Fallout 4: Outpost Zimonja

in #game7 years ago




As I set out on my new play through that I outlined in the two previous articles listed above, I became aware of a few things that were going to hinder my plans. Initially I had planned only to build two settlements, one of them being something of personal vision of what life might be like for a real post-apocalyptic community. This community was to be populated with various named NPC's from all over the Commonwealth through the catch and release ability provided in the ABDUCTION mod.


One of the problems I soon realized was that I would soon encounter some of these NPC's before I got my idealistic vision of a community built and they are hard to relocate after you initially meet them. One of these would be Randy Dalton who I had kind of pegged to run the community watering hole because of his somewhat salty nature. So I would need a place to deposit NPC's like him until I could get around to actually needing them. I also had an immediate need of a workshop to build weapons and armor. So it was clear I had to put my grand plans on hold and build a settlement. I did not want to spend much time on it. I just wanted it to be sufficient to keep these NPC's safe and happy. I did not want to waste a choice building site for this purpose, so I settled on Outpost Zimonja.

Now if you're familiar with Fallout 4, you know what a crappy place Outpost Zimonja is to build on. I have built some nice settlements there in the past, but that was not what I wanted right now. I just wanted fast and easy this go around. So I killed the Raiders there, cleared the sight completely including the tower and began to throw something up. I used just about every inch of available building space doing it. In building this, I used a mod for a food generator and one for a fusion generator, both with very small footprints.


I also loaded the mod below for the turrets they provide:



Now before we go much further, I can already hear some of you thinking "Hey, he is cheating". Well...yes I am. I have already beaten the game several times each with all the factions. I do not need or want to do that this play through. I just want to build things and sort of create my own little RPG out of the game. The only thing I needed Zimonja for was it's use as a depository for abducted NPC's and I need them protected and happy. I did not want to micro manage this community. So the mods were employed.

When finishing this place out, I dumped a lot of happiness generating items into the settlement. These guys were not going to be farming and they needed to stay in shape right?


The weight benches pictured above also produce happiness. I just forgot to take a screenshot of them. I also included all the stores, a jukebox, a dance floor and...a swimming pool.


Sleeping accommodations:


Last but not least, the workshop. Notice the glass wall looking into the swimming pool. There is also a glass wall looking into the pool from the gym side.


Exterior shots. No, it is not aesthetically pleasing. Fast and easy remember?


You will notice the odd two level structure on the roof. That houses the power and food generators. the food generators emit a black smoke, so I mount them two levels higher than the habitable space. I place them on the roof to limit their exposure to ground fire.

So my hastily built NPC depository is finished and it turned out okay considering how much I crammed into the postage stamp building site. On to bigger things now. I hope you enjoyed my tour of Outpost Zimonja.

Follow @olmech



Thanks saqib

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