#Steemit INSANE MAZE 02 - Find your way down, be the first and be rewarded!
After you have found the solution to this #InsaneMaze, you'll have to reply below with a clear image with a visible solution here on #steemit using @brunopro on the reply.
The winner will win 50% of all the money gathered by #UpVoting and every time I get a payout I'll send 50% of it to the winner.
Leave comments, suggestions below, and remember to UpVote to get a nice reward to the winner ;)
previous maze: https://steemit.com/rewards/@brunopro/original-steemit-insane-maze-01-find-your-way-down-and-be-rewarded
thanks... actually doing the 3rd one right now... ;)
out: https://steemit.com/funny/@brunopro/steemit-insane-maze-03-find-your-way-down-be-the-first-to-solve-it-and-be-rewarded-with-steem-dollars
Solved! @brunopro http://prntscr.com/btemos
+1 for creativity eheheh but not valid solution ;)
New maze guys: @pfunk / @coindup / @jamtaylor / @blakemiles84 /
@mars-eve / @michaelx / @grittenald / @cryptoiskey / @venuspcs / @andro19 / @vadym
Hi man! I'm new on Steemit and I don't know much about rewards, but I found it funny and I solved it. Thanks for bringing me back to when I was creating labyirinths during lessons.... =)
Congratulations @bronsedi - You are the winner :)
Thanks for playing and I'll be sharing 50% / 50% everytime on every payout for this post ;)
Yuppi!!! We'll probably not become rich with this post but it was fun! See ya!
It all depends on the #steemit community, if they like and find this initiative interesting. The lower the #upvotes lower the #reward . At the time of this post there's only 0.02 . the previous one reached over 1$ for example...
Here's the payment:
transfer 0.058 SBD to @bronsedi
3rd maze is out to solve! https://steemit.com/funny/@brunopro/steemit-insane-maze-03-find-your-way-down-be-the-first-to-solve-it-and-be-rewarded-with-steem-dollars
Let the games(scams) begin
@lostnugget - I don't like what you calling me, I'm not a scammer and I have a reputation outside steemit to back it up. I'm just having fun and trying new things. As a designer and creative I enjoy very much making this things.
Try to solve it first and you'll confirm in first person that I'll pay like the rules say.
Did not mean to call you a scammer,but i mean people without a background like yours will try to do this then just scam and then people will give it a bad name.I hope that dosent happen but this community needs to be closely watched as it only takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch,your doing it the right way mate,cheers
All good, You can keep an eye on this post. I'll post a screenshot of the transaction to winner

link: https://steemit.com/@brunopro/transfers