Friends Nonetheless: A short story of friendship

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

"I wonder when they will be here."

little Mark pondered the possibility that those he invited might not come at all on his special day.Mark and his family had moved to this town under a witness protection program and in trade for absolution of his father's sin he had to give up all of his friends. Of Course if he knew the details of the situation he'd be more than grateful to comply with the terms. Mark loved his family. moving can be hard on kids, It can stunt their social growth but, Mark was a sensitive and virtuous little boy.

"Can you look at the watch for me, please?" ,asked Jenna busy at the oven.
"It is 9:30", Mark proclaims quizzically.
"The invitations you sent out are for 10:00, you shouldn't worry very much. You'll get wrinkles.", Jenna consoled Mark, still busy at the oven.

Mark gripped his oversized digital watch as he waited by the door counting seconds that pass by and waiting for a knock or doorbell. It must've been longest he had waited and it must've felt even longer. Mark was patient, almost as patient as someone in love. Yes! Mark was in love with some one who he thought he had befriended, Ralph. He felt that he had formed a familial bond with Ralph and deeply cared what he thought of him, his actions, habits, whether Ralph arrived at his special day or not.
10:01. Not a knock or a chime from doorbell. 10:02. Nothing. Mark quickly runs to window wondering where everybody were but, he had already accepted the doubts building up in his heart. Ralph wasn't coming and he was all that mattered, today. To Mark's surprise, through the window he sees Ralph struggling to untangle the big present wrapped in colorful red gift wrap from the bicycle. A glee fill his face. Ralph looks timid and in a hurry. Ralph untangles the gift and rushes to Mark's home's door and before he presses the doorbell the door opens and Mark with stupid smile on his face says:

"You're late."



Hello figuringoutsrn!

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Thanks for the random resteem, that's really kind of you. I cannot click on links because of recent scam scare.

Ahhh, one of those moments that you wish to say something fitting to the occasion, but instead say something completely off, accompanied, of course, by a stupid smile. :p

You're late isn't exactly what I'd want to say to the person I liked, when they've been on time, had struggles with the gift once already in front of my place, and... being only 2-3 minutes late then :P

Thank you very much for your entry! :D

Hope these two got together after all :P

Lol. That’s totally a kid thing to say. Anytime I’m “late” to pick up my daughter from school (meaning my car isn’t parked waiting for her when her bell rings) I get that ... look.

Ugh... Teenagers, huh? :P

No! It’s little kids. Teenagers get time a little more. But to the little ones, 5 minutes is like .... ahhhhh.

My 3 year old waiting for the toaster to toast his bread...

I guess time just feels different when you haven’t been around the sun so many times.

Yeah, might be that, yes... Though on the other hand, it seems to fly by faster the older you get. Or at least it feels like it.
Now when I have a day off, it's like I only had an hour to myself, whereas when I was younger I could watch several movies and play some games, and it seemed like an eternity. But definitely am more patient now, so, ... You've got a point. :P


This is exactly what my oldest acts like at her parties. 5 minutes before the arrival time are the longest.

Thanks for joining the writing contest. I wonder what his dad did...

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