How to Build and Keep Flourishing Relationships Going!! Connect with others in Person makes us our most happiest!! Read about my story...

in #friends7 years ago (edited)

The new generation of kids I see and have read about are having a tough time getting outside and connecting with new people in the world. Not only is this happening to the younger generations, it has happened to me and could be happening to you.

Over the past 6 years I've been a day trader in the stock market. Loads of fun and excitement that I thought I would never get tired of. What happened was I started to distance myself with anybody as time went on. I was building a pattern of isolation because I was working alone for half the day and then when I had a bad day, I would not want to approach or talk really with anyone.

This was destroying my life! I thought others were making me unhappy but it was myself limiting life, not doing other things to change it up but most importantly not connecting with others in person, I've found this makes you the most happiest.

Talking with others about different topics other than your problems will brighten your mood, take stress of yourself, and you'll be so happy to connect with somebody. When you are in isolation and going through tough times, you will beat yourself up to exhaustion! You have no other perspective when you are just thinking in your own thoughts. When you talk with others, they will give you such a different point of view, it will lighten your issue in seconds.

We often get "stuck" when we are all alone as we only have one perspective to view. Connecting with others will give you new ideas, new opportunities, new perspective, and a whole new world.

It may be intimidating at first to go up to people or put in the effort to make it happen but it is so worth it and gets so easy as you practice.

Socializing is just a skill you learn! This is not something that is in you... you learn it with practice.

When you do not talk to anyone, you do not feel important, which is something we all want, we want to be contributing in life.

Tips on building relationships

1 - People want to feel important! Do not criticize, condemn, or complain.
John Dewey, 1 of America's most profound philosophers said, the deepest urge in human nature is "the desire to feel important".

2 - Give honest and sincere appreciation.
When you are sincere people really feel it, believe, and our grateful. When you just flatter someone (just say something to be nice) it does the opposite effect! People see right through this and feel as if you are lying to them. Say something truthful from the heart, make it honest, and that person will feel greatly important and create a bond between you both.

3 - Talk about what they want to discuss.
This will give importance to there biggest priorities and you are there to assist, which builds connection as you are involved with something close to them. Also, this is so beneficial to learn about new subjects all the time. If you talk about yourself always, you are never learning anything new!

Now go out there and start some new relationships! You'll be happy you did.


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