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RE: Fruits and Veggies Monday - Tamarillo & Guava Upside Down Carrot & Apple Muffins

Alright, @lizzelle, good one! After reading through your comments—seems like everyone already said everything, you’re a rock star, they held you on a pedestal and all of that so I don’t have to say ish! “What they said.” 😉

But the monkey talk is something I can relate to, here in Costa Rica, it’s the Howler’s you see on occasion and hear every sunrise.

I’ve recently educated myself about the taxi cab crisis imposed by the high fees on vans by Toyota after they promised to lower their prices once South Africa agreed to allow Toyota to manufacture their vans in Johannesburg. And the racism, too, and clash between skin colors in South Africa—shameful! Great entry, @lizelle, it’s a pleasure to be on the same blog with you.

Did you know my response was going to be this long? I didn’t—see, I wasn’t aware of that! Sure, I typically have long responses but I didn’t plan on talking about Toyota’s taxi cab capitalization during a food competition. I mean, look at me know, I’m still going......


Gosh and I honestly started thinking I was reading a post written by @dandays but remembered it was actually a reply to my fruits and veggies post ;)
I did not even know about the Toyota story, will have to read up about that!
As for the racism, sadly the international press blows that out of proportion giving us bad press by focusing on the odd racist incident, something that actually happens all over the world by the way, but because of that ugly Apartheid, the world blindly accepts or believes that those kind of things happen here all the time, NOT TRUE! Yep, I'm very passionate about this as we all live and work and play side by side in perfect harmony, all the colours of the rainbow, and we enjoy our differences!
What is very worrying though, is Xenophobia which is taking place; Zimbabweans and other African folk who've come here as refugees, fleeing the violence in their own countries to the land of milk and honey, are now being persecuted by local black South Africans, note again that not all black South Africans feel this way, it's more the uneducated and unemployed people. Has anything been written about that I wonder?
So why did I end up replying so long? Because I'm proudly South African and love my country and its people, so get really upset to read about the perception of people elsewhere that South Africa is a country divided by race!
But thank you for stopping by.

Rightfully so, stand your ground, @lizelle—you go girl! Didn’t mean to get under your skin—promise. I must admit, however, the ugly Apartheid you referred to is another one. Sorry for another long response but I think you and I are talking about two different South Africa’s. 🤔

I’m going on what my friend Ed Privat and I talk about regularly. His wife is from SA and he’s been there for 7 years now I believe. He’s white, his wife is black and now that they are starting a family, things like store owners disrespect their kids and even school teachers call them slow and stupid.

He’s hosting a gofundme page as I type and offering wallet addresses asking for any and all help possible to get him and his family out of SA, by God’s grace, before August when their daughter is born. Here, I’ll let him explain.

I’m guessing you’ve never used public transportation? Just a guess, good for you if you haven’t—you’re blessed! Because there’s articles like this all over the place. I rabbit holed some YouTube clips not too long ago, too, explaining how the SA government is working hand-hand with Toyota to drive out the use of personal vehicles.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @dandays, just read @edprivat's post, he has a gorgeous family and I'm sad to hear what they're experiencing! I can understand his fear as a non South African as we grew up with hearing about the violence that goes on in places, have we become desensitized? Perhaps, until it affects us directly which it did a couple of years ago when my dear uncle was murdered in Johannesburg by homophobic foreigners who are still free! Yes they were not South Africans.
We run a bnb and have many couples of mixed races coming here with their family and one lady's comments in our guest book was that we restored her faith in humanity, I only read that after they were gone and wonder if they're experiencing the same treatment as @edprivat and his family? Racism is still bad in many of the small towns, but that's not restricted to South Africa only, it sadly still is a worldwide problem!
I have used public transport by the way, we do have buses and trains, but will never use minibus taxis as they drive like lunatics! As for them and the taxi owners who make these demands, we're used to hearing all of those ridiculous demands that's instigated by forces who want to de-stabilize our country, greedy people like the Guptas. The normal man in the street is tired of unemployment, striking etc etc. Nelson Mandela would be so ashamed of the current government and the scale of corruption within that government!
So dear @dandays, I'll stick to baking and cooking and trying to improve the quality of life for the people I come into contact with and continue to pray that those people who still live in the apartheid mindset of racism catch a wake-up sooner rather than later. I'm just thankful I don't meet too many of those types in my little world!

Posted using Partiko Android

Amen, @lizelle. Well said.

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