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RE: My Road to Steemfest Cut Short: Why I Will Not Be Attending Steemfest Now

in #funny6 years ago

This whole post was damn funny, but imagining that there are people out there who might not realize it was fiction without the footer is downright f*&^ing hilarious!! ;)



Seriously? On that post? This is why he needs footers.

But yeah, you can have fun with tags. I may have posted multiple stories of myself murdering various peoples under "non-fiction"

Whistles innocently

Like I said, HILARIOUS, hahaha!

I may have to check that out ;)

Yeah. I did it again. There are probably people here who think I go bananas simply because I forgot to use the fiction tag on that post... LOL!

But yeah, this one has two warnings. Fiction! Make that at least three.

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