Donor Wednesday 21.11.2018.

in #fundition6 years ago
Wednesday is not a true Wednesday if it is not a DONOR WEDNESDAY! Like we have done many times before, and will continue to do, today we present to you our 3 top donors from last week. We are grateful for their amazing donations and hope they will inspire you to open your hearts and donate too. Sharing is caring and on Fundition, you can care a lot.

We are excited and proud to announce the 3 top donors from last week, a big round of applause please... oh, and a drum roll would be nice...

Annette B

@SirCork, from You Are Hope, was kind enough to answer our questions. Who knows, maybe we will interview you next...

image owned by @SirCork

1.Where in the world are you based?

I presently live on the east end of the United States in a city called Richmond, Virginia, our state capital, which is about 90 miles south of Washington D.C. and which is mostly only famous for being the home of the factory where Marlboro Cigarettes are made.

2.How long have you been on Steemit?

I came to Steem in early June of 2017.

3. How did you hear about Fundition?

As the founder and creator of steem's first large-scale global humanitarian aid foundation, called the @YouAreHOPE Foundation, which was launched on World Food Day in October, 2017, I recall it coming to my attention when the creators let me know it was being developed and brought it to me for consideration and input. I do not recall more specifically than that, but I was a very early poster on Fundition back then for YouAreHOPE. There were some early days growing pains as Fundition came to life, and I spent some time working with it's creators in their discord to help debug some things and report on the user experience back then. So I was sort of always aware of it, since it was launched publicly

4. What sort of project do you most like to support on Fundition?

Well, from the answers above you can see that I prefer to work on charitable giving projects that affect large numbers of people at a time in a single mission. I believe the chain is great for one-to-one direct giving, and examples such as a person I aided just yesterday, with some family medical bills, are where I prefer to give aid to personally and directly. However, when working with donor funds, such as those I donated to a Fundition based project this week, I prefer to use the funding from our donated receipts and my personal additions to that, to give to projects that affect say, ten or more people, and seek to work on global humanitarian needs on a larger scale than a single individual. For me, and for what we do with YouAreHOPE funds, It's all about impact, and helping people who are in the most desperate conditions, such as natural disasters, economically repressive governments or other such tragic conditions that affect entire populations, communities or specific groups. For example, the particular project I donated to, which brought you to me for this interview is about mitigating violence toward women in a developing nation with a history of such violence on a large scale. We are proud to support our steem family over there who are working hard to increase awareness of the issue and actively taking steps to affect change in their locale

5. One last word?

image owned by @SirCork

If you wish to be involved in helping others directly around the world, who may desperately need your assistance, then I highly recommend using the power, speed and transparency of Fundition on the steem blockchain to do so, and also to please support direct humanitarian aid organizations like the @YouAreHOPE Foundation, as we continue to change, modernize, accelerate and disrupt the old ways of doing charitable work, that have traditionally been prone to the kinds of corruption and greed we have all heard stories about with large corporate international charities. Blockchains are changing the world in a number of ways. But its up to us blockchain users ourselves, to change the world for a desperate man, woman or child, somewhere in the world who needs us all so badly to help them so they can become strong on their own and in turn help in their communities themselves. We can make a real difference here, and Fundition is fantastic place to participate in that incredibly amazing experience.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to these questions. Best wishes to all around the world, as we enter this year-end Holiday season. As you celebrate your culture's holidays, don't forget to remember some of those who need us the most. You'll find many of them, on

Supporting means giving your time, energy, resources, and it means giving your love and a part of yourself. That is why we have little hearts for donation and by giving those little hearts we are spreading love all over the world and making it a better place for all of us. Those that support need recognition for what they are doing and we will provide it for them.

Do you want to be a top donor?
Visit and become one!

Every week, best donors will be contacted by a member of Fundition team and asked some questions. Those questions and the following answers will be published so you too can enjoy them and learn something from them. We hope they will even inspire you to follow in their footsteps and give as much support to projects as you can.

To get even more information about this, read out our intro post about Donor Wednesdays here: DONOR WENDSDAY INTRODUCTION

...and check our previous interviews:

Think of your every action like planting a little seed that will grow into something. Whatever path in life you take, try to plant as much love as you can. Love can only grow into more love. Smile when you see a stranger, help where and when you can and do not forget to visit to donate some hearts. Maybe you will donate enough to become our next top donor.

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Join a community with heart based giving at its core

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