One Day in 2040 - A Journal Entry

in #futurechronicles7 years ago (edited)

25 years ago my faithful old friend!
Has it really been that long since I moved out here? My body feels it no doubt. Years of hard work! They said the robots would tend to my every whim, yet here I am, still sore and tired. Sitting here on the patio right now, just watching the chickens scratch the ground. What simple lives they lead. Concerned only with what lies immediately before them. Not really a care in the world!

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You wouldn't have caught me sitting around out here back then! Life was busy then. We did things back then that kids these days wouldn't dare attempt. It's hard to think I once scaled my old barn, just to re-roof that thing. If only I knew then what I know now.

I lost that barn in the Great War, along with a lot of other things... and family.. and friends. If only I would have known! I would have spent that time I wasted on that roof with the ones I lost, and the ones that still remain. So much time, wasted on so many trivial things, chasing after the wind. That time could have been spent on them. On people. Should have. Could have.

Why can't we be more like those chickens? We make everything so complicated, don't we? We choose to follow hollow goals and souls to our deaths yet fail to tend to that which lies right there in front of us. It only took me 25 years to discover this. 25 years that are now forever lost.

I guess it really is true, "the more things change, the more they stay the same..." Hey journal, maybe one day I'll learn!
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Thank you for your efforts aimed at community building!

Thank you. I will keep trying my best while I keep enjoying it.

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