
Well, Steem may be revolutionary, but it is still an upper layer of the Internet that has to respect fundamental principles of the underlying protocol, and as everyone knows ...
The Internet is for porn!

I share your concern and I've actually been thinking a lot about this problem for the past few weeks. I've actually almost stopped posting over a month ago when I saw the first few boobs posts. I wanted a platform to discuss deep intellectual ideas.

However then I remembered history. The Internet was also mostly used for porn in its early days and that definitely disappointed the scientists who built it initially, yet it still took off.

Sexual desires is a part of human nature and we are quite repressed in this modern professional society where we cannot express our sexuality for most of the day because we are at work. That is not how humans evolved. We are naturally sexual creatures who bond with each other through sex, so naturally people will gravitate toward sex on an uncensored platform. If sexual content, especially ones from real people who you can connect with, are being upvoted, that means it is what society really desire the most. People crave intimacy and do not receive enough of it in out awkward super technologically advanced culture. Yet technology could be what will eventually fix this.

Steemit is a social experiment to show what is really valuable to society, and that is sex. As much as we pretend to be rational, we are irrational beings controlled by emotions. Only when we lose our ego can we fully realize this and achieve self actualization.

So even though I wasn't too happy that this platform "degenerated" from sophisticated posts about cryptocurrencies to pics of boobs, I'm learning to accept the results. Perhaps boobs add more value to society in a primal way that I'm not good at evaluation. So I should put aside my own ego and believe in the free market.

I'm not one to vote up posts with boobs because (as you so eloquently described), this site has too many boobs already and there are smarter places to get that fix. That said, you got my vote because you write really, really well.

I'm not sure I'd call it "stupid" as much as I'd say we're just primitive. It takes effort to use the thinking side of our brains over the hard-wired reactive side. I agree with you that boobs are pretty awesome. I'm all about women using their strengths just as men do. It's part of their natural power, and I celebrate it. That said, it shouldn't be the only thing we recognize or then we're just part of a larger problem of objectification.

Thanks again for the great post, I really enjoyed it.

I read your other post too regarding a similar matter. And I will say this again. Steem will take time to mature. Everything has to go through a natural evolution. Where so many humans are involved with differing natures, these things are bound to happen

We can only hope that good quality content (be it from a guy or a girl) is rewarded. Thats it. That's all that matters. Good quality content getting the respect it deserves.

Steemit it's simple, Upvote all
Welcome to the party joke with steemit

I think the purpose of curators is not to rewards boobs or women per se, but increase platform appeal to different audiences, create success stories, increase the attractiveness factor in terms of signups, change the crypto-nerd demographics that are immersed in projects like these, etc etc.

Does this alienate some good content creators that got nothing and start comparing what they don't have compared to what got upvoted? Sure it does. That's why curation needs to be more balanced / rounded.

Couldn't be bothered reading whatever you wrote, upvoted for the nice pair I saw on the post photo

those rewards could have gone to a woman of character doing inspiring things to serve worthy causes and give back to society, advancing healthy, dignified, respectable, feminine leadership

Sounds like the perfect intro for a shameless Hilary Clinton plug :P

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