[FREINDSDAY] @cryptofreedom

in #friends7 years ago (edited)

Hello my friends! It is your day, so let me do something for you.

Follower of the day

I’m not following people blindly, your posts will appear in my home feed and I want it sound and healthy. So I can say about each and every one I following. And my friend of the day is:


Please Consider Voting For Peerplay Witness "cryptofreedom-witness". Blockchain will take the world to new heights, and I intend to be along for the ride!

The Steem witness and crypto-enthusiast. How can I miss such a blog?

Curators of the week

However, I myself have followers and I really appreciate you guys and gals! So according to the tradition want to note three most productive of you especially. In order to determine whos upvotes bring me most steem this week I’ll use a wonderful service steemvp.

And, my tree VIP-followers (excluding bots & myself) this week is:

@domino, @jerrybanfield and @alexis555

Thank you a lot! I’ll upvote your last posts to to express my gratitude.

I want to know YOU

Do you following me or want me to follow you? Tell me why in a comments please!

Thanks for a FISH!


That's a great way to show your appreciation and gratitude by mentioning them explicitly on your post.

This is my 2nd time on your post, I couldn't be frequent but I have bookmarked you before because yeah I was following a lot of people possibly not blindly but by seeing their thoughtful comments but then my feed used to be cluttered and all, just yesterday I took the time to make it right and follow only the people I know well and have a good relation with on steemit.

I want to know YOU
Do you following me or want me to follow you? Tell me why in a comments please!

That's a question not everyone is asking on steemit haha.
Yeah the first time I saw your post I had a reason to follow you because your post was straight to the point, short, useful and fun.

As for the question why you should follow me well I never ask anyone to follow me because I believe it's up to them if they like my contents I post on here and if they want to continue checking out my post in the future they can surely follow, so I'm asking you do you like my content? I will post below two of my most recent posts I've posted on steemit. @master-set brother check out for yourself. 😂





Thanks for a great answer @asteemian
Most of those 400+ followers just silent or give me one liners (

Sorry for a late reply my buddy, I was sick!

Thanks for a great answer @asteemian

You are very welcome, and thanks for your wonderful reply brother.

Most of those 400+ followers just silent or give me one liners (

Yes buddy that sucks after now as I can see them on my posts coming!
I'm a new Steemian and I love the community because of people like you who values the positive and thoughtful interaction.

Also there's another part, you know I've left a lot of big vast thoughtful comments giving some value in the discussion, but it has always disappointed me so much when they didn't read or at least to what I wrote. Doesn't feel like appreciated you know.

It's so fun to read through your posts buddy. Keep them coming Love them.

I miss blog


thank you so much bro

well sir i m new to steemit...and i have been working so hard collecting data from everywhere for my posts to share as much as i can with with everyone... and i think i deserve some followers who really has interest and can understand what i m trying to say...i m still a student so i cant really invest much money into the currency right now so i had to start frm zero building my steempower frm zero i would really appreciate if my works helps someone in investing and with any other stuff that i am posting...thank u :)

IMHO deserving something don't get you anywhere. There is no Greater Power to give everyone what they deserve. But you can earn what you want by hard work, smart brain and a calm dignity (and a little bit of luck maybe).
Good luck, @mvrr007.

Thank u sir please check my blog ones if u r free and give me a feedback what i can improve....

Thanx for supporting the new users.

вы очень внимательны к подписчикам, надо мне брать пример)

Можно на "ты", к чёрту формальности в интернете!

Что касается этих постов. Я просто долго думал, чем можно занять 7 дней в неделю на постоянной базе так чтобы это не было уж совсем жалко. Ну не котиков же каждый день постить. Это всё дешевый контент конечно и нужен он только для сбора лишних апов. Но может быть где-то когда-то и кому-то он пользу принесёт. И уж тем более грех не продвинуть тех кто тебе нравится и не поблагодарить тех кто тебя поддерживает )

cогласна про котиков))
и про поддержку идея хорошая, ну с моей СГ это пока неактуально, а с твоей - в самый раз)
кстати, можно вопрос? инвестиции в стим были, или это само так наросло?)

Да я тож всего то дельфинчик )
Ничего - дело наживное. Главное огонь в глазах!

на голосе я дельфином в первый месяц стала, а толку 0)
здесь дельфин - это уже достижение)
а вы steemfollower не используете? у кого приличная СГ, те неплохо там имеют, у кого маленькая тоже имеют, но в основном просто апы и большую заметность.
один товарищ тут знакомый только на нем и выезжает)

Нет. Я очень ленивый )
А что касается дельфинистости - если Голосу в 10 раз подрасти, убрать квадратичность и заменить 40 апов в день на 10 там тоже будет норм ))
Но с квадратичностью этой там сейчас адов разгул бустеров и выбить их очень сложно, надо заморачиваться.

давно там не была даже, после кураторства в программе поддержки Септа ушла восвояси)
ему бы вот это, вот то и еще вот этого вот и будет хорошо)) с бустерами - да, слышала там ад какой-то. Боролись-боролись за уникальный контент и приплыли...

you are great


It is indeed a good initiative buddy !
wanna know new fiends as it allows to know many different ideas !

Yes you are right brother

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