Pay It Forward - Let The Games Of Blogchain Begin!

in #games8 years ago (edited)

I love writing (lot). I like to spend time on Steemit (a lot). And I like clever, funny, relaxed and straightforward people.

I decided to mix all of the above, using the magic glue of... money.

Yes, money, in the form of SBD and Steem. In other words, I'm proposing you a content based game, called, you guessed, "Pay It Forward".

The Rules Of "Pay It Forward"

  1. A game session has 8 days, consisting of one post per day (or one turn, see below).
  2. The game starts with a "root poster", the person who initiates an 8 days block of posts. The root poster publishes the first post, in which he asks for the funniest, more clever, more entertaining, more whatever, comment. The topic of the posts for which he asks funny or clever votes is entirely his choice. It may be Steem, Facebook, sports, photography, poetry, everything.
  3. There is a time window of 24 hours for people to post their comments. After the time limit, the root poster picks the "winner of the turn". The winner is announced in the article, in the following format: "Later edit: the winner is:..." followed by a compulsory motivation. Failing to write the motivation may disqualify the author, and the root poster may choose to "fork" the chain, by choosing another winner. In this case, the author who didn't provide a motivation agrees to pay forward the winnings to the new author. Once designated with the proper motivation, winners of the turn cannot be contested.
  4. The first winner of the turn gets all the rewards of the root post (all except SP which is not transferrable).
  5. Next day, the winner of the turn publishes a new article, on a topic of his choice, in which he asks for the funniest, more clever... you know the drill. After 24 hours, he picks the "winner of the second turn". The articles should follow a certain format (see number 10 below).
  6. The winner of the second turn gets all the rewards from the second post, minus what the winner of the first turn already got. In other words, the winnings of each article are paid forward to the current winner. For each winner, the authors are compelled to post proof of the SBD / Steem transfers (it could be in the same article).
  7. The game continues until the eighth day, when all the winnings of that article are paid back to the root poster (regardless of who has the most interesting comment - but the importance of the comments in the 8th post is still very significant, see below). It's like the root poster plants a seed, and reaps the rewards after a string of 7 days.
  8. A complete round ends in the 8th day, when the root poster designates the next root poster, which is picked from the commenters of the last article in the series. The next root poster then starts from the beginning with the same set of rules.
  9. The "root poster" and all the winners of the turns cannot enter again in the game for at least a month (they cannot be designated again as root posters, and they cannot be winners in any of the 8 days of a round). Which means contestants of a first block must stay aside at least 3 rounds. Root posters, obviously, don't get any winning until the 8th day. Also obviously, winners of the turns must be unique (they can only be winners once per block).
  10. Article format. Each article will also carry a list in the following format:

round numberday of the game
link to root postroot poster nickname
link to previous postwinner nickname


Round oneDay three
link to root postroot poster nickname
link to second day postwinner nickname

This will act as a living log of all the participants, sessions and days.

The articles will also have a standard title: "Pay It Forward: Round x, Day y". Example: "Pay It forward: Round one, Day one".

The only exception is this post, which acts as a root post for the first round.

Yes, the game is open as of right now!

Why Such A Game?

To encourage content creation in a funny, creative and flexible way.
To encourage a sense of giving and compassion in the community.
To increase affinity to the platform.
To have fun.

A Blueprint For Creative And Useful Content

Ideally, the articles in the game should generate comments organically, without the economical incentive. For instance, the articles could contain important proposals for the Steemit platform, or other hot topics for the community. They may even be series of mini novels, or short stories. In my experience, when you add to a process a layer made of both incentive (in this case, a financial one) and restriction (in this case, the time limit), interesting things are happening.

Whales Support And Voting

If any whale considers this game interesting, they are free to support it transparently, by voting for each post in the rounds. I would be very happy if this thing will also result in a deeper involvement of the whales in the platform. Or big dolphins.

Voting for any of the posts in the game for the participants is not an obligation. You are not compelled to vote in order to win. All you have to do is contribute something really interesting, in the form of a comment.

So, let the games begin!. Give me your best comment! You have 24 hours. And all the rewards for this post will go to the winner of the turn.

And the winner is.... @ervin-lemark!
Motivation: his comment was inspiring and complex and he showed affinity to the post. It was also some sort of a story behind it. I confess I had a hard time choosing between @ervin-lemark's comment and's. I hope Trevor will continue to be part of the game, as he also deserves a lot of rewards for his consistency and entertaining style. And yes, both finalists are runners, so what can I do, I am and I will remain a runner myself :)

Ervin, please copy and paste your table into your post, modify the title by replacing Day One with Day Two and add to it the link to your own post, your nickname and the nickname of the winner after you pick him/her, of course.

The rewards for this post were briefly in my wallet:

And now they are in @ervin-lemark's wallet:

Pay it forward!

Pay It Forward - Round One, Day One

Pay It Forward - Let The Games Of Blogchain Begin!@dragosroua@ervin-lemark

image source - Pixabay

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

You can also vote for me as a Steemit witness here:


I've already fallen short of the 30 day challenge and now you have another one ? :D Keeping track of this is simply impossible , last time I got to bed at dawn , in order to make a post and do some promotion , albeit was a bit too complex for my own good , hence the time consumed.

I have to say keep it up with the good ideas , I have actually learned a lot and after putting some of my thoughts to "paper" it's easier to see where I'm lacking. And you are incentivizing a whole range of people to improve and have some fun on the platform.

Dear Dragos, thank you very much.

I like Trevor's comment more :)

OK, here it is:

What Is Your Favourite David Bowie Song? [Pay It Forward, Round One, Day Two]

I do hope that I have managed to format and annotate the post according to your rules and ideas :)

Dear friends, it is your turn now.

Think, feel, comment, ... Thank you!

another awesome innovation @dragosroua.

Hmm.... something funny....

Well i did have a bit of a giggle last night in the shower (keep your thoughts clean!) after my 20km run. I dropped the soap (again keep your thoughts out of the gutter!) and had to bend down to pick it up.

You know that sound the really big cranes make on the YouTube fails...
You know the ones, just before the crane collapses int a big heap....

Well that's the sound my knees made as I reached for the soap.

In my mind all I could see was me crashing to the ground with a bunch of people standing around filming me on cellphones.

It made me laugh all the while I was trying to stand up again.

:))) well, that was funny, and good for you it didn't happen while running. It's really, really awkward. That's why I try to put on running teeshirts with inspirational messages, like: "If you see me falling down, please stop my Suunto watch".

Oh I love your teeshirt! hehehehe
I'm taking a couple of days off to stretch and let my legs recover. i don't think I'll do 20kms again for a few weeks. but it is good to know I can do it, sort of.

I'm also looking for a sportswatch to help me calculate what's going on, distance etc.

I'm thinking of looking for one that will be easily rechargeable and will last (hopefully) long enough for an ultra marathon.

Yes you read that right. i haven't run a marathon yet and I'm already thinking about stepping up to the big time.

I am probably insane ;-)

I hope it works! ;) love the fact you are willing to attempt this...I think it will be a challenge. Best of luck!

Good luck with this! Although I do not have the time to participate ^^

I would love to participate!!! Just working on my entry now :)

"your entry" should mean your comment to this post. That's how you get "elected" and get to write the next post.

ummmm... what do we do if no one comments? blush

We try again next day :)

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