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in #funny7 years ago

The F-Bomb Boy

Shhh! You can't say that here!

Being a librarian is a constant learning experience, and not for the reasons one might think. I would love to spend countless hours bathing my conscious in the soothing balm that flows from the pages of written word, but that is a scenario that I have yet to experience at my place of employment.

More often than not, the lessons that I glean come from the area of interpersonal interactions. There needs to be a disclaimer at this part of the story, I am not one of those stereotypical, mousy; introverted librarians. I grew up with an attention seeking, extroverted creature of Michael Scott proportions. This is not an exaggeration. So, while I would rather be stretched out on a blanket, alone in the woods reading a book; it could be said that I am comfortable in a social setting. Thanks Dad!

Returning to interpersonal interactions. All kinds of people cast their personality beam upon us at the library. You have the man that prints pictures of mountains. Pages upon pages of mountains have spewed out of our laser printer, for years and years. Our front counter upholds the overly friendly inebriated souls. Little old ladies that like to wax poetic about how attractive you are to the entire library while you help them log on to the Internet are always fun (This happened to me yesterday, I made a note to wear less eye makeup), and let's not forget the ever fun unclogging of the men's toilet chore. Deuce I Don't Defecate At Home loves to visit every day after-school. I would really love to have a chat with him about the proper amount of toilet paper to utilize. That would be after I brandish the plunger in an emphasizing manner towards his timely elimating form. Who am I kidding, at this point I would love to throw it at him.

Yesterday's human encounter was one of the top ten in my ongoing catalog of human experiences: The F-bomb Boy.

I was helping teach an after-school painting class in our meeting room with our Youth Services saint, Miss M. I needed to step back into the main part of the library to get a form that we needed to fill out when I heard what sounded like a crack-addled chipmunk hollering: F@#$, F@$%, F#@%, over and over again.

There were three young boys, probably around 8 or 9 coming in the front door, and as I looked at bilge-mouthed creature uttering the expletive I found myself uttering the clarification question that most adults have at one time asked: "What did you say?"

The sandy-brown haired, cherub-faced; sewer-mouthed creature looked up at me and smiled. As he did so he said, "F#$%" with perfect elocution. Professor Henry Higgins would have been proud.

This creature is far cleaner than that kid's mouth

"That's what I thought you said," I replied with an impressive amount of stoic resolve.

"You know that you can't be yelling that particular word or any other profane word at the library, right?" I order-queried.

"Well, he was yelling it at a lady in the parking lot, is that okay?" one of his cohorts quipped in reply.

"The parking lot is part of the library, so that would be a no on the yelling of the F-word anywhere that is part of the library." I replied patiently.

Ol Coitus Mouth peered up me and responded, "But I like saying F#$%!"

"Unfortunately, if you continue to say it, I am going to have to call your mother to come collect you. So you need to stop."

"Okay." The foul-mouthed, precocious youth bubbly replied as he went along on his way.

We, of course had to call his mother, for we had another incident with our dung-spewing friend, and she was mortified that he was wandering around ejecting the F-word into the public sphere.

"We don't even use that word in this house!" She exclaimed.

I just found myself thankful that there wasn't a Grandma around, or I would have been filling out two incident reports yesterday.

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's sparkling clean iPhone.


Brilliant. Thanks for sharing the little bombers day with you, with us. Very funny read. After reading this, my image of you is shattered. Not the demure librarian I have been reading all this time? ( I have a good friend that is a librarian, she and I have a running joke along those lines. You would have to be there. Then again, probably not that funny.)

And I'm not sure which is worse, the loud and lewd kid, or the set-a-spell guy. THAT would get old in a hurry. Good on ya for being a staid librarian.

Oh dear, It appears that I have shown my true colors with this post. The image of the prim-clothed, proper-mannered creature with perpetually shush-pursed lips has been dispelled. Unfortunately for all, I am more of the sarcastic, mischievous type, just ask @jacobtothe!

Running jokes are usually hysterical, and I am sure that you and your librarian friend are a first class riot.

Many gratitude thoughts are being projected your way dd! I will endeavor to remain staid, but if you ever see a news headline of a librarian snapping and chasing someone with a plunger, you'll know the perp! 😜

I DO hope I never read - at the grocery counter 'library' - (did I use those dashes correctly?) about the demure librarian who beat the poor man senseless with a rubber toilet clearing implement at the real library. Would give your Dewey decimal cohorts a bad name.

I've thrown in an Actual grocery store 'library' shelf article here from a long-since-past story post/series I started, but abandoned, that is still in the 'continued' future works of mental prep. Thought you might enjoy this part of it. Since you deal with the absurd on a semi-regular basis.

Well, I doubt you'll ever get to glance at an article at the grocery counter library featuring my improper brandishing of plumbing equipment. I only think about polymer carnage, and would never actually engage in such a thing. Definitely wouldn't be a proper representation of the Book Jockey Stereotype.

I do so hope that you pick up where you left off in your series, you are brilliant! I might have giggled profusely as I absorbed the absurd. I would write a comment more worthy of your most excellent series of posts, but I just got done teaching a class and think I inhaled too much adhesive. Night!

Ooh, the old adhesive sniffing blues. Reminds one of the old days of painting our tongues with that odd white paste in kindergarten. Old horses hooves actually tasted pretty good. Then again, our young palettes hadn't had a chance to develop yet. So accounting for good 'taste' doesn't count for much.

It's great you are teaching, that is the hardest, most exhausting thing a person can do. I was a teacher for a short while...not too good at it, so left it to pursue other things. I honor anyone that can perform at that calling, as it is SO important, and yet so difficult. Then again, very rewarding.

And thanks so much for your very nice comment after looking at the Ottoman from Mars. It was very fun to write, took a long time, and frustrating to see wither on the vine of Steemit so effectively. Sometimes that is hard to take, but I feel it is the way of the world of creative writing. I will continue it, there are at least two more Myron/Bill episodes, with maybe more to come. Glad you enjoyed it. The Big Game Hunters From Mars article is a classic. Story behind that too, but then again, when isn't there one...
Even though I've inhaled no adhesives tonight, it is time to do likewise. Good night, and good day tomorrow with your wild charges.

Ah, glue! I remember watching my kindergarten friend Ricky snack on its viscous, palate-coating goodness! I just kinda liked letting it dry and rolling it between my fingers. Guess I'm just not into!

I am so not teaching right now, and am instead relaxing in a lake house on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille with some good friends. It's truly rough conditions here, I might not make it back...😉

Your writing is very unique, I hope you keep chugging away. It does kind of smart a bit when something that you've put a fair amount of brain power and creativity into is welcomed with about as much enthusiasm that a lithium-addled cheerleader at a narcolepsy convention would express.

I might have to apologize, I'm typing this reply on my phone, so it could be a little lackluster in content as I'm still partially asleep. I hope you are having the most fantastic weekend, I'm going to go find a cup of tea!

I'm sure it might have been less than funny in the moment... but it's a marvelous story!

lol, I am getting to the point where nothing surprises me much anymore😉 Thanks for the kind words!

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