Name Of My Next Band

in #fun6 years ago

There is one steemian here who has many band names.

But zero actual bands.

At least in the way you’re thinking.

I bet he has plenty of bands of gold!

I’ve been keeping track of his band names for about two months now.

Right? Creepy stalker much?

Oh well. I stalked for a good cause.

If you have no idea who @goldmatters is, you’re missing out.

He is your new steemit bestie. You’re welcome.

Things he's obsessed with:



And Band Names.

Which I am proud to finally present to you:

Goldmatter’s Band Names

Golden Vampire <— Next band

Vang Zucchini = Name of my next band

Propaganda Dinner = Band

Golden Toffee - name of my next band

Goldsomniac = NOMNB

Enigmatic Tool <--- name of my next band

Thumbnail Cheese <——- name of my next band

Vang Gang <—— name of my next band

The machine <— next band

Robo hamster post surveillance (RHPS) - band

Surprise Friends = name of my next band

Just Getting Started

Power Down Trolls - PTD - Band? Yes!

Inflation Brain = name of my next band

Robo Hamsters - Definitely the name of my next band

Clyde and the robo hamsters - alternate band name

Fire Ant Allergy

death of fire << band names gold matters

Emo enchilada <<best band name so far

Reverse Clickbait

Something something emoto = NOMNB

Antimicrobial golden earplugs.... NOMNB

Explicity Eyes = band

Name of my next band name - “Rapid Fire Next Band Name”

@goldmatters, thanks for the fun and band names.

Which one is your favorite?


1.This is the greatest post of all time

2.I actually don’t think you are stalking me hard enough, because there are band names I have said quietly alone to myself in the dark at home that i dont see listed here. So I would like to see you double down on your efforts.

3.Please edit this in, which features me and more importantly, you.

4.Every word I have said in this comment including this sentence, is the name of my next band

5.I’ll be working on an acronym for that


hahaha wow that BAND acryonym!! So glad I wasn't in charge of keeping track of that one haha.

Died laughing at this one

I think Vang Gang is a pretty BA one! I can't believe she has all of your band names this is so awesome lol. And @nomadicsoul, your part was my FAVORITE to put in the video because it just fit too perfectly at the end :)

Me too! Little did we know that video would make us friends with such a cool chick like @nomadicsoul :)


Name of your next band.

Well my NEXT band is the ENTIRE acronym, but my next band after that is defintely TITGPOAT

I can't make up my mind between emu enchilada and power down trolls 😂😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Actually it’s emO enchilada, but I think emU enchilada might even be better :) thats the name of my next band after emo enchilada now

hahaha TYPO BAND NAMES for the win!

For sure! Emu enchilada is a winner! 😂😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Emo Emu Enchilada!

I hope every gig of EEE starts like this: a 4 part harmony...

Thats how every morning starts off for me

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