Did They Need To Dump The Radioactive Water Into The Ocean?

in #fukushima6 years ago

After the tsunami disaster took place in Japan several years ago, the government and Tepco decided that they were going to release the contaminated water into the Pacific ocean and it's still reportedly flowing into the ocean to this very day.

But was this a necessary move? Could there have been alternative options that might have been superior? That's what a new report from Greenpeace argues, they allege that the government and Tepco had made the decision to allow the water to be released into the ocean because of short-term cost-cutting motivations.

As well, there are various reports that suggest that while Tepco had insisted for years that the water had been decontaminated and that their purification process would remove radioactive elements from the water, it turns out that might not have been the truth. Tepco previously apologized for this.

They wanted to save money..

According to Greenpeace, they allege that the company and government could've spent resources developing a technology that would remove radioactivity from the groundwater rather than let it flow right into the ocean.

They claim that they stand with fisheries and local communities who are strongly opposed to dumping contaminated water into their fishing grounds.

Nearby residents have accused Tepco of failing to adequately investigate reports concerning the levels of radionuclides that were still alleged to be in the water even after it had been treated.

Nearby countries have also voiced concern that dumping the water might threaten their own region and neighboring nations.

Many are still nervous about accepting or consuming imports of food and other items that are coming from the region as well, though there is a growing number of countries that have lifted their ban on imports from the region.

This entire endeavor has been an extremely costly ordeal and reports suggest that they are still years away from finishing with the clean up of the surrounding area, including all of the contaminated water and soil etc.

There are some countries who have started accepting imports again recently, Thailand being one of them.

Residents have already started moving back to the region now that it's been deemed safe to return. And the government along with Tepco officials has reportedly been actively engaged in seeking out public opinions on the disposal of the contaminated materials. Regardless of the encouragement to return though there are many who still hold the same fears and aren't ready to move back or consume food products that have been harvested from the region. It's going to take many years for the region to ever flourish again as it once did.

Tourism is already reportedly on the rise and businesses along with residents in the region who have returned are hoping that soon new life will be brought back to the area.


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Greetings from Japan. Thank you for writing about it. I think that members in #japanese community should read this article.

thank you for checking it out

On the bright side, you can now catch a 27 eyed walleyed bass off the coast of Fukushima...

Posted using Partiko Android

Radiation is affecting the west coast of the USA as well as Oregon beaches.


Would you eat a mutated fish? Oh hell no!

just make sure well done😂😂

Damnn! They could’ve bottled that shit up and gave it to Elon Musk who could’ve just launched it into eternal orbit like his old roadster....

Makes more sense to me!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It should never have been allowed, no doubt it will come back to haunt them one day!

Reading this and looking at it properly, I don't think their action should be questioned or what do you

What an atrocious action, what about the marine life? I am shocked at such a thing.

West coast USA it's dieing off.

What a terrible thing to do and that should not have been allowed.
I don't know how anyone can think that this was the right thing to do and what right do they have to do that.

This is pretty sick and disturbing because how will nature take care of us if all we do is keep on destroying all of it.

@doitvoluntarily it's hard to believe that these kinds of measures are taken just to save costs, they are incessant
thank you very much, dear friend for making this news known
I wish you a great day

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