
There once was a vampire named Mabel
Whos periods were very unstable
One night in full moon
She took out a spoon
And drank herself under the table!

who's the little ray of sunshine now biaathces???

There once was a wolf named Yvonne
who spent a whole hour in the John
When she came back to the table
where once had sat mable
That blood sucking beotch was just gone!



You inspire me... Mabel, hee hee hee

This was really funny by the way!

You thought my poetry was funny? I am swelling with pride right now!

Everything! All of it! The chaos! It's hurting my face!

LOL I know, I keep having trouble typing, I'm shaking too much!

You couldn't stay away I see...I can't blame you, the conversation in here is life changing, missing it would be a shame (even if someone is supposed to be resting...Who am I kidding, this is so much more rejuvenating than rest!)

It was just a quick visit...

This is turning into a groundbreaking conversation. Barriers are being broken down. Men and women are getting along again! And look at the subject matter! How the fuck is this even happening!

Because of YOU, you do this! That sounds like an accusation, but really it's awe. Awe that you manage to strip away all semblance of PC so people can just be real, and it turns out Real is just so much fucking cooler ;)

I should be a realtor agent! Certainly is a fuckload of fun!

Actually, I think I am a realtor agent, I'm always directing people to come in here! "Go hang out at my buddy's house" (where I think I've claimed a couch at this point, hee) I've been thanked for it too, I'm a pretty good realtor agent!

At this rate all the furniture will be smashed and I'll be trying to explain to the cops why they should just leave because everyone finished the drugs so there's no point in looking around anymore!

'Nothing to see it Mabel..yess the whole bag, hurry up

I can't help it if that's where everyone's mind went today! That's why I do such stupid shit though! I like fucking with people. It's fun. But now I'm thinking of starting my own line of feminine products. What woman wouldn't buy that cuddly creature up there nestled up insi..... never mind.

No, don't stifle your creativity, I think you'd make some serious bank with that idea, diapers have their cartoons so why not? HAHAHA

Isn't it false advertising anyway when those boxes look like they came out of the mind of a gay bumblebee with a flower fetish?

Gay bumblebee?? I can't write enough ha's for that one...jesus...they are certainly taking a lot of creative liberties!

Hey @dreemit, the bad day song makes this guy stabb people... We should get together and compile a playlist that will make him go postal...

Ohhh, he played that scarrry kill song for me one day after I played some harmless Pink and I hit him with Care Bears, two times in a row. Then Tigger, then pooh bear, lol!

Great plan one problem... Given the general direction of the comments, you might want to restructure the following part of the sentence... day after i play some harmless pink...

I just shook with laughter for five minutes, couldn't type!!!

This might just be my angry femiist side showing face. Given the sleepdeprevation, its causes, and the fact that I am a bloody mess too!

You too?? They say when women live together...I wonder if that applies to cyber space??

Haha I made you LOL yourself!

At some point the fucker becomes the fuckee...

Until everyone gets fucked!

Just as long as theres a bloody mess afterwards (At least once a month)
Then everyone should be fine and no one needs to pay child support as a penalty...
Thats what my lawer would say...

I think a bloody mess started this whole damn thing. It's assed backwards day!

I almost typed "Your mothers lack of bloody mess started you" But then I thought that it would just be rude, so I decided not to write it.

Thanks for not writing that. That would have been deemed offensive! I would have jumped on my high horse and went on a social justice warrior rampage not seen since, well, ever! I appreciate your honesty!

My pleasure!

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