Fallout 4: Miss Nordhagen Beach (Trudy)

in #game7 years ago (edited)


This is part of my Fallout 4 RPG/Sandbox play through series:


Once I had finished arranging all the sponsor commitments in Diamond City for Skinny Malone's Bikini Contest, I decided that I would make good on an earlier promise to Sturges back in Sanctuary. He had asked me for help in getting the town habitable when the place really needed to be cleared and started anew. Hopefully I could talk some sense into him. The more I learn about those five that I met in Concord the more amazed I became that they ever made it there from Quincy.

I had made it as far north as the railroad bridge just north of Oberland Station when I met Skinny Malone. He was not happy. He had heard the rumors about some of the participants that had signed up for his contest and wanted to remind me that he did not build a nightclub to be used as a geriatric ward for bingo tournaments. I tried to assure him that I had things well in hand, but he demanded proof. So I asked him to meet me in Diamond City the following day and I would get him his proof. If what I had planned for him worked, then we could put all the issues we had to rest and we could all sleep easier at night.

What I had planned to do would have been much easier if I had more time to prepare. I needed to find one of our more troubling prospects and let Doc Crocker work his magic on her. Personally I was hoping to find Trashcan Carla as I made my way north, but she was nowhere to be found. I took a quick look at my map and noticed Drumlin Diner was nearby so I made my way there to talk with Trudy. Hopefully she could spare the time to be our test subject.


Trudy spends her time running a trading post inside the old Drumlin Diner. She is a weathered old soul with the disposition to match her rugged looks. She was easily one of the most challenging in terms of a fixer upper that I had on my list of participants. If Doc could make her appealing, it would be all downhill from there. So I approached her with my dilemma and she was eager to be the first one to receive her makeover, so we began the journey back to Diamond City. We talked about a great many things on our way and I soon found that under her gruff personality was hidden the charm of a lady.


We got to Diamond City just as Doc Crocker was opening up shop at the Mega Surgery Center. He agreed to get started right away but told me it was going to take a few hours. I was relieved because I had planned on this effort to need days or weeks...not hours. Since I had some time to kill, I went on over to the Dugout Inn to kick back and enjoy some really bad whiskey. I ran into Skinny on my way over and he followed me in to rattle my ears about how many pieces of me he could cram into a bobby pin box if this did not work. It was just noise to me. I was committed at this point and had done all I could do. All I could do now is wait and work on a headache.

When the time had come to check back in with Doc, Skinny and I got up to make our way over there. I purposely walked very slowly while Skinny was like a hamster in a wheel walking ahead of me stopping now and then for me to catch up. I was in no hurry for what could be my last walk.

What awaited for us at the Mega Surgery Center could not have been a bigger surprise to me even in my most ambitious dreams. Doc Crocker had transformed our homely contestant into a ravishing beauty. He truly had lived up to his self appointed reputation. Not one to miss an opportunity and making use of the convenient fact that two more of my sponsors were nearby, we made our way over to John at Kathy and John's Super Salon. After John had done Trudy's hair, we went to Fallon's Basement to let Becky outfit her in something flattering of her smashing good looks.


We then stepped back out into the Market to get a feel for what the residents there thought about the brand new Trudy.



Doc, John and Becky made sure everyone knew of their contributions to Trudy's amazing transformation and as we left Diamond City lines were beginning to form at their businesses. Everyone was now in the mood to be beautiful. Skinny was slapping me on the back talking about how there would be no caps left in the Commonwealth after we put this show on and I must admit I was beginning to feel optimism seep into my veins as well.

We parted ways at the gate of the city. Skinny went back to finish building his club while Trudy and I began the long walk back to Drumlin Diner. As we made our way back, I began to notice a deeper transformation take place in Trudy. Where she had been worn and beaten down before, she now had pride and confidence. Nobody knows for sure how old Trudy must be, but I began to think that perhaps she had never looked this good even as a young woman. The Commonwealth had a way of stealing your youth and for Trudy that had probably come quickly. However she may have gotten her start no longer mattered. She was a winner now and she knew it.


I left Trudy at the Diner and I started on my way up to Sanctuary to help the hapless five from Quincy. Before I got to the road, I turned around to take one more look at Trudy. You truly cant judge a book by it's cover it seems.

More to come...

Follow @olmech


Amazing Post My Friend @Upvoted And Resteem,

Thank you saqib.

you are welcome :)

Trudy is quite the looker

Thats quite the compliment considering she really is quite homely as Bethesda designed her. Thank you.

I love the series, keep writing. I could read it for days. My favorite game franchise , lasting for 20 years, and receiving so much love. Just beautiful.

You are too kind alliesin. Thank you so much.

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