Wife Codes - What we are really saying to our Husbands!

in #funny6 years ago


An oldie of ours before kids!

Hey ladies! I don’t know about you but after 11 years of marriage sometimes I sit back and laugh at myself. I have noticed over the years I have created a wife code that my husband has picked up on and learned to understand. Sometimes we as wives say things to our husbands that have a secret message behind them. I thought it would be fun if I shared mine and also to ask you ladies to share any of yours that you can think of. Husbands, if you are tuning in you can share the codes you have picked up on from your wives!

Here we go...I’ll write 10 things that I say to my husband and then tell you what they “really” mean in bold lol!

1 . Are you hot? You need the fan on?

I’m hot please turn the fan on for me.

2 . Oh no I forgot to put the load in the dryer.

Please put the load in the dryer.

3 . Are you going to be on that game all night?

You bet not be on that game all night!

4 . Looks like the kids are hungry again.

It’s your turn to feed the kids!

5 . My feet have been so sore lately.

I need you to rub my feet.

6 . Doesn’t ice cream sound really good right now?

Please make a store run for some ice cream.

7 . I’m fine.

I am so frustrated.

8 . No, I don’t mind.

Don’t even think about it!

9 . I accept your apology.

I’m still mad.

10 . I know you’re tired, I can drive.

I’m really tired, please say you got it.

So those are the top 10 things I can think of that I notice myself still coding. Thank goodness most of the time I am direct with him and just say what I mean. But from time to time I notice myself using these codes in hopes that he will read between the lines! 😄

Okay ladies, I know I’m not the only one!! What are your codes?

Thanks for reading!




Huge shoutout to @rigaronib for creating my logo/banner!!! He was so awesome to work with and as you can see he produces great results!!!! Thank you!!!


It's really funny! I think, every couple has these codes. For example, by me:

  1. Are you very hungry? I didn't have time to cook dinner tonight, I can offer pasta.
  2. Have you finished? Hurry, you need to wash the dishes, bathe the baby and put her to sleep.
  3. I went to wash a bath. Get ready, in 5 minutes you're going to bathe your daughter

Lol yes I think every couple has some form of coding too! Haaa!! Thanks for sharing yours, these are so funny :D

This is so true!

Husband codes are much needed and unique things. You and your Husband look very happy in the photo too = D

Thanks for reading!! Yes these codes are needed sometimes lol! Thank you so much for the compliment :)

The Fine one makes me laugh. Universal for No I'm Clearly Not Fine 😂😂😂

Lol exactly!!! 😂

Thanks to @sharoonyasir, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Wow thank you very much for the support! It’s greatly appreciated :)

Lol...there's just this magic about women that can not be denied by any man. Wonderfully and specially made. Meeting the right one can make life the sweetest juice ever produced. Special breeds indeed... God bless the woman!

Thank you for such a warm sweet comment about women. I am so blessed to have a God fearing and supportive husband so I can definitely say it’s a blessing having the right man in my life as well :) He puts up with my coding from time to time lol!

My husband is always telling me he can't read my mind and it's so frustrating. If only he could... Lol. If I try doing something like this, he totally ignores it, so I have to flat out say whatever...or I get all frustrated because what I was expecting him to do didn't happen. Men. ;) Lol. These are funny and I love the older pic. What is your wedding date? We got married June 17, 2006 (a little more than 11 years ago too). :)

LOL!! That’s so funny because my husband says the same thing. I used to get soooo disappointed in the beginning of our marriage because I “expected” him to read my mind, boy did I have a lot of learning to do lol! I can only code so much before he ignores me too! 😅

Thank you so much! Oh that was the life before kids when we were both smaller and full of energy! Wow...just when I think we have found everything we had in common. We got married November 18, 2006! That’s just crazy!! Wow! 😃

Lol - that is too crazy that we've both been married for 11 years! Ha! If you're looking for an anniversary trip this year... ;)

I know right! Are you my long lost sister? I mean what is really going on? Ha! I feel like we were meant to know each other. We just might have to plan a trip to come and visit you all!!! 😉😘

Ha ha! Yes definitely long lost sisters. :) If you check flights, you can even fly into San Jose, Costa Rica and ride the bus in (6-7 hours) to the Panama border. It's for some reason cheaper to fly in there than Panama. ;)

Yes definitely!!! Thanks for the heads up! 👍🏽

That's a lovely photo @crosheille...
I am going to have to think of specific examples ... We are normally just really straightforward with requests for help but have been married for longer so probably that's why 💖

Thank you! ☺️ Well if you can think of any please share. I can’t get away with the codes as much as I used to in the beginning lol! He is totally on to me and knows how I think now. 😅

and I totally think that's why I can't think of any specific ones @crosheille ... Sometimes when my eczema is really bad in my hands I will say... "ouch, it's so painful today" (just as a comment) .... he always answers " okay, I will do the washing up no problem" 🌼 (but I actually didn't mean to make a request... still nice though)

Haa! Oh yes I bet that is nice when he volunteers! Sorry to hear about your eczema. All of my children were born with a slight case of it but we keep it at bay using essential oils, coconut and jojoba oil.

hi! great post !

can i ask? my question is somewhat different.. do you have a community of crochet at discord?

Hello @xorexman! I do have a community of crochet that I lead but we are not on Discord. You can check out other crafters and their projects every Monday. We all post under the tag #NeedleWorkMonday. We support one another and share tips, tricks, shortcuts and patterns. We want to inspire the Steemit community to pick up a needle and begin crafting!! If this is something you would like to do we would love for you to share with us on Monday’s.

We also do community projects together as well. We love seeing the process of a project coming together so if you take pictures as you go of your work we would love to see them. You can also post pics of archived work as well. We hope to see you on Monday’s and that you mingle and get to know some of the other crafters as well :)

Feel free to click on the above tag to see some of the projects that were shared last week.

yey! thanks I would love to share my work too, and ofcourse I wanted to be more inspired because of your works!

We would love to have you! From what I see of your work you will be able to inspire us as well!! Your work is really lovely! It’s so nice to meet you! 😊

I am happy to meet you too! I am really looking my fellow crocheters here in steemit because really hard to get audience. but I am very happy I met you..thank you so much :-)

Absolutely! You will definitely get support from our community because there are so many with like interests and who appreciate the work of handmade crafts :)

by the way can I use the logo needleworkmonday?

Absolutely you can!! 😉👍🏽

Hahaha yeah all of these are mostly true for me. And when I say 'I understand', sometimes I dont really understand and want to vent out my anger on him haha. Enjoyed this post a lot and will be featuring it in my curation post tonight or tomorrow morning. :)

Haaa!!! I get that way too! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for wanting to feature it :D

Lol thanks for the heads up ;)

Telling sth and meaning sth else is indeed kind of hard to get !

In that case ,I am glad that I came across the post ;)

Lol!! No problem at all! Hopefully some of these will help you in the future :D Thanks for reading!

I am hell sure they are gonna ;)

Luckily I have been married long enough and learnt all of these 😂

Lol!!!! Good for you!! 😂😂


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