Fruits and Veggies Monday Week #57 | Yummy Carrot Cake Balls! | Use that Juice Pulp

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Juice pulp! What is it? What can do I do with it?

Good day my Fruits and Veggies friends! Its week 57 of @lenasveganliving Fruits and Veggies Monday Contest!

Last week I had the honor of being the guest judge for Fruits and Veggies Monday. I have to say it was quite stressful! Carefully reading all of the wonderful entries made me realize we all work so hard each week to share the best we have with our Fruits and Veggie community. We are blessed to have a very creative, educated and talented group thanks to our leader @lenasveganliving. Good luck to @proanima as guest judge this week, I know she'll do an amazing job!

Many of you know I love juicing! In fact I juice just about every morning. As you know juicing fruits and veggies removes the juice from the fruits and veggies and leaves a beautiful pulp. I posted a wonderful Goji Dose of Liquid Sunshine juice last week and promised I would share a delicious treat using the pulp!

Well, today’s the day! I began with these veggies! Apples, Strawberries, Beetroot, Cucumber, Lemon, Carrots, Spinach and Goji Berries!

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The result after juicing…this beautiful veggie and fruit pulp! Lots of carrots!

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Yummy Carrot Cake Balls

You’ll need!

  • 2 cups fresh Juice Pulp
  • 1 ½ cups unsweetened Organic Shredded Coconut
  • 1 cup Coconut Flour
  • 1 cup Dates (pitted)
  • 3/4 cup Organic Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 cup Walnuts
  • 1/2 cup Raisins

Note: no need to buy Coconut flour! Just blend shredded Coconut in your blender until it is powdery!

  • I started by placing the coconut, juice pulp and coconut flour in a bowl. Mix this well.
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  • Divide this mixture in half, place half in your food processor along with the dates. Pulse until the dates are nicely combined with the coconut mixture.
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  • Mix the date/coconut mixture with the remaining coconut/pulp.
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  • Pulse the walnuts in your food processor and add to your mixture along with the raisins. I dehydrate my own raisins, they are huge so I needed to chop them a bit!
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Now, roll the carrot cake balls and roll in additional coconut or ground walnuts- your choice! The beetroot pulp gave these cake balls a lovely color don't you think? Place the cake balls on a cookie sheet and refrigerate if you’re serving them soon! I like to freeze them so they last longer! Lol

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Enjoy! A really healthy, no bake treat! So quick to make!

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I rolled half in coconut, half in ground walnuts!

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This is the best part, you can make these with any fruit and veggie combination you like! Your family will love these and those who don’t like veggies, I promise they will never know it!

No need to ever throw away the juice pulp my friends!

You can use the pulp to make crackers, in soups (winter will soon be here)! Throw a handful in your favorite quick bread recipe. The ideas are endless! Thanks for stopping in for another great week of Fruits and Veggies Monday!

And as always, blessings to you all!




you made me want to eat pulp and coconuts......... the pulp is a maybe but the coconut.I so wish I liked the flavor but I don't.

this post and the time you put into it is amazing!! Your photos are beautiful and the recipe is very well defined.

Bravo!! and a wonderful post that left me hungry for pulp :D

Wow, this is so kind of you. Perhaps I'll share other options without coconut! We shall see. I just love using the pulp, and raw is so nice because it preserves the nutritional value. This is the nicest comment, thank you @snook! :)

Great looking food, wish I had the time to make some. My daughter might though, shes doing brownies right now.

Well, if your daughter loves to bake...she'll love these, they are even quicker! No bake!!! Thanks for your kind to have a brownie right about now :)

So this is what you did with the pulp, wow! I am speechless! What a fabulous idea my Dear, you are truly a magician. I would love to munch on one or two right now, I bet they are yummylicious 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
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You like? Fantastic! They are really tasty....I'm trying to save them for my daughters visit...not sure they'll make it! lol Thanks for your kind support dear Lena :)

Nice to see what one can make with that pulp, thank you my friend, they look absolutely delicious and so healthy! Really a great guilt-free treat.

I like the guilt free part! lol You are exactly right. One is just right, a nice way to finish the meal. Thank you @lizelle, you always have a kind word, much appreciated :)

Wow talk about healthy and delicious!!! This looks really yummy and your photos are beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing this delicious looking recipe with us!

Thank you @crosheille, such kind words. I truly appreciate it. Its kind of like upcycling! lol Fruits and Veggies are so expensive, and the pulp is still nutritious, so why not make a sweet treat right?

Yes it is like upcycling!! 😃😄 Nice!

Brilliant!! What a fantastic way to use up the pulp! I don't know if I'll be investing in a juicer any time soon, but I will definitely keep these in mind if I do. :)

Thanks so much Katie!! I really had fun making these and I have to tell you, I'm trying to keep them for my kids when they visit....may need to make another batch! Unfortunately I have to share my juicer broke mid juice today....a sad day indeed!

heheh!! Xoxoxo

Oh no! Isn't that always a bummer to lose a trusted kitchen appliance? I hope you are able to replace it!

Another fascinating recipe good luck

Thanks @tatoodjay, they are quite tasty...I'm trying to save them for my daughters visit..not sure they'll make it :)

I would imagine that would be a challenge they just look so good

ah! the finished product is so beautiful! these sure look tasty. i hope your juicer is fixed pronto!!!! XO

They're quite tasty...hopefully they'll still be available when you get here lol Thank you so much oxox

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whoaa.. this is really cool, I usually use the carrot and celery pulps mixed it with milk tofu or silk tofu add a bit slat, pepper and garlic then steam it, because none of us are vegan at home, sometimes I fry the steamed pulps with egg with VCO for a minute or two. Nothing gone to waste, right? thank you @birdsinparadise for such great idea of using the fruits and veggies pulps.

Great ideas @cicisaja! I'll have to try your suggestions! I am always looking for tasty ways to utilize the pulp...I too hate the waste :) Thank you!

You are most welcome @birdsinparadise, other way to save the pulps is make the riceball or something call biterbollen .. uughh I forgot the right words for that one 😂 already try carrot steam cake before but the eggs smell stronger than the carrot😊

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