FUD and Pancakes

in #fud6 years ago

Since I first heard @starkerz speak of us all being held accountable for the rewards/inflation pool, I've spent a good deal of time thinking about what value I add here, and if taking a cut of the pool each day is something I deserve.

In the past two years, I've onboarded 6/7 accounts who have all since left, contributed 0 lines of code to the development of the Blockchain, and bought less than 10% of my total SP....

I asked the following question on Taraz's latest post, and wonder what people's feelings are towards this.

Do I deserve rewards?

The idea behind a flourishing Blockchain, and i guess any business, is that there is more €$£ coming in than going out. With the statement in the 2nd paragraph in mind, it seems quite obvious that I've not succeeded in doing this.

A nice reply to my question on the post linked above from @aussieninja stated:

That's an interesting question... I'd say a lot of the value you bring to this blockchain is in user-retention. Much hard to quantify... but I'm sure there have people that have logged on and interacted to make sure they rank in either the Engagement League or the Minnow League.

Taraz added:

I know that many of them are also among those who have bought in and powered up recently.

Fair points, and I guess this helps, once the new recruits have arrived - as long as they do try to invest and power up.

Perhaps when I've stewed on it a bit longer, this is the weekly post I'll choose to allow rewards on, and leave my kick-ass eggs on toast recipes as 0 payout.

It's easy to hide behind the worst (best) maximisers on the platform and consider myself a reasonably good actor, but is that good enough?

We can't all write code, bring in new business, and roll out killer apps, and so maybe the quickest and easiest method to try to readdress the balance of STEEM in/out, is to decline payout and flag the worst of the worst.

As promised, some FUD and Pancakes:



Bah humbug.

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Hello everyone, I would like to bring to your attention a more clearly laid out explainer of my 'theory' for how to create a culture that brings about a sustainable steem price. I do not want anyone to feel that their work has not added value, as you can see in the video, there are many ways you are already adding lots of value to the blockchain. It would be good if the people who are unsure as to what to do with their actions could try and find some clarification in THIS VIDEO explainer I put together regarding how we can all contribute to make the steem price sustainable. Some of the people on this comment thread I would like to draw attention from are: @soyrosa, @abh12345, @misslasvegas, @acidyo, @tarazkp, @katrina-ariel, @geekgirl, @evecab, @slobberchops, @shanibeer as I can see I may have made people uncomfortable with my comments and want to reassure you that, in my view, you are all adding value in your own special ways!

Thanks for this Matt.

The post wasn't meant to throw any negativity your way, sorry if you feel it has.

Clearly the bad actors are not present in the comments, and it is those that are doing far more damage to our token than those producing the best content they can, once or twice a day.

I guess that declining rewards isn't the way to go, and I'll just continue engaging and encouraging as my part in the big wheel.


:)) We are all susceptible to being corrupt, and even though they are not in the comments, some of the actors who do subtract more value than they lock in are rather influential on the platform and are very senior and well respected. I won’t name any names of course, but you should be able to figure it out. It’s our job to hold this behaviour to account as a community. And the details behind my message here are a way for users to see a standard with which to measure and hold these actors to account. The problem is that said actors probably also have not understood this message and so I hope that the things I have said over the last couple days help in some small way to change the culture for the better on steem

Oh, I never felt uncomfortable for what you said! But thank you for this anyway. In my opinion you could never say anything wrong mr. @starkerz 😊. You ROCK!!!

hey @starkerz, you didn't make me feel uncomfortable, but thank you for mentioning me here =). I was just trying to cheer up @abh12345 because I think he does a lot for this platform. Thanks for sharing your video, I'm watching it now!

No worries!! :) Thanks for watching! :)

Don't underestimate the importance of getting your hands on some STEEM through 'honest' blogging and powering it up, thus getting STEEM off of the market - and getting other people to do the same too - 'leading by example'.

I'm struggling with this too, I especially struggle because I'm a real content maker (meaning I've been a blogger for 15 years... before I heard about Steem) but I don't feel my real content has an audience on Steem so I'm sometimes not sure what I'm doing here. But as long as I make honest content, make honest connections, re-evaluate my actions (witness votes, upvotes to people powering up vs people cashing out, upvoting development posts so the developer gets some reward for his/her input) I feel I do have a place here - I am responsible for 6600 STEEM not being for sale, for 30 Witness votes I can vouch for, for answering hundreds of questions from Plankton/Minnows who otherwise might still be lost in the Steemiverse, for investing or supporting a few projects, for being a sparring partner to some who are 'thinking big', etc etc.

This all goes for you too - declining payout is not the way to go here, we need you to grow your influence so you can support others so they can do all the stuff that's supposed to be 'really adding value'.

By the way, I'm Dutch, I want to see if these pancakes really deserve that 'label', if they're too thin or thick I will veto you eating those.

Damn you too fine Steemian for making sense!

That's a great list of goodness, I shall refer to this to cheer myself up in future. Thank you, a rose 🌷, or should it be a tulip for you 😊

Those pancakes looked terrible, I think even these will rank higher...


Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!

Would you like to order pancakes?

Please upvote this comment with your order:

$0.01+random delicious pancake
$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Yes, now go print my comment and frame it and never again post this kind of 'am I adding value' bull before reading it three times at least :P

Thanks for the rose and digital pancakes, good you didn't eat those nasty fake ones!

Yes boss!

Wait... no printer, errr.. I'll memorise it:

Rosa says my content is bull... something like that 😛

I have my daughter for the day tomorrow, let's see if she wants any FUD(ge) or pancakes 😁

I have now bookmarked my comment so I can simply plug it every time I see unwanted behaviour from you :P

Please let her eat FUD(ge), I don't want her to have bad pancakes :-( Breaks my heart.

Haha, thank you!

I think she'll go for cheesecake.

@abh12345, your pancakes are ready!


Seriously? lol!

I'm impressed after reading your comment. You are really doing a great job for the enhancement of steem blockchain!

Now you're making me feel like a scumbag @soyrosa... :( (joke) I've powered down once (yeah, only once) but have been taking liquid Steem/SBD away from my account. But only because I needed it (in other words: if I didn't I'd be in deep(er) shit). However, I do feel I write (some?) content that matters, engage & comment as much as I can, cast my witness votes with thought (not completely clueless) besides doing whatever I can to keep (myself) things together. I've brought a few people to the Steem blockchain, although some are not very active, but haven't counted them lately. But then again: it's not a competition, is it?

All I know is that I work my ass off at the moment. My time in the day consists of 35% family, 60% Steem & consorts, 5% 'other' crypto trading... It's all I can do at the moment.
But I am not giving up on this platform, or Steem in general, or the people here...The ones who are left are the die hards. We're responsible yeah, and we'll still be here when 'the others' come back when things are looking up again. There, happy face again:) (suits me better)Somehow my emojis are not loading...weird. I think Ned is stealing them lol.

LOL! You're far from a scumbag dear @misslasvegas - you're working your ass off here, I know. Hehe. Yes. We're here, working hard, making it a nice place for when 'the others' return or start their journey here :-)

I know you didn't aim that at me, no worries. 😘 Hehehe, 'the others'...they might always be referred to as 'the others' LOL. As in: where were 'the others' when we were all ploughing on? Hahahahaha.

It all depends on what you will or plan on doing with your stake in the future. If you're not earning it like with this post, bad actors may be getting more. I've been asking myself these questions for some time now and unfortunately we're not at the point yet where the majority of the rewards are going to people that deserve it. Instead they're being sold on the market for another coin or even worse, fiat.

Now let me vote a post of yours that doesn't have rewards declined to make up for this one. :P

Now let me vote a post of yours that doesn't have rewards declined to make up for this one. :P

I know right.. I think I have voted on all the open ones so, I am going too have to hit one of his comments. :D


You guys are ruining my bad mood!

I'm one upping you and giving him beneficiaries through steempeak on my next post!

Asher being grumpy in the end always leads to more fun on the blockchain :')


I hate you for being the voice of reason in the first comment!

What if all the 'good Steemians' decline and go flag the worst? What's the SP of the two sides you think?

2m good / 40m evil? Balls

Well, I can tell you from my personal experience, since I did it all: declining rewards, delegating to other red fish to grow, not upvoting my own posts and donating the liquid rewards to other users (and now leaving an established blog with some autovotes). It doesn’t actually help grow the platform. At least not with our SP.

When it comes to bringing new users to Steem. Well, sometimes what you can do is discover someone who is prominent outside of Steem, who has just started it and help them out in the beginning to understand how things work.

Even so, Steem might become a birthplace of best selling creators some day. It’s just doesn’t happen in a year or two.

Sometimes the best thing you can do, is stay around and interact and contribute by interacting :)

Words from the wise 😊

You tried everything huh. I was thinking less about growth and more about slowing down token collapse, but I guess it's just semantics in the end.

Steem might become a birthplace of best selling creators some day.

Well that would be fantastic, music to 'Nonames' ears I think.

I'll be here contributing and interacting, and figuring out my next failed plan 😁

Edit: I forgot your rose

Not sure actually, we might be able to overrun them considering most don't bother creating "content" anymore and votetrading but instead have settled for selling votes. Not sure why the rest aren't doing that too, those votetrading with a purchased delegation and barely having any skin in the game I can understand, though.

New slack channel #overrun required?

Could even present a case to the biggest silent actor on the very very small chance of a response.

I think there's more 'content' than we think, the accounts sending out secure memos to exchanges look suspicious for one.

Good points about user rentention. That helps, and your engagement is up there. I think we need a lot of people contributing in various ways. I am among those who have bought STEEM and powered up, but I haven’t brought in any new users... as of yet. Well, maybe one but he never posted. I’ve been hoping the on boarding process would get easier. I do hope I’ve contributed to user retention, though, and that sharing my content on other social media sites at least plants seeds for future adopters, as well as adding to the overall quality of content available on the blockchain.

You've definitely helped with raising the quality of content and person!

And if we had 10000 you's this post would not exist. You get a rose too 🌷😊

word of mouth is good, actually it is great, but steem/steemit never had a real welcome page, yes there is a "FAQ" page, but something really cool that visually says "STEEM is X and we are glad you're here", it's always been hard to navigate.... I guess that's why it's perpetual beta. (-:


Nice try but...

my bad, but see I didn't remember that was even there (or if I ever checked it out). that should be linked to the top of steemit.com and all the portals/platforms preferably.

it says there STEEM is most transacted blockchain in the world, I thought that wasn't true anymore

I personally would prefer people like you to keep increasing their SP. I somewhat find it insulting my upvote being declined/rejected.

I think you may find this presentation interesting.

THIS is great!! A very useful video!!

Thank you. I am glad you saw it. Rod Beckstrom is no longer a ceo of ICANN. He has his own company beckstrom.com that focuses on advising ceos and organizations.

I've felt like that before when I see autos on declined rewards. More for others though, although not who you may prefer to have them. Appreciate your input (and vote).

I'll watch the video when I get back to the laptop in Spain.

Yea I was joking. Ask not what value you bring to the network, ask what value network gives you. :)

I have a half-written article that says something similar. Ever since @starkerz said what he said it placed doubt just like it did with you. You beat me to it with your post.

I know wht you mean man.

By @starkerz criteria I've added nothing of value to steem since I joined.

Then again I'm not convinced pure content has 0 value.

But the man does have a point.

NB - he thinks BIG!

Posted using Partiko Android

I will upload a video shortly that clarifies further! There is no way that guys like u have not added value to the block chain! I’ll put the link on and time stamp it if u want to save time. I hope that @abh1234 and @revisesociology know that, in my view people like u add massively value to the chain!!

Thanks for that!

How to calculate the real value of philosophical knowledge or creative output... there's a can of worms for you for sure!

It's basically at the heart of both politics and economics.

I guess we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves at steem's failings given the enormity of the task at hand.

Posted using Partiko Android

Maximising the tangible amounts clients are paying for it is a start, even though there is a lot of value created that is incredibly difficult to measure. The thing I want to achieve is for people to ask the question when they see the large stake holders on the platform selling large amounts of steem without following this theory of locking in economic value, or behaving in a way that supports value negative actions

Right. I want to think big too, and help get us out of this quicksand.

Been told I'm the comments though that this is not the way to go. Back to the drawing board then!

Very interesting idea!
I would take part if we get something organized. :)


I'd love to see what would happen if everyone declined rewards for a month and those that didn't were 'unrewarded'.

I'll be in touch if there is ever any momentum gathering!

Same! :D

And thanks for the Steeve Tip at the end of your post.. :D didn't know it before..
Do you have other tips?

Steeve is made by good people, certainly worth a look around there.

Steempeak is rather funky too, and that yellow snow is to be avoided 😬

You are way overthinking this. Just being part of the STEEM community is enough. You don't have to be a coder or bringing in institutional money. Be here. Interact. Even just lurk and upvote. That's enough. (Those other things are great if you have the skills and interest to pursue them though).

If you want economics talk:

Value is derived from the subjective utility of a good or service. By creating marginal interactions as part of the community, you increase the utility for all members of the community thus increasing the marginal value on the part of all users who interact with STEEM.

Said another way, what gives the social network value is the use of the social network by lots of people.

Fair enough, the economics talk makes sense.

Interact and upvote, that's me. Easy enough, whilst we wait for some magic.

For the longest time, all I did was focus on timeless content, meant to fit in with the entertainment category. I had a system set up where I'd share my links from here onto other networks, and when we had a view counter, I was seeing results. Thousands of outside eyes were viewing my work, and being exposed to this platform and the blockchain at the same time. I powered up everything, except for a tiny bit that I turned into far more, then got lucky last winter.

I still do all this. I hope this talk about content producers now being a drain isn't just another nail in the coffin for people like me. My feed is already dying. People are already refusing to vote and prefer to sell votes and support advertisements on the trending page instead; posts that barely appeal to this crowd, never mind outside eyes. Just imagine what Youtube would be if only a small handful of advertisements earned the most. Millions would leave, from content producers to consumers; gone. That's a multi billion dollar industry. More and more it seems like people here don't want any part of those billions. Content producers are useless.... until you embrace them and the eyes they attract. Ugh, I'm not feeling well today and I guess I'm just rambling about nothing.

Clearly your methods described above have been valient and had success in the past. We are in a shitty place right now though and the drain can only be content as there is no other way to 'spend' the inflation.

I've been told this is not the way to go though, not due to my content being attractive for the most part, just cause I don't fall in the bad actor camp. Fair enough, I've argued voting for people as much as 'good' content in the past.

...And you thought you were rambling. 🌷

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