๐Ÿ‘ The biggest flaw in Crypto these days are not its flaws ๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ™‰ ๐Ÿ™Š but Our seeming inability to discuss, And thereby overcome these flaws ๐Ÿš€ People use Model T Cars for nostalga ๐Ÿš‚ not speed and convienience. ๐Ÿš„

in #funny โ€ข 6 years ago

๐Ÿ˜’ " We don't talk about those things here " I was told not long ago by a very nice man who I admire at a Crypto enthusiasts meeting? I shut up on the spot, but thought " this is important information that needs to be discussed and overcome ASAP." So here it is in my blog. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ™‰ ๐Ÿ™Š Because when we refuse to See, Hear or Speak about unpleasant topics, they will grow to crushing proportions propogated by their creators if left un checked. And if you tell the opponents of such problems to shutup, Your in fact giving your blessing/protection to the problem creators. Oh, you expect and give thanks to your Military's for giving their lives for your right to freedom ( that does include decenting speech ) then refuse the right of others to use it themselves. Let that sink in a minute....

๐Ÿฆ Free Speech is a basic right of all free people, right or wrong, thoughtful or thoughtless and Yes, joyful or Hurful like it or not! More troubling to me than anything is being lied to by people trying to decieve me for personal gains or power.( I would make that a crime with steep punishment if I had my way) And that Power being used against me in any way, by dictating to me what I can/cannot do ( besides phisicaly harming any person or their property ) with armed people if I do not agree. Claiming the right to incarcirate me for something I never agreed to in the first place, that they made up without my input?

I happen to be a cross between the latter 2 below, How about You? Photo Credit

hear no evil.jpg

๐Ÿ“ฃ My Don't give a Fock days promptly ended when I was in Las Vegas one September morning. And those Son's of Bitches had crossed a line that I never knew existed till then! Even a child could clearly see that every level of this " Bad Twilight Zone Episode " was poorly produced! Full of contradictory reports in every area imaginable. The real icing on the cake was when we were told America's Finest, Armed with Trillion dollar budgets ensuring all the best Intelligence & Miltary Technology and Firepower both offensive and defensive simply said..." we got caught with our pants down! " LOL ๐Ÿ˜†

๐Ÿ˜  The American people were going to stand up in numbers never before seen! Heads would roll and all guilty parties would serve hard time ( even execution ) for letting this happen on US soil! This system of Government was flawed in the First degree. And would in fact be disassembled and recreated in a way the people decided. I would get back to my carefree lifestyle and watch from the distance how things developed. Life was good ๐Ÿ˜Ž

๐Ÿ˜ต Over a decade later, pushing 2, I'm still waiting....WTF?

As true today as it was then Big Lie Photo credit found in the comments of a steemit.com blog.) how cool. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Big lie.jpg

๐Ÿ“บ Why, Just one day before the 9/11 attacks, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld made the above astonishing admission. Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion ๐Ÿ˜œ Could that be why everyone had their pants down the very next day? That kind of Money could fund a pants down party with all the fixings for every person in the USA! 2.3 Trillion divided by 300 Million Americans? If you can do that kind of math, comment it to me. ๐ŸŽ‚ That is a lot of cake, no matter how you slice it? Food for thought. ๐Ÿ™„

I had driven down from Canada a couple days before with my girlfriend and another couple in a shinny new convertible to see a Beach Boys concert at the Stratosphere Hotel and casino. They never showed because the USA was in a state of emergency that fateful morning and under attack! Big Brother got a black eye by a Saudi Arabian and 19 of his buddies, while the Biggest Intelligence Agencies, Military's & Airspace Protection Agencies failed worse that a Kindergarten child doing a Trigonometry test. Hummm ๐Ÿ˜ต

๐Ÿ”ฆ ๐Ÿ”ง ๐Ÿ”จ๐Ÿ”ฌ " I know where I went wrong " screams the child ( hereby known as Government ) I want a redo and this time I'll get it right โœ…. We were simply tested on material we had not studied for yet! We know now, who that clever " Tester/Defeater of our Intelligence/Defence capabilities is, and all his friends...And in In only a few short hours! " Our pants are up and belted tight now.

๐Ÿ˜  These people are what we call Terrorists ( your terrorized aren't you? ) If not, let's watch 3 skyscrapers in flames collapse into there basements ( while full of people ) oh...10,000 times back to back for weeks on end...That should take away any peace of mind you still have. ๐Ÿ˜ต

๐Ÿ’ก Do not worry...About our ability any longer, Because WE know exactly where we went wrong who is guilty of these crimes against US and how to eliminate this enemy. We know how to protect you now " Unlimited funds " ( kind of working on it anyway ), But until we call " Mission Accomplished "...

๐Ÿ‘ฎ You need to be the best Patriot you can be, Or they may be able to strike US before WE get them! Can WE count on your 100% support? Because " either you are with US or you are with the Terrorists " there can be no neutral position here! Even the slightest doubt in the abilty of YOUR Government and the forces WE control will put American lives in danger!
You may repeat all you hear, that is expected. ๐Ÿ˜œ But do not question anything we do or say! That would be counter productive and un-patriotic. Distracting US from our mission to keep everyone safe from these terrible new threats.
Thank You ๐Ÿ˜Ž George W Bush

Photo Credit The " We got cought with our pants down " Commander in Chief. Doh ๐Ÿ˜–


That's me digressing again, I couldn't help myself ๐Ÿ˜Ž And was a Great lead up to Crypto Currency VS Government issued Currency, Let's get right to it....

100 bill.jpg

๐Ÿ’ธ Like it or not, Without some form of currency to exchange for goods and services all the things you know and love are no longer available. And just about everything on earth comes to a screeching halt. With maybe the exception of the military's because they are Hero's and will suffer any hardship ( even death ) almost without fail. In fact once enrolled and active whether Voluntary or drafted against your will, Not cooperating with orders has corporal punishment reprocutions.

๐Ÿ’ฒ Have you ever been short of enough currency to meet your basic needs? Probably not in any crippling way. Wants are quite another story, Few people if any have this base covered.

๐Ÿ’ My favorite Quote from " Epicurus " ...Happiness is both limited and easily attained, But the riches demanded by vain ideals is insatiable. Epicurus lived and taught 2000 Years before Christ but History has all but erased his teachings? Almost childlike in their simplicity that stands as true today as 4000 years ago!

Random Book cover sales site photo


โœŸ A mere 2000 years later Jesus Christ is found turning over Money changers tables...

Photo credit and informative site on what happened that day.


๐ŸŒ Is it fitting, even prophetic that I'm writing this blog on Ash Wednesday? As Billions around the world are Celebrating Jesus Christ's Teachings and Crucifixion this very Holy week? fitting anyway. Many are Happy to pretend Bunnies lay multi-colored eggs, And worshiping by gifting & eating tons of chocolate idols molded in too many forms to mention, with maybe some flowers thrown in ๐Ÿ’ this coming Easter Sunday.

โœŸ This coming Friday, The Government of his day decided Jesus's teachings had to be stopped. He was to be put to death Publicly to set an example to everyone of what will happen to anyone contradicting Governments Laws in those days along with 2 others ( you and me maybe? ) to drive home this point!

Photo credits and informative site

Jesus cross.jpg

all 3.jpg

๐Ÿ“ฃ Jesus was outspoken about how to live a pleasant life with a happy ending. Epicurus 2000 Years earlier did the same. Christ's teachings were very powerful and servived in the hearts and minds of Billions around the world, While the teachings of Epicurus are known only by the most dedicated philosophers and celebrated by few. ( I being 1 of them ).


๐Ÿš€ Wow what a ride, all day typing away across 4000 years of History! Tomorrrows History books are being created Today. The People of Earth have created a currency that knows no borders and is controlled by no Banks or Governments!
Truly Historical times we live in ๐Ÿ˜Ž Life is Good.

Enter Bitcoin ( The Grand Daddy of un-controlled Currency )

small BTC.jpg

๐Ÿšซ But the Governments of the world are trying to stop us from having our own money, For complex reasons beyond the scope of my humble blog. You can deny this fact if you wish But I will elaborate below.

The Golden Rule is: He who has the gold makes the rules. Followed by: He who prints and controls the Money makes the rules. Today we now have...

" He who mines the Crypto Currency makes the rules "

That is why I no longer use any coin that is or can be Mined in Centralized Farms

Photo top Credit - Russia
Photo middle Credit - Georgia
Photo bottom Credit - China
BMF1 Russia.jpgBMF2.jpgBMF3 China.jpg

๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ’ฐ This is the Face of un-controlled Greed and it makes me sick yet is somehow justified by Crypto users as acceptable? People tell me to be quite & actually defend these farms as needed! When Bitcoin can/was mined on laptops that claimed the reward and easily wrote the next block in the chain. ( did you know that? )

๐Ÿ’ธ It is etimated that the cost in electricity by these mining farms to produce a single Bitcoin is $8,000.00 How could this possably be justified in any way? When Billions of computers are online doing other things 24 Hrs a day all capable of mining Bitcoin in the background, And would do it for free ( no miners fees ) in hopes of getting a block reward or just to keep the system honest so they could accept or pay for things in Bitcoin themselves. ( reward enough for many I'm sure )

๐Ÿ˜’ Are you familiar with the phrase " they know not what they do " Jesus made it famous speaking about his Murderers and their supporters. But I'm sure the people that studied and loved Epicuris 2000 years eairlier said something similar when all his teachings were destroyed or forbiddin. Maybe even a few " so called witches " uttered these words as they were burned at the stake or drowned? Millions of innocent people in the middle East have died maybe saying the same thing? While Imperialistic Empires Killed them in the name of Liberating them. But they were all wrong, Maybe the Govenment servants who did these acts were clueless? But the people giving the orders were not and knew exactly why this was happening.

๐ŸŒช I'm saying " They know not what they do " to all the mining farms and their supporters. Mining & Tx fees have already made Bitcoin un-viable as a Currency and only a store of wealth ( like Gold ) So is holding value. The miner may kill that someday If they raise fees too much, maybe after the last block is mined. Thier that or they will move those mining rigs to different coins leaving the users to process the transactions themselves, no fee of course. LOL

๐Ÿš€ Let's finish on a Happy note ๐Ÿ˜ Crypto is here to stay, Without a doubt, and the best coins will flourish as we evolve as a community together. Work out our difficulties with certain aspects of human and coin behaviors in hopefully a true Democratic fashion, But at the very least we will have the choice of what coin we use based on our paticular needs or abilities. As people adopt the idea of holding their wealth securely without assistance and can move that money at a moments notice anywhere they like in the world for goods and services without fees or even taxes. Realizing that no one can nibble away at these savings in fees or taxes. Quite possibly growing in value just holding them by choising a Minting coin. Maybe supply and demand will drive the coins value up up and away? No way to say right now how far this exciting new technology might take us. Dream Big My Friends and never settle for less of a system than you can imagine. And never be affraid of pointing out flaws that need to be corrected. If you see a job that needs doing, get on it to the best of your ability with other like minded people. Or alone if you have to.
The Future looks Bright but hard battles of wit's need to be won for true freedom to triumph.
See you on the other side ๐Ÿ˜Ž


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Life is Good @ steemit.com

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It is etimated that the cost in electricity by these mining farms to produce a single Bitcoin is $8,000.00 How could this possably be justified in any way?

I have thought about this. Seems like a complete waste of resources. If the computing power that is solving math problems just for the sake of solving them makes no sense.

If that computing power was put towards something useful imagine what could be accomplished.

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

It's crazy for sure. and so unjustified other than greed and a me, me I want it all and I want it now attitude.
They are killing Bitcoin and I think it is intentional.
Steem on my Friend ( witness system ) and on the fly voting system to eliminate bad actors :-)
Life is Good oops zappl account LOL

Problem being the first out is you can't foresee all the future issues. Those that come later can change things a little to make it more efficient.

Nothing wrong with using zppl account every so often to get it a little SP.

I'm thinking about closing this account, I only opened it for beta testing purposes and to not be flooding my blog with short zaps. I really had hoped the platform could give twitter a run for the money someday with all their censorship in full gear. But development has been real slow.....
Maybe time to check zappl.com and try the Android app again :-)

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