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RE: Who says feminism is a dirty word?

in #funny6 years ago

Terrific post. Fully agree, though I would maybe quibble with using a graphic from Laci Green, following her recent "RedPilling."



Interesting, I didn’t know about this, just googled it a bit. What I’m understanding is that “redpilling” is her opening up her channel to allow vastly disparate view points to have a conversations which she will moderate? In general...if the conversation remains intelligent I don’t mind debate...but I’d have to watch how she handled the talks to know how I felt about it if that makes sense...

As a man, I generally don't think it's my lane to critique how women do feminism, but some of the stuff she's written and said since the "redpilling" (her word, not mine) has been appalling, and so counter to her past work.

Also, I saw that you clicked the TGP banner. It's a really nice discord server dedicated to supporting and promoting women on Steemit.

Hey, I think its important for everyone to say “hey, that feels sticky” when something doesn’t seem right. I wrote a piece a few days back about “White Allyship” and it doesn’t involve being silent, sometimes it involves speaking up. I think it’s great that you’re asking questions. I’m interested to probe deeper into this, it’s always interesting when people change their careers really suddenly...also that Discord channel sounds great and I’ll go check ‘em out! Thanks so much. :)

It's tricky. I write a weekly Sunday feminism post here, and that's always complicated (and is, in fact, the topic of today's post), but my general feeling is we should take the lead in critiquing our own, and a backseat in critiquing those we have privilege over in the specific topic. I explored that a bit in another Feminism Sunday post, about intersectionality.

Sorry if that came off as super self-promot-y, but the posts are relevant, I swear.

No, makes sense. It’s that we’re both writing about things we’re actually interested in. ha. I think it’s similar to White a white person I need to talk to other white people (the hardest work is closest to home!). I think men have a huge role to play in talking to other men to help us all get more organized! It takes all of us. Leave a link to your feminism post sometime, I’d love to read and don’t want to forget!

Happy to. This is the latest one, and I've included links to the previous ones at the end of it.

Take a listen to the radio lab episode on this for her take. There are always going to be those that want us to fit their mold and demand things of us, we can never, ever please everyone.

Interesting, I just watched this Youtube video on it:

I think...I have a lot of thoughts that need to settle and actually, I might write on it for a #dolphinschool post because it’s tapping into some ideas I was already having. It’s really cool that these posts are getting me inspired and getting dialogues started. One week in, and I think this place is pretty neat.

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