
Hey there everyone, I'm Martin aka uber-dragon featured in this post! I'm excited to meet you all and would like to give you the opportunity to ask me questions either replying here or in my post.

As a form of appreciation of being featured and as a little bonus I'll tell you a little something here I didn't mention in my own post. My nickname 'uber-dragon' was created after I had used the name 'dark-dragon' for a long time. I've always thought dragons were pretty cool creatures and 'dark' just seemed to sound nice with it and fit thematically. Later on I've switched to 'uber-dragon' because my former name is really popular name and is already taken in a lot of places by the time I discover them. In the end that might be a good thing though, because 'uber' kinda fits my love for both the English and German language and adds a more personal note to it.

Alrighty, hoping to hear from you!

Thanks so much for including me in the Fresh Five! I've found some new, interesting people to follow here. I think your idea of creating a focused account and encouraging engagement is a great one! I'd be happy to be involved. My best to you! :)

aww, very happy that you decided to put me on this list :)
hello followers of mikepm74 and hello to everyone else reading this!
It's great that this community is willing to help out newbies (thinking of this, where does that "plancton" and "whale" and other fish-like comparisons came from? I'm reading this words here very often..) :)
I'm a bit overwhelmed of all the possibilitys here and don't really know where to continue, after making the first step with the introduction post, but I think time and lots of readings and talkings will help :)
I will make a discord-account and join that channel, so I'm looking forward to see some of you there too :) thank you

for those who haven't already checked out my introduction: my main-addictions are psychology and many things that have to do with technologies (for example that chip on my bathroom-door that tells me if there's someone else on the toilet, while I'm still in my room - check my introduction if you want further details)

let's greet some newcomers!

Also the idea of an independent account for fresh5 is a good idea! if you and @aussieninja need any help let me know!

Thanks heaps @filotasriza! That's super nice of you! Thanks for the offer.

you are welcome! i got really addicted in fresh5 :p

It's so great! I love it and I think it's super important for the platform as a whole... it took me a little bit before someone noticed me (and it was Mike of course) and then my life on Steem was amazing! I can't wait until this new process is up and running!

i am here about 10-11 months with a 5 month period of absence. i came one month ago back and the main difference i noticed is that so many new people came in. Back then i used every day to at least welcome 2 newcomers but when i came back and tried to do that i got annoyed...

Most of the posts with the intro tag were anything else but intro :P Many people may came but most of them were abusing the whole system and then i randomly found when i suggested to a friend of mine to enter steemit the message he got from mike and fresh5. Instantly i got excited and when i have free time i try to greet most of the people in the fresh5 posts!

That's great! And now new people won't go through the same frustrations that you did because you're here to help! It's so good... I'm really excited about the future of this platform. It sounds so different to how it was even a couple of months ago.

it was different from every aspect, fewer people, price of 0,07$ few initiatives while now everything has increased and i am glad that everything is getting better, the majority of people are really good ones, i kinda had and have my doubts as i don't want to be like facebook and instagram and bring these people over but only time will tell :P

anyway we can talk for hours anything you need let me know either by steemitchat (same name) or by discord ( i just joined the fresh5 channel) and have a good day!

Mike. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I like your idea for the new path forward. It people like yourself that give me faith in this platform.

Cool idea, guys. I definitely think the idea of spreading the load is the way to go, especially given how many newbies are around here (myself included) -- which doesn't seem to be slowing down much. I think you'll eventually have to enlist more helpers to continue engaging discussions -- but that's a good problem to have. I'm always looking for people willing to ramble at, so I shall continue to keep an eye out for the fresh 5 posts. Big ups.

Yeah! Super pumped for this everyone! I can't wait to meet all the new fresh faces... I've been around for 5 or 6 (or 7 or 8) weeks now and absolutely love this platform, so if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up. There is a lot to learn and I'm happy to share.

Hello to all the new people around here.. I'll come and say hello to you personally.

Hey! Thanks for featuring me here! Stuff like that is really great, especially when you're new here, steemit and the kind of awry search function make it hard to find interesting people to fill your feed with the things you like and enjoy. Let's hope I can give something back to this community. :D


I am happy I am witnessing this grow up into it's old little slice of Steemiverse!

Thanks for the feature! Super excited to be here and sharing my photos with the community. Lots of plans in the future for more photo posts from the past and in future! Shoot me a follow and im sure you wont be disappointed :)

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