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RE: The Pine Pollen Plague

in #funny7 years ago

Pine pollen is good stuff! I just processed a batch today. It's amazing stuff -- more fine than the finest flour. It has a nice nutty flavor. Here are some great pine pollen cookies, complete with spruce needles. Forest cookies! :D
xtsu DSC02423 small.jpg
Maybe somebody needs to invent a big pine pollen vacuum and then people could just eat all that pollen!


Those cookies sound interesting! I imagine they're good for you. I never heard of cookies made with pine pollen. Now, I want to learn about them!

Pine pollen is good in biscuits, pancakes, muffins -- most anything baked. But it's good for making fresh noodles and in smoothies, too. I better write a post or two!

Yes, you should write a post. It will be interesting. I am constantly reading about food and nutrition and I never came across pine pollen. I'm in Tucson so there are no naturally growing pines trees here, but in the mountains surrounding us there are. My interest is piqued and I'm going to research it.

Ahh! HH! What the heck! You are amazing! There are so many questions running through my mind right now. Please tell me that you are going to chronicle and post all your pollen awesomeness! Yes, I am using an absurd amount of exclamation points, but it's due to your awesomeness, so totally acceptable.

Haha! Yes, I better write about pine trees and pine pollen. It's one of my annual spring things to do. People make big money off of selling pine pollen, but I just harvest for my own use. There are a lot of health claims about it, but I just like to eat it. It's tasty! And if you are surrounded by pine pollen, you can harvest all you want for free - and some effort, lol.

I so, so, so am anticipating the pine pollen post(s), for apparently I have an abundant supply of yummy baked goods to create featuring that star ingredient! Effort or no effort the pine pollen will be collected! 😊

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