FUD : Bitcoin price WARNING: Nobel Prize winner warns cryptocurrency likely to TOTALLY COLLAPSE

in #fud6 years ago (edited)

Barack Obama Won a Noble Prize For "Peace", He then went on to bomb 7 Countries into abject poverty.


It never ceases to amaze me how these self proclaimed Keynesian Economic Geniuses keep comparing Bitcoin to Tulips. What part of You cant plant more bitcoins do they not get? What part of "If I am holding 3 Bitcoin then to me they still have value", do they not get? What part of the dollar is backed by a country with $20 Trillion dollars in debt and another $184 Trillion in UNFUNDED liabilities do they not get? What part of DECENTRALIZED currency do they not get?

How many times has Bitcoin been declared dead? 236

So Robert Shiller the Shill has decried that "Bitcoin might totally collapse" as he claims it is a mere NOVELTY.

Speaking to CNBC, he said: "It reminds me of the Tulip mania in Holland in the 1640s, and so the question is did that collapse? We still pay for tulips even now and sometimes they get expensive."

But Shiller try's to give himself an out when he also claims it could be around for another 100 years before the proclaimed "Novelty" wears off. What a jackass!

"Bitcoin might totally collapse and be forgotten and I think that's a good likely outcome but it could linger on for a good long time, it could be here in 100 years."

This is nothing more than FUD being tossed about so he could have his 5 minutes on CNBC. People like this do nothing for their own reputation. In 100 years no one will know who this asshole is and his claim then will be as hollow as it is now.

These Old School economist have no clue about the blockchain and how it works. They have no clue that the "Distributed Ledger" is internet 2.0 These morons would rather espouse FUD than learn what this new technology is all about and embrace it. This guy like all the other naysayers will in the long run be eating dirt pies. Simply because their FIAT dollar won't buy them anything else.

For myself I have no fear for the future of Crypto Currency. After all, the Security Token and the Utility Token are simply part of a new digital technology. These Tokens, the Crypto Currencies, are an intricate part of how a Distributed Ledger works . The Blockchain is technology that they just cannot wrap their Keynesian heads around. Well too bad for them.
For me, I'm gonna HODL because simply put, HODLers don't jump out of windows.

Just my two STEEMS Worth.Steemerica_mini.JPG Steemerica_mini.JPG
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I find that most people that say cryptos will crash to nothing, are the same people that have no idea wtf blockchain even is.

Here is a great example of this "I know nothing but will still tell my opinion as fact" type mindset.

Derp ta Derr!
Somepeople just need to keep their mouths shut.
What a bank tool!

Nobel price! Wow, t
like that is not just another political tool of NWO control. And yes, BO (Obama) got his at the very beginning of his presidency. If you are a legitimate outfit (which the Nobel price is not) you wait until someone proves they deserve it.

I totally agree with you. There are two reasons why people say crypto currency‘s will go back to nothing:

First one is that they want it to go back to zero because if it doesn’t they will have a lot to lose. Those are the typical Bankster’s. Those are those people that are used to do traditional trading and feel very blessed if they can manage a profit of 30% in one year. In cryptocurrency they see that 30% could be easily achieved in just one day.

The second reason people say crypto will go back to zero is because they are jealous of being too late to get into the space. What they actually don’t get is that it isn’t too late. We are only at the beginning. Bitcoin cost a lot of money to get a full coin, that is true. On the other hand we have lots and lots of coins that I think have to possibility to grow exponentially!

Last year around this time of year, People told me that $1500 is a lot of money to get involved to buy just one bitcoin. That was 2017. Exactly one year later it costs almost 10 times as much to buy that same amount. And still we see that this is the very beginning.

He really does sound pathetic. I mean you are a noble laureate, at least make the effort to try to act like one.
I don't know who is the worst, these men who once mattered but now trying to seek attention after their prime or the media who is helping them to peddle lies.
@libertyranger Love this post. Great stuff.

These noble prizes aren't that noble , are they ?

Not anymore.
They are in fact awarded now without any merit at all when you look back over just the last 10 years it looks like someone threw a bunch of names up on a dart board, had a few pitures of beer and then started tossing darts at it to see who would get the award.
Total nonsense!

Lol seriously , nicely put .

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Lol, sounds about right!

The Federal reserve note, has been around for 105 years ! lol.

The dollar backed by oil - less than 50.

to say it 100 years or so is like saying, 'it will around as long as a normal dominant at fiat currency has been , historically '...

And there it is!

What a loser! I hate when people talk about somethimg they do not even understand! I will never give up on cryptos, and i know i am not alone so this is bullshit! Lol.. anyhow, could u please remove haejin from my msm messages, there are far to many of them, they are more annoying than helpful.. keep the other two, he just puts out way to many texts.. i tried emailing u this but it kept getting returned cuz of ur spam filter? Thanks a bunch..

Sure ill get right on it for you.


Old foolish economist. As I read more about crytocurrency, it's funny how some take to a next level of FUD. Some are damn good joke. I'm gonna HODL too.

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