Fresh carrot juice fruitsandveggiesmonday FR/EN
Hello, today I'm participating to the mondayfruitsandveggies challenge of @lenasveganliving here are the rules if you want to join:)
I have recently taken out my partner juicer who was in the cupboard for years. I think it is a pain to clean up so I never used it and it is the very first thing he bought himself with his first salary so he refuses me to give it or sell it...So I decided to use it because I'm trying really hard to keep up with eating 5 fruits and veggies per day. What a better way than in a lovely homemade fresh juice?
J'ai récemment ressorti ma centrifugeuse électrique qui était dans l'armoire pendant des années. Je trouve que c'est l'horreur pour nettoyer ainsi, je ne l'ai jamais utilisé et comme c'est la toute première chose que mon compagnon a achetée lui-même avec son premier salaire, il refuse pour le donner ou le vendre... Donc j'ai décidé de l'utiliser parce que j'essaye vraiment durement de me maintenir les 5 fruits et légumes par jour. Quelle meilleure façon que dans un charmant jus frais fait maison ?
- 2 apples
- 3 medium sizes carrots
- a quarter of a lemon juice
- 1-inch fresh ginger
I simply put everything in the juicer I had a bit of water once it is all ready and drink it fresh.
It is so fresh and delicious perfect for a good start of the day. I also pull apart the juicer straight away and soak it in water because if I skip this step it is sooooo annoying to clean!!Lool.
- 2 pommes
- 3 carottes de tailles moyennes
- Un quart de jus de citron
- Gingembre frais de 1 pouce
J'ai simplement mis tout dans la centrifugeuse électrique. Une fois terminer, je rajoute un peu d'eau pour allonger le jus.
C'est si frais et délicieux parfait pour un bon début de journée. Je démonte la centrifugeuse électrique immédiatement et la trempe dans l'eau parce que si je saute cette étape, c'est super ennuyant pour la nettoyer!! Lool.

Gorgeous! I wish I had a juicer for this very reason. It’s going to be extremely easy for you to get your veggie and fruit servings this way. Can’t wait to see what else you come up with… the juicing flavor combos are literally endless :)
Hello yes that is true the combo is endless im trying to use what's in season with the summer coming it will be lovely:)
For sure… seasonal is best :)
That juice is perfect at this time of the year, full of vitamins and minerals! Even if you don't use the juicer all the time, it can be your favorite kitchen equipment during flu season! 😊 Since I'm a huge fan of carrot, I'd love to make my own carrot juice, but unfortunately I don't have a juicer... I'll just have to look at your lovely orange juice and try to imagine how great it would taste, haha!
Hello my juicer is now one of the kitchen equipment that i use the most im so glad i took it out and gave it a second life:) juices are great for the build up the immune system and i like the little energy boost that it brings as well:)
Doesn't it feel great when you discover something you've had for ages another time? Whether it was a kitchen tool or a nice sweater, it's always wonderful! :)
Yes it definitely feels great:)
It's time for me to take out the juicer from the closet! This is perfect for this time of year when the weather is so changeable and it's easy to catch a cold :)
Yes that is so true and maintaining a good amount of fruits and veggies in your diet can help build a immunity and gives an energy boost:)
Looks so vibrant and refreshing! The clean up is one of the reasons why I haven't invested in a juicer yet, either. :) I can understand being nostalgic about keeping it, though. I have a beautiful stand mixer that I never use, but it was one of the first big appliances I invested in so I can't let it go! I just need to find more recipes to utilize it better perhaps.
Hello yes the first time i used the juicer i enjoyed my juice and chilles and try to wash it around an hour later it was an absolute nightmare lol because it cut so fine everything dry up inside the juicer it took me forever to clean it up but if you soak it up strait away it is easy and quick i glad i kept it now im using it everyday:) im sure you can find something to do with your mixer:D
Awesome photography
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you:)
These are my fav recipe for juice and smootie. Helthy recipe for the eyes
Hello haaa i didn't know it is good for the eyes:)
Such a beautiful orange elixir! I absolutely love it 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

Thank you:)
Ça me donne trop envie... mais bon, la centrifugeuse, ça sera pour une autre fois!!! ;)
Haa oui j'avoue que comme elle etait au placard je suis contente de l'avoir sortie et rendue vie mais je ne pense pas que j'aurai investie pour cette machine;)