny parts in a bad way.

Very Relatable

Many people feel frustration when they play the Nintendo Hard old games (yeah even me sometimes, I should). most of the fun of this video is that you'll do the same of what Steve did if you've been on the same situation.

I've played Super Mario a lot as a child but I don't remember reaching anything after the second level... I tried to play it recently after I got a Rasberry Pi (yeah, when I first posted about the video... I never thought I would get it by this time) but it was only a try not a play to finish the game.

Hopefully I'd get to play all the Mario and Zelda games one day.

Anyone else noticed that Super Mario Bros. was heard but not actually seen in the Video?

What do you think?

Did you watch the video?
What are your thoughts about it?
Did this post remind you of anything? Please tell me what is it?
Please post your comments, I love reading them!!

This is my ninth post in #challenge30days, although it's a re-write... It was edited enough to be considered a new post.

I remember seeing this video as well and had made me thing how my life would have been without video games.

I grew up holding a Super Family Computer and remember that Super Mario and remember hating the water levels. I must have smashed so many controls back then and my Matriarch would always scold me. I had such a temper that I got so frustrated but was also so doggone stubborn thst I refused to be defeated.

I think my tenacity in life came from playing video games.

It also helped me during my dark periods as I retreated to the sanctity of my room and disappeared to Final Fantasy games.

I can't imagine a world without video games because how else are we going to be trained to fight off the Armada lol

It's crazy that game lore and musings don't get enough love here.

The background sound was there and I was half expectinh to see Mario in the end.

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