A Plea Against Dick Jokes (SFW) - Comedy Open Mic Round 2

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

With a hat dick to @diebitch for encouragement.
I go with her through dick and thin.
(We are dick as thieves at this point.)

I really try to laugh about what at least half the population considers to be extremely funny: dicks.

But I just don’t get dicks. Perhaps I need to examine this. It. Them.

So far I’ve noticed people only joke about them when they also have one. And they think women will simply laugh. But I never understood how a dick-joke could make me interested. As if they think they are a real dick-up artist. The only thing they're actually looking for is that cooing kind of laugh, which you won't get when you go dick-or-treating. (And I choose the treat.)

I have thought about dicks. I even have a lot of opinions about them: Pathetic, silly, sad, weak, disgusting, smelly, annoying, tiny, ridiculous...

But I have never thought of dicks as funny. Laughable, yes. But that is not the same as funny, right? Perhaps I should look this up in a dicktionary.

Maybe there are different types of humor. And who am I to dicktate what is funny?

Sometimes I decide to play along. I force my mouth to perform… to make the sounds… to open up… Basically I try to laugh. But it’s mechanical and although the receiver really seems to enjoy it, I have already forgotten why I’m even trying. So I give up… I am no longer laughing about dick-jokes.

I do still laugh about dicks.

(Which sometimes leads to awkward situations. Sorry about that, AnonymousGuy4722, but your picture of your itsy bitsy teenie weenie just made me laugh. Maybe next time put it in a yellow polka dot bikini.)


And then there are those dickheads that keep talking about size, as if they’re comparing upvotes.

As if they don’t know what phallacious logic is. Even though a dick is not pointless, that doesn’t mean it’s making a point.

Personally I prefer something that goes a bit deeper.


Talking about dicks as if they’re funny--it’s just attention grabbing. Freud would have something to say about it. As if nobody ever thinks about anything but dicks? This would explain some things...

[Insert dick joke.]

<truth>Self-upvoting bots are nothing but invited stalkers, drooling over unrequited love, making you feel wanted. It's just another way of pretending they have the largest. A way to tell yourself you are loved (even though you are not).</truth>

I do often wonder whether people have carrot or dick motivation. (And what happens with your life if the dick IS the carrot?)

To be honest, I love talking about one particular dick: an American science-fiction writer who was called Philip K. Dick. But that’s not funny either.

I could go on, but I’ll keep some dicks for the next time.

Because honestly, I’m dick of it all.

All images by @nobyeni. Despite appearances, the game 'Joking Hazard' has only a few dick-related jokes. Mostly it is really funny. Therefore I can definitely recommend this offensive card game by Cyanide & Happiness to those who get it. Just get it!


Your writing is yet another reason why I’m really glad the comedyopenmic guys awared me to this tag.

You’re a full-blown, legitimate satirist.

I resteemed this because it was good even after the third time I read it this morning.

That’s approaching Arrested Development level of amusing.

Coming from you, with your high quality satire, that means a lot! Reading your posts makes me wonder why I should even try.... but I feel the same, I only found your blog through the comedyopenmic thing. All hail to the judges!

This was funny. But don't get too cocky. You might get the shaft.

This post really made me think about my dick.

Thank you.

Oh Shit, I'm gonna need a dick pic... now I'm thinking about your dick too... I know this is a little forward @aku

Thanks for not sharing your pic. Much appreciated.

I'm glad this was such a positive experience for you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Much appreciated.

What about nob jokes?

I once knew a nob named yeni
her nob was in fact rather teeny
but for what her nob lacked,
she made up for in fact,
with a wit that was sharp as a tack

<3 Carl

btw "slob the nob" was a common euphemism for a blow job back when I was a high schooler

I didn't know that. I've always considered nob short for noob, for a nobody.

Oooh sorry to be the bearer of bad news here... "nob" is very common slang for penis, or more specifically, the head of the penis.

Please don't tell me these things. Now I'll have to rename my company...

ROFL.... Priceless.

I think I once wrote in a dick joke about a corn cob eating contest at a local fair, which involved "gobble your nob" or something like that.

This yeni named nob thanks thee, Mr. Gnash.

Part of the problem here is that projecting yourself outside of your male body is a difficult thing to do for many people of the male persuasion. If you fail to do this, you do not understand that the penis is not the center of the universe. Taking this in mind, a lot of male behavior makes a lot more sense. This does not make it more palatable of course.

Hmm. That reasoning makes sense, but only when you also add to the mix that men are very limited in the way they can use their brain. Because why don't women make more jokes about their body-parts?

because the penis is not the center of a woman's universe. There are many far reaching effects and implications of the penis being the center of the universe. I don't think the penis has to be the center of a man's universe, but there is a strong gravitational tug toward that center. I feel like many men just sort of give in to the natural impulse and allow it to happen that God = Penis (in all practical respects and with all attendant consequences to morality and behavior).

In other words - a dick pic is like a missionary spreading the good word. Imagine this like a well intentioned missionary knocking on your door and asking you if you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our lord and savior. Thinking of a dick pic in those terms actually makes a ton of sense. The intention behind it, from the perspective of the sender, is not a bad intention. It is more along the lines of, dude, this thing is amazing, it is God, have you heard the good word? Because if you had, surely, you would be worshiping my penis. Because I am worshiping my penis right now, and it is AWESOME!

Yes, that would be awesome. Except that I (and feminist theory seems to indicate something similar) cannot see any body-part as separate from the whole, the body. Also, the idea of worshipping is totally alien, as it implies a power-relationship that is not equal. So no, any God/religion you want to get my attention for, that features a male God or a male Saviour, will not go very far.

So, in more mundane terms. If I ever get another missionary-dic-pick-please-accept-this-saviour-come-worshipping-with-me-picture, I will reply with 'you can sign here to forego all your rights and you will be assimilated into the Borg called marriage, have a nice day'.

to be clear, I feel the EXACT same way about well intentioned missionaries that knock on my door. This wasn't an argument for dick pics. Just an explanation of them. An explanation for why, when it is so obvious to so many people that dick pics are a terribly bad idea, do so many men continue to send dick pics.

Damn, didn't know a curie nerd could have this good a sense of humor.
Also, the secret to getting a curie upvote is dick jokes apparently.

Hmmm, that doesn't seem right. Let me take a totally random sampling of other posts I have submitted for Curie before to see if there is any truth in this:
... okay... so MAYBE if you write a post about penis I am drawn to it like a moth to the flame ;)

I agree. Which is why I study and read the work of Bracha Ettinger, Luce Irigaray and Sara Ahmed and Genevieve Lloyd --- instead of getting stuck into the view of Freud and Lacan... :)

btw I just realized I replied to my own comment below so you might not see my follow up, which I am interested in your take on.

oop just realized I was being a dick, lol, I thought I had upvoted before leaving my comment but apparently I was distracted by all the dicks. It happens to me. I felt this deserved the 100% @r-bot upvote and my own vote should trail behind in a few minutes - resteemed this on my own account. This is hilarious!

i feel like someone just told half the planet to fcuk off but that same half is applauding the loudest

👍👍👍 - an edick that is indicktive of our times, addicktively readable and soon to be a dicktum in comedyopenmic, phallusly fabulous

You have given the devil a new idea!

oh no 🤦‍♂️

The devil in this case is the freelance philosopher not the great internationally famed humble cartoonist(me).

no that does not reassure me that things will go back to the way things were before all this gang-bang of ideas 💡

It's your fault and somehow also @traf's

yeah he's such a bitchy snitch he outed you on twitter now i'm going to dig up your old shit and plagiarise you to perpetuity in my upcoming post

Lol. This post is ridickulously funny.

I know right?!?

This post is a composition of dick and mortar, an excellent comedy combination! It's clear you are not dicking around with this submission, and I never get dick and tired of your dick jokes - keep Them coming !

I think I'm all dicked out at the moment... but will let you know once I find something to dick about some more.

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Hmmm cut out of words ........ But at alll better is an info ........

I don't enjoy dick jokes, but implying only men make dick jokes is, well, not my experience.

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