Coming Out Both Ends - A (not for the squeamish) Love Story

in #funny6 years ago

You probably think you know where this is going, and you're probably correct.

I got the flu the other night

(I didn't get the flu shot this year... because of this image.)

It wasn't very pretty and it came on out of the blue at 1:30 AM, but just from one end. You're probably wondering which end I am talking about, so I will tell you, but it will be subtle and in my own fashion.

Anyhow, then I woke up at 4 AM and it was happening again. It was violent, unsettling and fraught with mental anguish.

Sort of like A Clockwork Orange, but faster and more disturbing, maybe more like Kalifornia.

(Skrillex gets the flu sometimes.)

I should mention that while this was happening it was in the dark. I didn't bother to turn the light on because I'm quite familiar with the layout of the bathroom, and I didn't want to disturb my beautiful, sleeping wife.

Then I started throwing up. (See what I did there? All in my own time.)

(Kitties get the flu as well.)

It was not quite that simple, as you might guess. I had to shift positions, but there was the whole ICK factor going on. I reached back, flushed, and then lunged forward to the sink. That was where I retched in the dark for what seemed like a minute while the other side of the washroom "freshened up".

That was when the full-blown puking started. I think that holding it back for that minute must have really built up pressure. I was all hunched up and just letting it fly. I heard my wife running from the bedroom and asking if I was okay, but it was really hard to answer her amidst a bout of dry heaves.

That's when the light turned on.

I was horrified. Nobody needs to see the person they love the most with their body arched over a toilet bowl and their underwear down around their knees. I think that's painting a prettier picture than it was, because the light shut off almost as fast as it came on and then there was the much dimmer light of an emergency lantern bathing my situation.

(Sometimes even Jesus gets the flu.)

As soon as the last waves had passed through me I collapsed in a heap on the cool floor and made a half-assed attempt at pulling my underwear up on the high side. I remember muttering something about being sorry that she had to see me like this while she wiped the cold sweat from my head with a damp cloth she had moistened.

I don't remember everything she said, but it was all perfect. Soothing and comforting, she nursed me up off the floor and left me there to sort myself out before coming back to bed.

When I got to bed, she had a bucket, cold cloth and a glass of water there for me and rubbed my back until 5 AM when I called my boss and told him I wasn't going to be in. Then we fell back asleep for a couple of hours.

I always knew we had a love that was going to last, but for some reason this seemed to solidify that feeling in an immeasurable way. Obviously it was enough for me to want to write this post and tell you about it.

("That's a serum bottle full of morphine, idiot. Give it here, and hand me my syringe. Teddy's gonna get fucked up. Probably not fucked up enough to not mention those eyebrows though.")

Relating to celebrities

I remember Andy Richter telling a story about his wife shitting on his floor and him cleaning it up. He said that was when she knew she wanted to marry him. Hold on, I'll see if I can corroborate that... Yep, I found it. Here it is:

Ms. Thyre was wearing a necklace with five tiny spoons dangling, indicating five years of marriage. “This is when I knew he was the man for me,” she said. “I was at his apartment, and I was so poor that I was drinking coffee and eating cigarettes–that was my diet. And he’s like, ‘Well, you want to get some dinner?’ And I’m like, ‘Oh, God! Let’s go to Taco Bell!’ because I knew I could get that Value Menu–I could get the most for my money. So I hadn’t eaten for like a week and I ate Taco Bell. The next morning, my sister called me at his apartment, and I got out of bed and I was naked, and I was squatting on the floor, talking to her on the phone, and I started laughing really hard, and I shit on his floor of his apartment, like Hershey syrup. I know, it’s gross. It was, like, liquid shit. This is an example of what we find funny: When I saw that shit was coming out of my naked ass onto his floor of his apartment, I just started laughing and ran to the toilet and sat on the toilet, continued talking to my sister, and I was like, ‘I just shat on the floor!’ and she was laughing and I look over and Andy’s wiping it up. He’s scrubbing the floor! And I was like, ‘Oh, my God, he’s wiping up my diarrhea. He is the most amazing man ever.’ I think that’s when I said, ‘Yes, I’ll marry you.'”
(Excerpt from a George Gurley article in the Observer)

(Awwwww, yeeeah. That's how Teddy do it.)

So there you have it, folks. She has seen me at my worst and didn't run away. She just merely dimmed the lights and looked after me. Like she always does.

Pretend I have some fancy graphics here that tell you about my Bitcoin wallet numbers or something.


I know that feeling. Everytime I ate at applebees i would get food poisoning just like that. It was horrible. I had an old room mate that got sick like that and when he got up off the can to puke in the sink his body tensed up and he painted the wall behind him

That gif gets me every time. I can't stop watching it with glee.

I love it. When the guy pukes a little at the end is the best.

Oh i know how much. Made that mistake twice. Never again

Could you imagine how much puke there would be from Applebees?

I gotta stop watching cause I cant stop laughing

I hate that I find this so gd funny!!

Sadly, I think you've already graduated from newbie school with Rep 47. Continue to tag us though so we can resteem and reach out to our fab members of curie (in case they miss your post). Looks like there are already a few keeping an eye out on your posts though. ;)

Maybe I could slam a few whales and get a few flags or however you lose rep. Haha

Let me know what I can do to help out, and thanks for the good times.


Ah ha ha, no but really that sucks. Congrats your post was picked up by the cryptkeeper17 curation trail on steemauto. To get a larger percentage upvote feel free to contact me anytime on discord, cryptkeeper17#6637. Keep the hits coming profanereviews, pardon the pun.

Hey, thanks very much. I will go on discord, but I just don't understand it yet. I'll try to figure out how to look someone up again. I wish I could afford to quit my job and just write fun stuff all day, but unfortunately, that day job thing takes up a lot of my time right now.

I still don't understand how curation trails work either, so I guess I should do some research on that as well. Thanks again.

Well curation trails basically go like this: so genius starts it, everybody follows someone's upvote on posts for whatever reason, their vote power becomes worthless, and there really was no rhyme or reason to it. The only difference on mine is that encourage people to use the setting that best suits what they are trying to do on here, and they upvote a circle of people, who also upvotes them. Luckily there is someone paying attention so that everyone is getting a fair shake, no BS people that post like 12 times a day, or garbage like that. A lot of these people are newer users, and every phase of it is closely monitored so people's voting power is not exhausted so that they can do other things, like not join a voting cult, lol. And the most cool thing is that if they suck you can unfollow them just as quickly as you followed them. I saw you resteemed some of royaleagle's posts, if you know him or talk to him and ask him about me, and if I shoot people straight or not. BTW I have been reading your posts for a while and our trail had been voting our humble little amount for the time being, and yes they are funny as hell. Did you ever consider that day job is content rich? Real funny as always @profanereviews, I always liked hearing comedian talk shows, because that's about the only way you could get the truth about anything on television, lol.

That's funny, if you check, I'm already a part of yours. My current job is rich with material too, but I hate being mean to halfwits and assholes on the internet. Not really. My problem is that I only have five coworkers and one of them follows me. He's a good guy, but I'd probably find it even harder to work with a couple of others if they ever figured out how to internet and looked into it.

Past jobs are fair game though, and I have had a lot of them.

Thanks a lot for reading my shit, by the way, and for liking it. That means a lot to a poor fella such as myself.

You are too too funny with the most awesome photos! Thanks for tagging us. Great post!

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday's top 10 posts for the day! We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

LOL I don't know whether or not to be disturbed or saying aww how sweet right now! Either way glad to see the newbies tagged me here! @beeyou funny stuff!!!! Not sure how long you've been on steemit but welcome aboard the newbieresteemday family!

I was hoping it would be a bit of both. I guess I've been here for a month or so. I will definitely try to help out when I can. Thanks for the welcome.

I definitely loved the love story! What can I say I love love!

Thanks @beeyou for tagging me, although I’m not sure about that. @profanereviews, that’s definitely a unique first impression ;0)
I agree that you would probably fit in with us #newbieresteemday misfits, so wanted to welcome you aboard

Thank you, ma'am. Looking forward to the shenanigans.

Hilarious!! You had me hook, line and sinker by the the Clockwork Orange mention. (and now I know I really like you!! ;)

If that ain't love, I don't know what is!

Pretend I have some fancy graphics here that tell you about my Bitcoin wallet numbers or something.


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