Comedy Compendium. Episode 1(My discourse with the parachute seller)

in #comedy6 years ago

Okay!! Let's put smiles on our faces. I had a long day today, so I decided to do a little comedy to ease up. Someone might also need this.

Note: Please do not read through if you're allergic to laugher.

Me and the parachute seller

I needed to go for a sky-diving expedition, so I had to buy a parachute. When I got to the showroom to buy the parachutes; I asked the following questions (You wouldn't blame me for sounding like a novice, I hadn't used a parachute before then). Here's the conversation we had:

Samminator: Hello Mister, I would like to purchase a cool parachute.

Seller: Welcome sir. We have various brands of parachute. Forgive my curiosity; what do you want a parachute for?

Samminator: I want to go for sky-diving stunts, but I don't want to fall hard and break my spine.

Seller: Okay, here's the one that would suit you

Samminator: How do I use the parachute?

Seller: Just jump off from the cliff of the mountain and press the yellow button to release the chute.

Samminator: Oh, okay.. What if I press the button in mid-air and the parachute doesn't open?

Seller: Just come back sir, I will give you a replacement?

Samminator:... :(


Quick question before I wrap up

Who is drunk here?

Samminator: Hey pops, how do I know when a dude is drunk or something?

Dad: Come son, look at that single coconut tree over there, a drunk dude will see two coconut trees.

Samminator: Single coconut tree? Thought there are five coconut trees there?

Passerby: Is that not a cashew tree?

Thanks for reading laughing

Don't laugh alone, take someone to laugh with you


The parachute seller must be an Igbo man. Both of them are drunk. @samminator and Dad

I said it, dad must have been drunk. How could he see only one tree? :)
What of the passerby?

Oh wow, I like the parachute seller, he knows how to do business very well.
Probably the passerby is the drunk one here. It's most unlikely that two drunk people would see the see things.

I'm just thinking, has anyone ever complained of a failed parachute before? :D

Lol. But why were we seeing different number of trees? :)

I'm just thinking, has anyone ever complained of a failed parachute before?

Yes, the other person who went parachuting with the failed parachute guy who's now probably resting in pieces.😂

Lol. Omg! :)

i thought it was a tomato tree o....

Choi! Baba, you're high on pure water :)

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Lol... You'll probably ask for a replacement from the spirit world...

Nothing is impossible :p

Wow, those eye balls...
Looking like that of a bot...
You gat a cute face, you...
And i'm seeing a cassava tree instead.

Hmmm. Isorite.
Wait! Cassava has tree? ^^

Congratulations!,@samminator Your post has been upvoted by @reachout via the wafrica tag

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Lol bro ✊ u
Funny u....
Nice one....

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