Comedy Compendium. Episode 3 (Chima's genitalia disorder)

in #funny6 years ago

In the spirit of lightening up our moods, let's take a little laugh syrup again. Grab a popcorn and get seated while you take your seat and sit down... If you missed the previous episodes, the links would be at the bottom of this post for you.


Chima's visit to the clinic

Chima had been having some serious challenges with his genital organ; and after trying to hide it for long; he decided to buy some courage and visit a clinic - you know that not too many people would want to discuss about a genitalia issue. When Chima arrived the clinic; here's what happened:

Chima: {To the receptionist} - Hello, good morning. Please I'd love to see a doctor for a very sensitive issue.

Receptionist: Welcome sir, please take a seat. I need to take your bio data, and the purpose you wish to see the doctor.

Chima: {Not wanting to disclose his challenges to the receptionist, he used some ambiguous lexical brouhaha to confuse the gullible receptionist} - I've got a Pudendal trans-extrapolation and aggrandizement of the penile symphysis.

Receptionist: {feeling very confused} - Sorry sir.. Just walk through the passage, the doctor's office is the second door by your left.

[Chima walks into the doctor's office]

Doctor: Take a seat. What's the problem?

Chima: Doc, I have a challenge in my genitalia region - penis in particular

Doctor: Pull your pants let me have a look

Chima: Please don't laugh at my condition when I pull my pants

Doctor: You have my words; I won't laugh

[Chima pulls his pants and exposes something that has the size of a remote control battery - "AAA battery". The doctor couldn't stop herself from laughing, because she hasn't seen a penis as tiny as this in her years of medical profession]

Doctor: Sorry I laughed; it wasn't intentional. So what's the problem sir?

Chima: It has been swollen for over two weeks now, but it got increased last night.

Doctor: Swollen??? {She faints}

Thanks for laughing reading

Peace on y'all


Hahahaha!! I don't blame the doctor. It calls for laughter.

Lol. Laughing at Penisetum indicka? 😢
Lol. That's the biological name I've given to it

Hahahaha. I really can't stop laughing... Tg3 hanks for bringing out that smile @samminator

Lol. That's the idea; to make you laugh

Chima just needs to get a small girlfriend. Problem solved.

Looks like Chima has gotten the answer to his problem 😂

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