Fallout 4: Miss Nordhagen Beach (Mama Murphy)

in #game7 years ago (edited)


This is part of my Fallout 4 RPG/Sandbox play through series:


Three weeks after getting back into Sanctuary to help Sturges, little had changed. We had water, defenses, food and beds set up but the houses still were full of holes and really are beyond repair. Sturges is convinced that if we hammer on them long enough, magical things will begin to happen. I chose to walk away from the madness and do something truly constructive like chatting with Mama Murphy who I had successfully urged to kick her chem habit a few weeks ago. I had also taken her to see Doc Crocker so that she could get her makeover in preparation for the bikini contest hoping that a new look would cheer her up, but it just was not happening. She remained gloomy and I began to think that I had underestimated her dependence on the drugs.


As I continued to perk her up, Trashcan Carla came into town as she does now and then to sell goods. She yelled for me to come over to see her, so I did. Turns out she had brought me a message from my new friend, Skinny Malone. He said he had all the ameneties in place at his new club in Nordhagen Beach and that all he was waiting for was the decorations to be brought in from Diamond City. One way or another it seems everything either goes to or comes from Diamond City. Skinny wanted me to come down to the club to see if I liked what he had done and to see if there were any changes I thought needed to be made. He told me to arrive at night and to bring a female friend so that we could check the stage lighting and make adjustments as need be. I glanced over at Mama Murphy thinking that even though she had not always been pretty, she certainly was now. Besides, a little road trip might improve her spirits. If nothing else, it would get her away from Marcy's constant complaining. So I asked her and at first she did not want to go, but I don't give up that easy. She agreed to go and together we made our way to Nordhagen Beach.


We arrived to find Skinny alone guarding the front entrance to the club. He explained that he had not been able to find the time to get away so that he could hire staff yet because nobody was left after the workers departed to guard the club. He asked that after we look the place over if I would mind staying on for a few days while he got that sorted out. I assured him that I would guard his temple of caps with my life. This made him happy and with that we began our tour.


He explained that he purposely left the showroom dark except for the stage of course to give the place a relaxing ambiance. He clearly wanted people to come in and feel right at home as long as they bought his booze and tipped the showgirls. To the right of the stage was a swimming pool with an island which would be where the bar was located. Skinny figured that if someone was frolicking in the pool that they need not have to get out of the pool to have a drink. You just have to admire Skinny. He is just full of good ideas. To the left of the stage were the gym and staff quarters which was as nice as anything I had ever seen, even before the war. Over in the front left corner was a space that doubled as a workshop and a dressing room for performers. Merchant stations were scattered all across the front area to minimize distractions from the stage by those wanting to trade or cash something in for caps. The whole place was a symphony of white and black marble which must have cost a pretty penny since it had to be hauled down from Dunwich Borers. That place was run by Raiders the last time I was by there and I wondered what kind of deal Skinny had made to procure all this marble from them.


We then made our way out to the veranda where he showed us the re-purposed street lights he had installed to light up the beach. It was a wonderful view and I really was in awe of Skinny's vision of the place. I began to wonder if there were enough caps in the Commonwealth to justify such an undertaking this surely must have been. We walked back in the building turning right to head downstairs for access to the beach. To the left of the stairs was a showering facility to get the sand off before people went back into the club. Skinny had plans to install a small bar on this level for the people on the beach. He had placed very nice chairs and complimentary towels for guests of the club in a neat row facing the beach.


This ended our tour of the club and now Skinny was ready to test the stage lighting. He told me that he had received a crate from Fallon's Basement in Diamond City that contained the swimwear for the contestants. He suggested that Mama Murphy go through the crate and find something that suited her taste for our experiment. She went in to change while Skinny and I sat stage side and made small talk. When she came out and sheepishly made her way to the stage I became all too aware of how well a beaded blazer can hide certain...details about a person. Skinny had Mama stand still while he adjusted the lights and I stood off at a distance to help him aim. It took longer than it should have because our eyes kept wandering back to Mama Murphy. If this was any indication of what we could expect in a few weeks, we had a lot to look forward to.



More to come...

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